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Radiator fan 1 & 2 speed controlled by?

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I have a 92 VR6 US specs with AC.


What controls the Radiator Fan's 1 & 2 speed? Is it the "radiator Fan switch' or some control module that is attached to the back of the radiator fan itself.


I know that the high speed fan (3rd speed) is triggered or controlled by the Radaitor Fan control unit/module.(Recently bought the new updated version (3A0 919 506 with 10 pin)


My 1st & 2nd speed on the fan dosent work. Only the 3rd speed works automatically once the coolant temp touches 220F.


Thanks in advace

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Controlled by blue temp sensor. My phase 1 & 2 wasnt working a while ago and it was a wiring fault to the blue sensor.

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Blue sensor is engine coolant temp for the ECU


Yellow sender, pins 1 & 4 controls speeds 1 and 2, plus Aux pump on after run

Black sender, Speed 3. Engine running - Radiator switch, Speed 1 - red, Speed 2 - red with black tracer

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So the info of the radiator fan have an inbuilt speed controler is incorrect?


Are these blue , yellow & black sensors the ones that fit at the side of the thermostat housing? Like the pic attached below?

Are these coloured sensors the same for a 92 US specs model as well? or do the colour vary from model to model.?




Thank you for the help.

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no, as haywire says, speeds 1 & 2 are from the radiator sensor. The speed control itself is from that huge centre hub on the fan itself, this is what steps the speed up or down. Now, with the ignition off, if ou bridge the rad sensor connector (cant remember which combination of the pins but just try them out), the fan will come on. So the temp of the water will switch it on and the control unit in the motor itself will select which speed, again via the other other sensors.


With aircon, the fans will come on as soon as you put the aircon on. I cant remember which speed as i have replaced mine with two 11" slimlines which are either fully on or off

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