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Green Storm Turbo - Sold :(

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Hi guys,


Been here for a while so thought i'd put some pics up.


Firstly is the 16v. Specs can be found under the URL, but a summary includes:


9a bottom, KR top

VR6/G60 Brakes

Weitec Hicon GT coilovers -60mm all round

Borbet A 9J rears, 7.5J fronts (rolled rear arches)

Godawful tints the previous owner did

Powerflow SS exhaust


some pics:









And now for the storm. I only got her today, my initials are NEP so i couldn't resist! :lol: All factory so far apart from some kind of aftermarket air filter (ideas anyone?) and clifford full closure alarm.


Some pics:






(note the working sunroof!)



And now some of the family together:







Only plans for the storm so far is to lower it a little, still undecided on the wheels but any mods i do will be easily reversable. There is a slight problem with the ABS (it kicks in a little too easily?) and unfortunately the 16v might be for sale soon :(


Any feedback appreciated :D

Edited by n3p

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Both look great mate, recondition the storms leather and you'l b laughing!


Not feeling the valvers smoked lamps but other than that :salute:

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  Abdul said:
Both look great mate, recondition the storms leather and you'l b laughing!


Not feeling the valvers smoked lamps but other than that :salute:


Cheers for the comments 8)


yeah the rears on the valver are poo aren't they? previous owner did that, never got round to sorting it out :lol:

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  banan0r said:
  Abdul said:
Both look great mate, recondition the storms leather and you'l b laughing!


Not feeling the valvers smoked lamps but other than that :salute:


Cheers for the comments 8)


yeah the rears on the valver are poo aren't they? previous owner did that, never got round to sorting it out :lol:


If they were laquered they'd be fine but they just look like they've got a coating of mud at the mo lol.

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  Abdul said:
  banan0r said:
  Abdul said:
Both look great mate, recondition the storms leather and you'l b laughing!


Not feeling the valvers smoked lamps but other than that :salute:


Cheers for the comments 8)


yeah the rears on the valver are poo aren't they? previous owner did that, never got round to sorting it out :lol:


If they were laquered they'd be fine but they just look like they've got a coating of mud at the mo lol.


That's how i roll :lol:

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Looking good Nick, the lure of the VR finally got you eh? 8) Have you moved house, it looks a lot greener in your road than I remember.

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  The_Dude said:
Looking good Nick, the lure of the VR finally got you eh? 8) Have you moved house, it looks a lot greener in your road than I remember.


Cheers Jim, tbh the valver has been ridiculously unreliable in the 3 years i've owned it so I was semi seriously looking elsewhere...the license plate attracted me to the vr6 (crap reason i know!) and well, the rest is history. Loving the VR note 8), but at the same time i do love the "rev your nuts off" attitude of the 16v.


And nope that's at my parents house in Coulsdon...much more photogenic than the ghetto!

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Nothing wrong with Purley mate. Much. :) I think I also recognise the top of Sainsbury's car park. I spent many a Sunday as small youth hooning down the levels as fast as I could on my bike. I'll have to pop down once the VR is back from surgery.

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Everything wrong with Purley :gag: Although there is another green storm about a 5 minute walk away. Ah so you know of the car park - no surprises there then, what with you and your naughty cigarettes :lol:

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Pot...kettle. :)

This was actually back in the day before I smoked, when there was no Sunday trading so we knew we couldn't get run over and Tesco's was still a petrol station. What a cr*phole, I guess its cos I grew up there I hold it in favour sentimentally.

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  domwells27 said:
Looking real nice, loving the wheels on the 16v


Thanks mate 8) - look out, they might be for sale soon!

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  banan0r said:
  domwells27 said:
Looking real nice, loving the wheels on the 16v


Thanks mate 8) - look out, they might be for sale soon!


No money atm but large overdraft available........... :D

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So i was having a look through the plethora of receipts/service history/etc and was quite surprised to see a Dyno plot from AmD in 2003 :eek: Obviously this was at the old Bicester AmD but seeming as i don't have access to a scanner at home, a typed copy is :




Car Type: Corrado VR6

Test Eng: Gary (:lol:)

Date: 18-02-2003

Comments: Test run. Ram Air Filter. AmD ECU Re-Chip



Maximum Power Speed: 5720rpm (108.5mph in gear used)

Power at flywheel (corrected): 212.4bhp

Power at flywheel (measured): 213.5bhp

Power at wheels: 170.2bhp

Power loss (transmission, tyres, etc.): 43.3bhp (25.4%)


Maximum torque speed: 4376rpm (83.0mph in gear used)

Maximum engine torque: 206.4 lb ft


Maximum road speed reached in test: 120.5mph

Maximum engine speed reached in test: 6353rpm


Min. Ambient temperature: 16c

Max. Ambient temperature: 22c

Barometric pressure: 1020mb




I'm not really too clued up on dyno's and power stuff (i'm usually just happy enough to get the cars working 100% for once!), but I think the results are maybe a bit optimistic considering the stuff done? Can anyone in the know also explain the "corrected" and "measured" bhp for me?


