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Fire Extinguisher storage question

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I have a different fire extinguisher to that one (fatter kind) and I keep it in the rear seat centre console area where the first aid box would be.


Faster access incase of emergency and its hidden from view.

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Think I have exactly that one, stows nicely away in the glove box near the front, out of sight but close to hand just in case!

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as someone who's car burnt out in front of them said (millerman?), having one in the boot is often too far away, if you're going to have one, have it where you can get to it as quickly as possible..

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Think I have exactly that one, stows nicely away in the glove box near the front, out of sight but close to hand just in case!


Cool, that's good to know! Thanks!


as someone who's car burnt out in front of them said (millerman?), having one in the boot is often too far away, if you're going to have one, have it where you can get to it as quickly as possible.


But I'm a ninja! :D

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Mine fits perfectly in the driver's undertray 8) Perfect position IMHO :)


Which one have you got? Link please?

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Can't remember off-hand. Bought in Halfords a couple of years ago. It's silver- looks similar in shape to the one in your link.

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Just keep mine in the boot in a plastic box with all the other just in casers; oil,water,coolant,brake fluid,cable ties,and road rage knife :shock: :nono: :grin:

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a knife? thats nice, i probably shouldnt even respond, but nice to have the criminal members of the forum make themselves known.. you realise thats against the law right?

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that depends on the size of the knife but the fact he states on an open forum that its a road rage knife is incriminating by itself and will surface if the reason demands, it at least shows that not all corrado owners have brains :cuckoo:

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Come on guys just joking,not a good one admited. Was carrying a small steak knife for ages in case of running repairs but then thought if i was pulled over i`d probably get done for it so its been dropped.


And just for the record ive never been arrested,last fight was in school aged 12, and 3 penalty points in 20 years of driving so not really a master criminal afterall. :wave:

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anyway i have a small extinguisher loose in the boot,just havent got round to fitting it and an omp rally electrical system under the glovebox(detonation button in front of gearstick) with two nozzles under the bonnet strapped to the strut brace,just hope i never have to use it, as an extra measure i rerouted the coil wiring as this is the g60 achilles heel,imo the best place for a handheld extinguisher is as low as you can get it and securely strapped(in the event of a collision its just another item that can injure yourself)if you're thinking of getting an extinguisher then try and get one with a gauge,nothing worse than one that dont work :gag:

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got a good one from costco that sits in the boot. it looks bigger and even has a mounting bracket if you wanted to mount it somewhere (which i don't). was about £15 if you've got a costco card.

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I've got one in the garage... a lot of good there I know, but I bought it to put in my old car and didn't... haven't got round to figuring where to put it in the VR.


It's a Flamebeater, so possibly smaller in diameter than most handhelds

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Not wise to have them in the boot. :scratch:

If a fire starts when you are going at speed, by the time you have dived into a safe place to stop, got out of the car - thus allowing lots of fresh air and oxygen into the vehicle - opened the boot and got the extinguisher in your hand and are ready to shoot, it could be far too late. Use brains, please! :wink:

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....imo the best place for a handheld extinguisher is as low as you can get it and securely strapped(in the event of a collision its just another item that can injure yourself)......




I think the parcel shelf underneath the glove box is a nice place. Not sure if it fits though, and will require some DIY to make sure it’s secured.


Failing that maybe behind the driver’s seat, secured with luggage straps / bungee cords? I seldom use the back seats anyway.

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Come on guys just joking,not a good one admited. Was carrying a small steak knife for ages in case of running repairs but then thought if i was pulled over i`d probably get done for it so its been dropped.


And just for the record ive never been arrested,last fight was in school aged 12, and 3 penalty points in 20 years of driving so not really a master criminal afterall. :wave:


You never know when you might want to pull over for a road side steak :D


And FFS, anyone who openly admits to carrying a 'road rage knife' is hardly being serious :lol: Some people just take jokey comments far too seriously. I always thought car forums were the last bastion of free speech, so I ain't gonna let this place become a politically correct lounge for tweed jacket wearing, pipe smoking dullards.


And besides, a knife is actually handy for cutting off shredded belts and burst water hoses.


I read in the paper this morning that motorcycle thieves will no longer be pursued by the police in case they fall off and hurt themselves. FFS, what is this country coming to?


Anyway, way off topic and no actually thought you were being serious about the knife :D


I have an extinguisher bolted to the near side rear wall in front of the light cluster. It sits in a little mounting and can be pulled out in seconds.


As for where to put one in a car, I don't think it matters. Having one in the first place and knowing where it is is a lot better than not having one at all.

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I drive along holding a full size extinguisher in my left hand with the safety pin pulled. If the oil temp goes above 96 degrees I pull over and let rip all over the engine bay.


Afterwards, if the oil temp goes above 96 degrees again, I just drive straight into the nearest canal.


...Then I cut myself with my road rage knife until the voices go away.



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I drive along holding a full size extinguisher in my left hand with the safety pin pulled. If the oil temp goes above 96 degrees I pull over and let rip all over the engine bay.


Afterwards, if the oil temp goes above 96 degrees again, I just drive straight into the nearest canal.


...Then I cut myself with my road rage knife until the voices go away.





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I drive along holding a full size extinguisher in my left hand with the safety pin pulled. If the oil temp goes above 96 degrees I pull over and let rip all over the engine bay.


Afterwards, if the oil temp goes above 96 degrees again, I just drive straight into the nearest canal.


...Then I cut myself with my road rage knife until the voices go away.





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