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Low-life tried to steal my VR6

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Went out to the car this lunchtime...


"Hmmm, where's my grille?"


"Why's the door handle smashed and on the ground?"


Some low-life scum's tried to steal it. The steering-column surround has been split apart, too. Nothing stolen, though.


Not much to say really; I'm so angry.

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Feel for you mate... All the best getting things fixed up and hope someone finds the lowlife scum that did it and hangs themm up by the balls...

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Absolute scumbags, deserve a horrible death imo.


Some prick tried to steal my old one, got into it smashed the barrell to bits then obviously didn't realise it had a start button :epicfail: so luckily managed to keep my car.


I guess be happy you still have it, could have been worse.

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Cheers for your sympathy.


On closer inspection, it looks like they've tried todisable the immobiliser by breaking the vacuum pot thing (that's a technical term) for the Schrick VGI.


Thanks y'all.


P.S. The car was parked in a public car park in Writtle, Essex. Best avoid it in future.

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They were proberbly the low life scum bags from the melbourne estate that tried to nick your car. there always loitering and upto no good. on a good note, Steavens vw dismantelers over Borham way might have some bits to repair it.

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You're probably right there Matt.


I know Steven's in Boreham (I've run Golf GTIs for 20 years) and it's just the door handle and grille that I'm gonna need. I'm absolutely skint at the moment though so they're gonna have to wait. We've made an extension to our drive now (by moving a fence - isn't it amazing what you can do with the right motivation) so the car should be secure.


Fingers crossed...

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does fuck me off, had my window strip nicked off my mk1 and im awaiting a break in on my corrado....


And these people are the ones on here/ or the ones i beep at when i go past them giving them the thumbs up for being a dub head, but infact their arseholes.


But still, as the saying goes would rather push a Volkswagen than drive a honda/citroen/peugeot so in ways, still got a bit of respect for them...


Itd be when they found your turbo when itd start getting annoying.

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Tossers :( Ususally a sign that the warmer weather is on the way, that the scum spend longer hours trying to ruin peoples pride and joy. Glad for you they failed miserably to take it, even if they did a bit of damage on the way!

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hiddeous feel for you.


in my younger days i spent a night in the cells. got let out in the morning and when i was nearly home spotted my mk2 at the bottom of my road.


same story really broke in by prizing door open. barrel smashed to pieces, steering lock snapped, hot wired and generally made a mess of it. twats didnt spot the battery was disconnected hence why they only made it to the bottom of the hill.


now that was a sh*t day.

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I swear from when their born, the size of the brains decrease, till there almost not enough left to get any thoughts out......


Whats the laws on, well smashing their face in if you haave the chance, as with house burglary your allowed to do them in the face or from front on, is this the same with my car, cus tbh i wouldnt think twice about it.

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