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absolutely fuming....and gutted

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evening all,


just wanted to give you a heads up - keep your car secure...


was in the botanic gardens in the west end of glasgow last night and walked back to my car and unlocked it but the doors didnt unlock...didnt think much of it. My girlfriend told me the handle was a bit sticky....didnt think much of it...only noticed tonight that some little F"CKER has tried to steal my car. Punched a hole above the passengers side handle with a screwdriver and tried to burst the lock....rather gutted but also angry...the lock still works, just a big hole above it that'll need repaired! Will post a picc tomorrow.


Any thoughts to filling it to stop water getting in?


Cheers chaps


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Gutted for you mate :bad-words: ....... little :censored: .......you could stick a bit of silicon sealent on it, as that'll just peel away later.......but i'd probably just put a bit of gaffa(sp) tape on it just for now

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Gutted for you mate, this happened to me a few years ago.

I hope these c**ts die a slow and painful death!

Any damage to steering cowling or column?

I think a replacement door and an alarm is the only option foward unless you know a good bodyshop.

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cheers easypops, yeah I live in a dodgy part of the city, touch wood nothing happened so far - need to go to the west end to get something like this to happen!


Yeah I was going to stick some silicone into it, as I think gaffa tape might draw attention...I'm going to be away over the next few weeks (barca) so will go see a body shop guy to get it sorted. Got some other bits to sort out anyway and been meaning to get it done.


hope you're enjoying your C mate!

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the door and lock still work and the alarm seems to be fine...they didn't get in, only burst a hole above the handle. I know of a couple of decent bodyshop guys. Otherwise I'll get a new door for it.

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I know what you mean........i used to live very close to where you are now(thats if your still in the same place G/hill?) and yes its a bit of a dodgy area.........and you think you'd be safe when you go to a place like the west end........i work there and had my bike stolen from outside my work(woodlands rd), and have heard of many similar stories around that neck of the woods.


Get gutter repair silicon........usually a wee bit dearer but its black and will blend in better


Oh and yes i am enjoying the corrado........not needing it as a daily makes you less angry when something goes wrong :lol:


Hope you enjoy barcelona......we went a couple of years ago and loved it :D

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the door and lock still work and the alarm seems to be fine...they didn't get in, only burst a hole above the handle. I know of a couple of decent bodyshop guys. Otherwise I'll get a new door for it.

had exactly the same scenario with mine 2 years ago but had other things to get sorted on the car so it got the paint done with them - none of the handle needed fixing or replacing though. the guy did say he might have been able to bend the metal back down and touch it up without too much issue though so hopefully your hole isn't too big to do that..



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be nice to catch em doin it .....head bouncin of the pavement springs to mind sorry if it sounds a bit strong but these scumbags dont care what there doin to other peeps property so why care if you do some damage to them ?

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yeah...American HistoryX come to mind....bite the kerb....!


The hole it about 2cm long and about 7mm high...so quite big. I'll see what they can do


easypops - the missus is from barca so staying with friends, second time going. great place!

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People are cnuts sometimes :censored:


Suggest you get some elephant tape or some other type of tape that is waterproof and cover it to prevent water getting in.

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Sorry to hear about that.


For covering the hole, perhaps a bit of bathroom sealant, then some speed tape or gaffer tape over the top?


Hopefully this won't ever happen again, but if it does, to yours or any other cars in your area, might be wise to invest in a decent alarm with proximity sensors, such as a Clifford, which beeps when you get too close

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