Will try to scan the graphs in when i remember to bring the prints to the office 8)

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  banan0r said:





Did you know there's a person hiding in the front seat? :shock: :lol: :D


Nice No. plate mate!

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  wy906 said:

Did you know there's a person hiding in the front seat? :shock: :lol: :D


Nice No. plate mate!


:lol: yes, that would be my gf being camera shy! Cheers for the comment, people say there is a way to retain the plate should i sell, but i have no idea...wouldn't the rado then become a Q plate? :confused4:

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  banan0r said:
  wy906 said:

Did you know there's a person hiding in the front seat? :shock: :lol: :D


Nice No. plate mate!


:lol: yes, that would be my gf being camera shy! Cheers for the comment, people say there is a way to retain the plate should i sell, but i have no idea...wouldn't the rado then become a Q plate? :confused4:


always did like the green storm and beige leather, very nice. power at the wheels was very good in 2003 too!


you can put the plate on retention for a fee and then the car would get assigned an unused plate from that year, so it would stay as a P plate or whatever.

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  davidwort said:
  banan0r said:
  wy906 said:

Did you know there's a person hiding in the front seat? :shock: :lol: :D


Nice No. plate mate!


:lol: yes, that would be my gf being camera shy! Cheers for the comment, people say there is a way to retain the plate should i sell, but i have no idea...wouldn't the rado then become a Q plate? :confused4:


always did like the green storm and beige leather, very nice. power at the wheels was very good in 2003 too!


you can put the plate on retention for a fee and then the car would get assigned an unused plate from that year, so it would stay as a P plate or whatever.


Davidwort :luvlove:


Yeah the power figures were quite a surprise although i doubt it's pushing out that much now! Cheers for the heads up regarding the license plate, would be nice to put it on retention. It's strange, the 16v feels faster (i guess due to the shear lack of low down power) but the VR6 speedo surprises me whenever i glance.


And i never knew you got yourself an 8v! Are those engines shared with some mk3s?

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Aah, back in the ghetto they lie.


Anyone else prefer the early style bonnets? I think they look much meaner...and wow, the storm needs lowering!

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Ok, i'll admit it. I've never sat in the rear seats of a Corrado before. Never had reason to, and tbh never really gave them much thought apart from the odd spring clean. You know sometimes when looking at a car you're thinking about buying you always seem to miss out or overlook something? Well that's what I discovered last night. Whilst admiring the rear bench ( :dorky: ), I suddenly thought, "Hold up, that doesn't look right :scratch: - the seats were odd, but at the same time they weren't. Anyway, as they say, a picture can paint a thousand words - so i've attached one.


Check that left seat. It seems like it's missing its back padding..or is it?! If you sit it in, it feels like your back is being supported by something as hard as wood! Is it missing a cushion piece which has ripped off? No idea...a friend thought it could be an entirely different seat but surely not?! Why would VW make a seat without back softness?! Cushiony bit aside, everything is the same :/


Annoying? Definitely. I'd long dreamed of a cream interior and this is what I get. Okay, so you could say I was a bit haphazard with my car selection so I am partly to blame, but surely the previous owner should have mentioned it! I asked him, and funnily enough he "doesn't know what i'm talking about".... ¬_¬.


So what are my options? It's not as easy as just buying a new rear bench in cream, in fact looking at the forum yesterday I noticed a cream corrado interior sold on eBay for over £700!. Can anyone shed light on what the hell has happened to my seat? If anyone has ripped off seat material before could they verify that there is some piece missing? My initial thought (if this is the case) is to buy a rear bench (is the bench one big unit or are the seats separate?), take off the cushioned portion and get it re-trimmed and stitched to the seat. Probably pricey. On the other hand I could get the whole rear bench done, and i'm guessing matching the colour won't be too hard.


Or, I could do what my folks say and "forget about it, you won't sit there anyway". Nice. Any help will be greatly appreciated as I need to plot my escape from this tale of stiffness.

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That looks totally different :(


My OCD couldn't handle that, might be worth finding out how much it'd cost to get another seat back retrimmed properly? Might not be too expensive...

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Buy another standard rear bench and take both to a retrimmers to make one good seat out of bad. Shouldn't cost too much as they don't need to fully retrim... just use the good bits from the standard bench to fix the missing bit behind the leather?

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