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It's Friday..a silly discussion on carpark dings etc

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Haven been left a note on my car on Wednesday asking me why I'd used two spaces in the car park, I requested the thoughts of a learned friend. His reply is below, plus my response.


It's just inviting trouble. Why not just park in ONE spot ALLLLL the way over there?

If someone is going to park beside you ALLLL the way over there, they aint gonna park right beside you! Its mathematics. Probability. Chance. The chances of someone parking RIGHT beside you in a virtually empty car park ALLLL the way over there is fairly low... unless they WANT to ding your door. Parking in two spaces raises these chances considerably... hence the note in the link I sent you. Its like waving a flag "Heeey!! Yoo HOO!! you over there! IM PARKING IN TWO SPACES!!! YEAH ME!!! YOU KNOW WHY????....YOO HOO!... HELLOOO?... harrumph...oh hang on.. here comes someone else...YO! HEY!"


Moral of the story. Just park in one spot dingus.


Say, your a lemur in the Serengeti. You stay out of trouble, away from the lions... The lions are over the other side of the car park, close to the train station. They can see you... but you are too far away for them to want to come closer and have a feast. Keeping to your daily routine... not raising any attention to yourself, all goes nicely. no undue attention brought on yourself. Then one day, Mr lemur starts to walk on its hands...back and forth back and forth, raising heads and attracting attention because its out of the norm... when suddenly BAMM! its run over by the rangers Land Rover.


One spot. No hassle.


My response (discontinue reading if this is utter tripe - just was feeling bored today)


..and therein lies the root of the issue. As proven by numerous threads in many car forums. You come out to your car. Which is parked in ONE SPOT, miles from anywhere, and low and fu#king behold, someone's parked right beside you. I could get literally dozens of cases of this.

The reason this happens according to one doctor-type fella is that people will try and group near things when in wide open spaces. Natural behaviour thing.


So I'll continue to do it thank you very much. If someone's going to see it, then drive over and ding your door out've spite, there's a fairly safe chance that if they'd park beside you, with you in one spot, their the find of a#shole/idiot you'll get out of their car and crash their door into yours intentional or not anyway.

But this way, you at least give yourself a chance to avoid then.


Now I don't want to hear another word on the subject ok?! Or you'll go straight to your room with my slipper wedged up your rectum….[/color]


....he was starting to annoy me :lol:

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Got it.


In future just write something on a post-it note on the lines of "Logic exists for those fortunate and wise enough to recognise it and use it. Best of luck - and no, I sincerely mean that... Oh and try to have a nice day."

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Why the surprise at this post when we have like, a 20 page thread, on the best way to make a cheese sandwich!


Sorry mate, but I'm with your learned friend on this one. Occupying 2 spaces, no matter how harmless your reasons for it, comes across as arrogance to other people. As your mate said, it's like "Yeah I'm so much better than everyone else and I deserve two spaces". I know that's not YOUR attitude, but it's how it's perceieved by others unfortunately. It's only a very small minority of people that will understand why you're doing it.


I know when I drive into Tescos and see some knobber has parked his Boxster across 2 spaces (diagonally in some cases), right near the entrance to the store, then I think what an utter c0ck.


I've seen a couple of contractors park their vans mega close to a car like that before, on both sides of it, so that the owner couldn't get back in it again :lol:


That is the kind of retaliation (and worse) that double spacing attracts in this country.


Now if we only had US style wide diagonal spaces, we wouldn't have this issue in the first place.


Me, I just stick it in a far corner. In 7 years of doing so with my C, I've found only like minded people bother themselves to go that far down the carpark and respect eachother's space. It's only the fat, lazy f'cks that HAVE to be right next to the entrance, so let em fight over those spaces I say.

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Why the surprise at this post when we have like, a 20 page thread, on the best way to make a cheese sandwich!


Sorry mate, but I'm with your learned friend on this one. Occupying 2 spaces, no matter how harmless your reasons for it, comes across as arrogance to other people. As your mate said, it's like "Yeah I'm so much better than everyone else and I deserve two spaces". I know that's not YOUR attitude, but it's how it's perceieved by others unfortunately. It's only a very small minority of people that will understand why you're doing it.


I know when I drive into Tescos and see some knobber has parked his Boxster across 2 spaces (diagonally in some cases), right near the entrance to the store, then I think what an utter c0ck.


