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Chris Langdon

wants the best fuel for the VR???

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Been using V-power since i brought the VR never had a problem then read this


"From looking around t'internet there's a few instances of this theory. It seems that petrol manufacturers are making petrol more cheaply by cutting it with bio-fuels to make even more profit. Thorney Motorsport have done comparison tests on RR and T99 came out really well and now use it in their race cars along with several WRC teams and MRC Tuning also rate it highly aswell.


It's made by a company called Greenergy and is also mixed with bio-fuel, but with performance in mind, not making more profit.


I'll have to try a tank full and see how it feels, but atleast with Tesco fuel you know it's fresh


Only problem though is Tesco fuel has been know to be contaminated with water in past"


" Always steered well clear of V-power since I got the S4 as many tuners, including MRC, have reported apparent problems with it eating fuel lines or something. I can't remember exactly what the problem was now but it's well documented on the SRS forums"


"V-power has been suspected of breaking down fuel lines and killing FPRs and a few other things because of the amount of ethanol in it"



"More info. The amount of biofuel in petrol is now by law a minimum of 5% in UK to try and be green.


Scooby and Evo forums slate BP Ultimate as it causes knock


Revo say T99 is the best, when it is at it's best, but quality is inconsistent, whereas V-power is


BP Ultimate consistent pops up as describes as making cars sluggish and thirsty


T99 and V have the best reported fuel economy with T99 being slightly ahead"

Fuel test http://www.thorneymotorsport.co.uk/tuni ... date.shtml

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Been using V-power since i brought the VR never had a problem then read this


"From looking around t'internet there's a few instances of this theory. It seems that petrol manufacturers are making petrol more cheaply by cutting it with bio-fuels to make even more profit.


they have to put a certan % of bio fuel in the petrol but its not for profit, they have to do it by law, and it cost more than normal petrol.

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