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i dont drive my corrado very often as i'm fortunate enough to have 2 very nice other cars to drive, but this morning i decided to unwrap the c from its cotton wool and take it to work.

WOW, its only been a fortnight since i drove it last but i can never remember it being such an exhilerating car to drive.

goes like stink, stops on a sixpence and corners like its on rails. how did they get this car so right all those years ago :?:

i'm sure alot of you feel this way every time you drive em but when you've been out of it for a bit its even better :D :D :D :D [/b]

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mines a daily drive car, but still gets a rise outta me every day :D :shock: :twisted:

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I am soooooo looking forward to getting mine back on the road again... nearly 7 months now... :shock: :cry:

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when are you expecting to be able to get it back on the road mate?


hopefully before the summer ;)

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['H3R4POR]when are you expecting to be able to get it back on the road mate?


hopefully before the summer ;)


It was supposed to be on the road for the 22nd Feb (Dubfreeze) but I haven't got the bits for my gearbox rebuild yet, so the car's stuck where it is... :roll: :(


As soon as I get the box sorted, I can plonk it all back together, get it sprayed up and she'll be back on the road again... :D 8)


Easily before the summer... 8)

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The grin factor... I think is down to the design of the front wing... it just reflects the whole character of the Corrado perfectly

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I get my drivers liscense tomorrow.... ive been grinning all week just knowing i get to get my C out on the road. ill let you know how it goes. :twisted:

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... well it should feel pretty special after stepping out of the Dual Cab !! :lol: :lol:

i agree but even after using the audi cabriolet all weekend, it still felt good

and by the way "you dissin me pick-up man" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i just wanna be a bounty hunter like colt ceivers, YEE HAA 8)

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Yesterday I was driving back from Scarborough on the M1, mate of mine of the passenger seat, when we got taken over by a Honda with some lads inside. They turned their heads, gave us the thumbs-up, nodded in appreciation at my C, whereupon my mate (who'd never experienced this in any car before) asked me: "Does this happen more often?" Me:"Yeah, it's a Rado :D ", whilst I was trying to wipe that silly grin off my face again.


Only car I get even more turning heads with is my Mk1 Rocco :shock:



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took mine out for the first time since just after christmas yesterday and wow it did feel good!! even though its only a baby 1.8!!!

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and by the way "you dissin me pick-up man" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i just wanna be a bounty hunter like colt ceivers, YEE HAA 8)


He He - Nothing but respek for the Hilux. I used to have a Hilux 4runner (Surf) in Oz - bullet proof. And what about the one they 'tested' on Top Gear !!! :lol:

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well is simple for me, when the boost gauge hits 16-17 psi all hell breaks loose and i get a big :D out of that

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so its not just me then ,took me 1hr 20mins to get some motion lotion yesterday when i got back had to explain to wife why the c runs on special petrol(optimax) and i have to travel to different garages to get it nearst one being 3/4 of a mile away and the furthest being 2 miles away but how do i acount for the 40 miles inbetween,o yes thats what happens when you own a corrado :D :D :D

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I keep thinking it is the whoosh that puts a grin on my face, but when I throw it about on an off power round the twistys, the way it sticks I just know is thanks to that fantastic chassis VW put together with bits of MKII and passat - well done VW! :D :D

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my gf hates being in the car cos everywhere we go people stop and stare!

must admit its a good feeling and puts a smile on my face everytime. :D :D

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I think for me it's the Corrado's 'completeness' as a package. It makes you feel invincible when pressing-on, and that's what spirited driving is all about, using the feedback from the car to gain confidence, and the Corrado is the most confidence inspiring car I've ever driven :lol:


Even if the Corrado wasn't as sexy looking is as it is, it would still rate highly in my book for it's handling alone.


The interior is spot on, all the engines are good and it's a VW....what more could you want??



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The interior is spot on, all the engines are good and it's a VW....what more could you want??


...One that works.... :wink: :roll: :lol:


Seriously though, I have to agree... In my time I have driven lots of different cars, some extremely exotic and desirable, (Porsches, Ferraris, GTOs, top of the range Merc and BMs etc) others not so, (escorts, astras, metros etc...) but I have yet to come across a car that made me miss driving it and want to just go out and drive, as much as a Corrado... 8)


After I wrote my first one off :oops: I had this nagging feeling that there was something missing afterwards with any car I drove from then on until the point I started to test drive some G60s with a view to buying eventually ending up with J-DUB... 8) Now that J-DUB's been off the road for a serious amount of time and I've been working on bits of the car that you wouldn't normally get access to, I can really appreciate just how well the Corrado is put together as a complete package... For an 11 year old car (in my case) it still looks great, drives (when it's got an engine!) better than nearly all new cars and the interior is still a nice place to be... 8)


The grin factor for me is just the sheer enjoyment of driving the car, last summer blasting around the cat and fiddle between Buxton and Macclesfield I killed a set of tyres (as Caios G60PWR can testify!) in a matter of a couple of months, purely from enjoying the car as it can be on roads like that :wink: and just thinking back about it puts a big daft grin on my face... :D

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Started using mine as a daily driver a few weeks back and it's been great. Car is so easy to drive and feels solid as well. Keep on going the long way home because it's great to drive, especially as i have more power now. Can't imagine getting bored of it. :)

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For me the Corrado is the only car I've found that can match an alfa sud for handling, grip, responsiveness & steering feedback and that is why it gives me such a grin factor..... oh and all the extra ponies compared to the sud.


Unfortunately build quality is about the same & reliability is worse than a sud!

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Quite funny to read this, must be the only forum member to not personally own a corrado but have driven more than most on the forum, I was up to about 35-40 on my last count. They all have there own unique charecteristics but with the underlying solid feeling of been a corrado, they are suprisingly agile for a relativly heavy car. Love the wall of torque hauling you along from 2k rpm with the VR's. :D

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Die young, die big, die hard, dianabol....as my gym mate would say! but what i say is:



Life if for living not just existing and if you wonna feel alive then go buy a Corrado is what I say!

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