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G70 ????

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hello folks


after just looking through the net for all things g60 i stumbled across this


http://www.corrado-club.com/corrado/faq ... rades.html


in the third paragraph they claim a G70 was made, now excuse my ingnorance but does this mean that they made a larger g70 supercharger or a different car model or is this a complete crock of SH*t.


if anyone can shed light on this for me please do.



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Hey dude, I didn't find anything on that, the net seems to be pretty bare about facts about it as the search keeps referring back to an airmass meter fault code, however I did find a German company who make G65s & G75s? (I think so anyway, I can't speak German and google translate doesn't want to work for that page.)


and this is a german thread where they talk about them, tho again translate does an odd job. i think they are not too keen on it for some reason.



Anyway, I'm sure someone (like Yan) will know about the G70.

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i dont know how this extra displacement would aid the power output in the real world but it would be brilliant to find out as it seems the G60's have been left without some new inovation thrown their way.


That first link explains of a new G75 being researched/produced ?


i would love to have a G75 badge on mine..... im sure that would raise some eyebrows. :norty:



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i would love to have a G75 badge on mine..... im sure that would raise some eyebrows.


certainly would! managed to translate this from the g75 section:


This G75 Lader is yet in the development. The calculations are locked so far. The 3D drawing stands and are sought it test driver. This Lader is supposed to be cultivated can without large alterations at the G60 motor. Softwäranpassung of the motor control is angedacht and compelling necessary.


The technology:


The Lader becomes per side around 15 mm verbreitert, this happens through new housing halves, that has as a consequence, that the head waves and next to waves with over length and more counterpoise must be made new. The Laderaufnahmepunkte in the engine compartment should remain if possible original. There will be two different take in sections, once for the normal air filter connection and one for the motoring with oversize between 100 and 120 mm for the Airbox. The Verdränger becomes naturally also on both sides around 15 mm verbreitert, a longer headquarters warehouse is incorporated, is altered, that extended becomes density strip groove to the maximal, and the Verdränger in the outlet area yet current more favorable. This has however a weight problem as a consequence that we can work against only through a new magnesium alloy. The calculated weight of the Verdrängers amounts to 950 g and has are to be expected therefore a maximal Laderdrehzahl of 15,500 RPM, otherwise ball bearing damage. We are strained very on the first test kilometers.

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That company is claiming that they will get 0.3- 0.4 bar more boost than a normal G60. what would that be in psi ??

Isn't the max a stock Pg block will take 22 psi ? so im asuming that to run this G65 you would have to have a very high spec PG block with forged pistons ect to run this without mishap and new engine mapping to use this extra power effectivly.


surely this would be have pretty damn good potential ?? on paper anyway.


"We manufacture the RS G65 charger, Dhe chased and housing are machined such that the larger displacement is the place. In addition, the Volkswagen Motorsport contour of the displacement taken over and the four outlet holes were milled greater. The Auslasshälfte is enlarged to 80mm diameter and the intake duct is enlarged to 70mm. The overflow is milled deeper and wider. We have 0.3 to 0.4 bar boost pressure more than an original G60 charger, and thus achieve more power and torque across the entire Drehzahlbereich.Tests are still running on ."


anyone wanna guess what sorta power could be had with this setup?



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Looks like they have remade the standard scroll too.


As for if it works and the claimed boost increases, most charger porting companies will give you around those sort of numbers on a stage IV/V/RS porting process.

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