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How rare are Corrado's?

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Was just wondering how rare Corrados are in England, I dont see many at all these days and when I first saw a Corrrado (a few years back now), i knew I had to have one, there was a large gap between each time I saw one and most of them are the same ones I see.

There are about 3 in my area that I know of, how many do u guys reckon are about over here now? 8)

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Well lets just say that VW made around 97,000'ish Corrado's...


And that about 9,000 were ever imported to the UK by VW. Obviously others have been imported from Europe and the USA since then, but i'm sure a good amount have been trashed or written off. I'd love to know what the actual figure is right now... :?


I mean.. you still see a few around from time to time, but think about how many you see on the road when you do a long journey.. you can drive for a few hundred miles at a time and never see another one.


So yeah - i'd say they aren't rare, but they sure aint common! :)

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Jims right with the figures, and it's also true you can drive for miles and not see one, I drove 700+ miles over Xmas and didn't see a single one! They are as rare as rocking horse sh!t where I live too, only seen one round here in the 3 months I've had mine! Pretty glad really though, cos people still give it a second look, especially when you pop that spoiler up! :lol:

Wouldn't have a clue how many are left on the road now though mate, wonder if there's a way of finding that out? :roll:

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In that case you boys should come live in aberdeen theres tons of the atractive wee bastards up here, even still people give the cars a few second looks wen you drive past, i guess they dont figure that VW could make such a smart looking car. I've been pulled over by the coppers once just cos they wanted to know wot kind of car it was. Interesting like



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To put the sales of Corrados in context, there were over 800,000 Sciroccos built, and to date over 20 million Golfs.

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i dont know about rare!! the other morning whilest driving to work, i pulled up behind a blue VR6 and watch a green storm pass us both in the other direction.....far too common for my liking :lol:


damn, just imagine if we had all hit each other.....3 in one go :?

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Sorted out Harry's odd quadruple post.


I didn't realise that so many Scirocco's were built in comparison to the Corrado - its not even like its a 'little' more - its nearly 10x as many!!


And even though the Golfs are in plentiful supply, its always nice to see tidy MK1's and MK2's about! :D

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In that case you boys should come live in aberdeen theres tons of the atractive wee bastards up here


OR Exeter - I know 3 owners, and see another 7 regularly :!:


And judging by the 'spotted' thread - none of em visit this website :?

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they're becoming more popular ever so quickly...the VR's obviously the more expensive and more known as the classic since the Top gear stunt.

In my area theres atleast 10+


2x premier power jobs...both blue- reiger 3slat grills,audi handles, coilovers (difference is bodywork and leather seats. ones grey the other is cream)

1x standard red 16v.

1x standard black 16v.

1x storm!

1x silver ex premier corrado.

1x j a m e s old corrado black G60

1xnot forgetting kevinworts 2ltr 16v black one with zender spoiler.

1xThen mine.

1xoh oh...nearly forgot. STEVIE B's subaru blue corrado on BBS wheels.


i've seen a woman driving a green one through town too...a VR6.


NORTHAMPTON is big on the dub scene due to premier power being here as well as Ex-golf owners upgrading. :twisted:

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For a place that has a population of around 20,000 and with half living here in the main town,I know of at least 7 Corrado's that have been here at one time or another.4 of which are permanent and not just been visiting the island.

1 x bordeaux pearl G60-mine

1 x white G60-belongs to a bloke round the corner from me

1 x green VR6-Currently in storage due to driver losing his license for speeding(100+in a 60 :lol: )

1 x Blueish purple G60-belongs to a doctor who has had a suspension LIFT to cope with the road to his house

1 x silver VR6 -Only ever saw it once

1 x yellow 16v-now in Aberdeen(Roddy knows about it!)

1 x red 16v-bought either new or second hand cos used to see it regularly in the mid 90's.First one on Orkney I believe.Whereabouts unknown.


I'll just go and take me anorak off now..... :oops:

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To put the sales of Corrados in context, there were over 800,000 Sciroccos built, and to date over 20 million Golfs.


...to put that further into context, I remember when Ford launched the Ka, they were worried about the sales figures in the UK, quoting something like 11,000 a month! - compare that with the 9000 Corrados sold in the UK over its entire lifetime :shock:

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hardly ever see one but other day i was parking in a local multi story and there was 5 of them and they were all parked crooked taking up 2 spaces :wink: i wonder why

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They are a rare sight, its true. Do you guys ever see one go past you on the roads, and think 'wow, what a good looking car' then get a happy feeling cos the one that you are in is just as good looking! I saw a reflection of mine at the McD's drive thru just yesterday and thought "wow, if i saw that car on the road i would want one!"

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I see about one a month around Oxford, most i've ever seen is 4 in one week though.


They are definately one of the less common cars on the road, and earned my mate a punch and walk home when he asked why I'd bought a passat!!!!!!

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Don't see many at all here in Leeds. There are only about 8 that I know of - not many for a densly populated city 15miles in diameter.

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They are a rare sight, its true. Do you guys ever see one go pat you on the roads, and think 'wow, what a good looking car' then get a happy feeling cos the one that you are in is just as good looking! I saw a reflection of mine at the McD's drive thru just yesterday and thought "wow, if i saw that car on the road i would want one!"


lol, I must admit to window watching as i drive past, Car's fault for looking so damm fine. :D

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I'll add a kink to your statistics. On my street, there are TWO Corrados, the owners live next to each other and both these owners are WOMEN :shock:


How's that for a concentration of minority? 8)





(I am one of the owners :))

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Only seen 3 so far in northampton, a red one, think it was a 16v, a black vr6 round the corner from me and a green one i saw getting on the m1 at junction 15 the other day, didn't get the model as he flew off onto the m1 at quite a pace!

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Yeah.. there's two on my street too... and the other one (not mine) is an auto... how rare is that???

And there's a third that turns up every few weeks..must be a mate of someone who lives here..



Funnily enough until I got mine, there had never been one on my street...

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Hehehehe :D

Me and the neighbour had one each and it wiz funny the 2 of them on a sunday getting polished together :-P

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