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Biggerbigben - Golf sold.. another new project!

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lol whats next then fella or just enjoying it!


i put my vr6 bonnet on yesterday! and can fit all my bits soon but my throttle body is getting ported more! hopefully she'll be done for southern meet at end of month! shame couldnt make e38 would of loved to see your beast!


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lol whats next then fella or just enjoying it!


i put my vr6 bonnet on yesterday! and can fit all my bits soon but my throttle body is getting ported more! hopefully she'll be done for southern meet at end of month! shame couldnt make e38 would of loved to see your beast!



Well there is alot to be done before I do a dash swap again - if I keep the car I will prob have a change sometime though - Will have to really think hard for something a radical as the TVR dash idea! But Haldex must come first!!


I have a few things up my sleeve but this time around I'm going to keep quiet and make it a suprise for nexts year !! Let phase 2 begin! Obviously this time round I'm going to try and keep the car on the road as much as possible!


Its a shame you couldn't make it mate, all that work and it would have been nice to make it to E38 - oh well, there's always next year!

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oh thats right you are using a GTI box arent you? yeah Im using a stock G60 ECU with a 250 kpa chip. I have a 250 kpa sensor but the 250 kpa chip doesnt go above 21 psi, no one that I know of makes a 300 kpa map sensor for a g60 ecu.


well at least you have a new coat of paint on that beast

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oh thats right you are using a GTI box arent you? yeah Im using a stock G60 ECU with a 250 kpa chip. I have a 250 kpa sensor but the 250 kpa chip doesnt go above 21 psi, no one that I know of makes a 300 kpa map sensor for a g60 ecu.


well at least you have a new coat of paint on that beast


Standard rallye box at the moment.. soon to be a nice 6spd S3 box with the haldex swap.


No idea about G60 tuning... I'm sure someone on here could help.


New paint! lol... its 3 years old and scratched and chipped to death.. needs a respray!

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Ok here goes..


I'm going to write some blurb on this sometime this evening but basically I'm selling the corrado.


I don't want to and I'm quite upset about having to let it go but I need to raise the money for a house deposit and pay off some debts. As I said before I'll get all the facts and figures together later on but it has to be this way.


The idea has been rolling around in my head for sometime now but I just wanted to get it on the road and enjoy it for a while. I've done 1000 miles in it with no problems and have enjoyed it hugely. I wish I could afford to keep it but I can't.


I will still stay in the VW scene and I will be back again in years to come with another project or two. Its a shame. I have enjoyed every minute of making this car what it is today.. Yes there has been some stressfull times but then again there have been many rewarding times also - highlight - seeing John Munyard crap his paints and giggle like a nervous school girl last weekend while taking him for a spin at the ED38 show.


Anyway.. cheers all and if you know of anyone that might be interested in owning a very quick, fantastic handling, fun and individual corrado - let me know.


Ben :(

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Gutted for you. Although it wasn't in the league of your car, I sold mine two months ago for exactly the same reasons. Two months on and I've just bought another one! In your car, someone is going to have one of the very best Corrados around.

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It's like an end of an era, first Jay's and now yours.


an don't forget the hamster(doug) sellin his aston interior'd rado aswell,not gonna be much use for the website :lol:

wonder when A20LEE will be in the forsale secton :lol:


why are all the big guns sellin up?god why did i not just save my money up for this kinda moment!!!!!i would love this beasty,what kinda bank loan am i gonna be lookin @ gettin? :D

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ben cant believe this mate was a bit of an inspiration was gagging to go for a ride in it if i ever got the chance was hoping to see her in full glory at edition too!


If you have to then fair enough butu know im gonna say DONT DO IT!

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It's like an end of an era, first Jay's and now yours.


Have to agree with Vin...


You never mentioned anything on the wkend Ben.. shocking news.. get it featured as so much hard works gone into the car!!


personally dont do it! :(

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Yeah its a shock even for me..


Bally, I didn't say anything at the weekend mate because I wasn't sure. Today I made my mind up fully.


will be sorting details, spec and cost etc later this evening. I will put a new thread up in the for sale section.



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Yeah its a shock even for me..


Bally, I didn't say anything at the weekend mate because I wasn't sure. Today I made my mind up fully.


will be sorting details, spec and cost etc later this evening. I will put a new thread up in the for sale section.




Shocked mate... wish you luck in whatever you do next...

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Can't believe this. As Bally said, you never mentioned you were even considering it at the weekend! Can't get my head round how both you and Jay are selling/sold so soon after it all running successfully.

I guess you have you're reasons Ben, but all the time spent on it, and only a few months enjoyment....



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I guess i'll never understand until I do it myself but why get all this way after building a project car of this calibre and sell it?! Jay did the same.. its bloody confusing!

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Feel sorry that you haven't really got to reap the rewards you deserve for all the hard work and dedication. Really hope you can reuse that experience in the future and come up with something even more special!


Goodluck with the sale!

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Ben man!!!!!!!!! I definatly remember asking you this weekend if you were going the way that the rest of the coupehaus boys have gone?



All that work and only a 1000 miles done in it? Is it something to do with the Haldex conversion? or have you just grown tired of fettling it?

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I think i have a video (well audio) of you going up the road leaving E38 actually, if you turned left. If it was your car is feyhoooooooooooking madly quick and sounded uber cool.


As for the sale wtf !! Hope its not because i said hi at e38! As i said on Jay's post, i can see that people who build cars like this are never going to sit back on completion and enjoy that car for yrs, they allways need to be working on something and a new project means selling to finance it.


If its just for financial reason though, that basically sucks and i really feel for you bud i really do! and NO IT DOESNT NEED A RESPRAY, not to us with normal standards ;-)

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Thanks guys.. Nick are you able to host that vid/audio clip? Never heard it while standing behind it on launch! ;-)


Its going purley to pay for a house deposit at the beginning of next year. Simple as.


I would be lying if I said I'm bored of it.. far from it infact. I would love to fit haldex and take it to worthersee next year ... I just hope the new owner might just be able to do just that, who ever that might be?!


I must admit if you like the idea of embarrassing a Porsche 996 Carrera 4 S, which I did on the way to ED38 then this is the car for you. At a guess 0-60 must be around 4 to 5 secs.. 0-100 an easy sub 10 secs.. now go away and find out what cars will do that ?? !!! Also sitting behind that TVR dash is extremely comfy/cossy and the Stack unit just ozzes quality/accuracy!


It is a project however and there are things that need doing, BUT its totally road regal and works fine!


Anyway enough sales speel for now.



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don't do it!!


what will it fetch? £10K tops?


that's nothing in the scale of mortgages. you'll get that back in a year on the stupid way house prices fly up!


sell some crap on ebay, sell everything you don't use at least once a week becasue you don't really need it. I bet you make a fortune


don't let the corraod go, keep at it.


nice to meet you at the show BTW, good chatting to you.

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