I've seen a couple of contractors park their vans mega close to a car like that before, on both sides of it, so that the owner couldn't get back in it again :lol:


That is the kind of retaliation (and worse) that double spacing attracts in this country.


Now if we only had US style wide diagonal spaces, we wouldn't have this issue in the first place.


Me, I just stick it in a far corner. In 7 years of doing so with my C, I've found only like minded people bother themselves to go that far down the carpark and respect eachother's space. It's only the fat, lazy f'cks that HAVE to be right next to the entrance, so let em fight over those spaces I say.


I'm surprised Mr.Haywire that you of all people would put someone else's opinion of you in front of the well being of your machine :nono:

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It's usually young kids opening their rear doors that cause dings. Park miles from the entrance and you'll stand a better chance.

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I'm surprised Mr.Haywire that you of all people would put someone else's opinion of you in front of the well being of your machine :nono:


Sadly it's the world we live in. Obviously if I caught someone damaging my car, then the wrath of wire would be unleashed upon them, but I'd rather not 'attract' a ding if I can help it.


It's a tricky one. I fully support SprinterVR6's motives for doing it, but I know how people's minds work when they're looking for a space and see someone has consumed two of them :D


Anyway, what do you mean by "me of all people?" :lol:

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It's usually young kids opening their rear doors that cause dings. Park miles from the entrance and you'll stand a better chance.


Spot on. Never, ever park next to a people carrier!

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It's usually young kids opening their rear doors that cause dings. Park miles from the entrance and you'll stand a better chance.


Spot on. Never, ever park next to a people carrier!


My general rule is to park next to a car that a) is clean b) is worth over 10k. Obviously thats after checking for any other rados :)

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I'm surprised Mr.Haywire that you of all people would put someone else's opinion of you in front of the well being of your machine :nono:


Sadly it's the world we live in. Obviously if I caught someone damaging my car, then the wrath of wire would be unleashed upon them, but I'd rather not 'attract' a ding if I can help it.


It's a tricky one. I fully support SprinterVR6's motives for doing it, but I know how people's minds work when they're looking for a space and see someone has consumed two of them :D


Anyway, what do you mean by "me of all people?" :lol:


Yeah of course when you see someone do something like that you think 'twat face' but who cares if it stops other 'twat faces' from acting like, well..... 'twat faces' !!


You of all people should agree with this :lol: :grin:

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It's usually young kids opening their rear doors that cause dings. Park miles from the entrance and you'll stand a better chance.


Spot on. Never, ever park next to a people carrier!


My general rule is to park next to a car that a) is clean b) is worth over 10k. Obviously thats after checking for any other rados :)


Thats always a good one, I always try that.


No matter how empty the car park and how far away from anywhere else you park, I always come back to a mahosive 4x4 or people carrier next to me. Boils my piss.

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i got wacked by a taxi driver opening his door when i was sat right there got out the guy just wouldnt speak english no damage but still took his details down and made a complaint to the taxi company, half my m8s r tw*ts about this 2 getting out of their crappy corsas using other cars as doorstops .

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Someone at my work parks over two spaces right at the back of the car park. . . . . . and it still p**ses me off!! :bad-words:


In fact, i regularly wish something would fall out of the sky and land on it (like out of that advert).


I'm soooo anal when it comes to parking my car, but i would never park over 2 spaces. As said, i think it attracts more vandalism than it creates!


I'm used to seeing jag owners and such doing this, not a trusty C!!


EDIT - Never wrote a note for someone though, thats just sad! :lol:

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EDIT - Never wrote a note for someone though, thats just sad! :lol:


I did once. This complete d%!k on my road parked the car so that his bumper was actually touching mine! He had a nasty Honda so I had no choice but to leave him a note (didn't know which house he lived in). It worked , he's never parked near my car again!

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EDIT - Never wrote a note for someone though, thats just sad! :lol:


I did once. This complete d%!k on my road parked the car so that his bumper was actually touching mine! He had a nasty Honda so I had no choice but to leave him a note (didn't know which house he lived in). It worked , he's never parked near my car again!


That's different!! I would too!!

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I parked right out of the way at the end of the car park recently. I parked just over a line of the next space, no other cars around. Came back from the supermarket and only some old fart looking Honda Jazz wedged in the 3/4 space next to me, still no other cars around :bad-words:

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