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Value of an R32 Corrado?

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I'm umming and aaahing about putting a 3.2 DSG setup and possibly even the 4wd in my other Corrado. Just wondered what it'd be worth if I did all the wiring and mechanicals then put it up for sale without an interior, for someone else who may not be as spanner savvy to make their mark on it.


I know coxys old one went for about £8k but that'd been resprayed too and had nice wheels, brakes and new suspension.

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So it would be a rolling shell with a r32 lump and 4x4, do you mean it would have a tatty interior or none atall?

I'd imagine it would be worth more to buyers if it was usable, so that they could update things as and when funds allowed!

Assuming it would need a respray, upgraded brakes, upgraded suspension and swoping the interior at somepoint, I'd imaging with what your suggesting done and it roughly finished so it was drivable a price of £4500-£5000

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It's a good idea actually. Not everyone has the skill or can be bothered to build a 4x4 Corrado, so if the rolling shell and drivetrain is built up for you, it would save a lot of faff!


For people with VRTs wanting more traction, is perfect. Just stick your lump into the engine bay and your interior and you've got 50% more traction straight away :D

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I guess it would depend on the quality of the finish, but with a good install I would imagine £5000-£6000 as a base figure.

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4 wheel drive is the next "thing" imo, we have had supercharged, now since vinces VRT setup everyone seems to be busy with turbos, so next we will all be wanting 4 wheel drive :D


i brought my VRT for £6k, so as above really, 5-6k sounds fair maybe :scratch:

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My V6 4motion Bora has an R32 conversion and came standard other then LCR Brembo's


I paid about £1500 above book price for it, More work involved putting one in a C so I think you could put 2-2.5k on top when you sell it.


All depends on finding somebody who appreciates the cost and work involved

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I would love a 4wd Corrado!


Back to the original question- I reckon a base R32 Corrado would be around the £5k mark leading upto £7-8k for a fully sorted mint example.

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2.8 24v 2wd versions are selling for about £4k. Id add £750 for an R32 and £750-£1k for the 4wd conversion so I reckon about £5.5k.

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Well I've already got an R32 corrado with a 4wd conversion. I'd only be doing it for the money. Just wondering if it's worth all the hassle. I ain't fitting 4wd for a grand that's for sure....


The shell is good and straight, but would need paint to be mint.


Just dunno what to do, got too many cars and parts and too many choices!!

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Here's another option. How about a mk5 type chassis with a Corrado shell plonked on the top? Half leather, working climatronic and modern half leather trim and a respray?

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I can't see you would make much money out of this, selling a highly modified car on for a profit isn't usually a easy task, in fact I've known a number of people who have considered breaking their cars and selling the parts to recoup more from what they've put into it.

I could see several hundred hours of your time disappearing into a project like this, at only £10 an hour that would be several grand gone into it alone!

It's quite different when it's your own baby to keep and enjoy.

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Here's another option. How about a mk5 type chassis with a Corrado shell plonked on the top? Half leather, working climatronic and modern half leather trim and a respray?

if i'm honest I'm not sure that advertising on here is really the best audience for what you're offering. no offence to any secret millionaires on here but in 5 years of being on here I've never seen anyone suggesting they have a budget much above 8k for a project (1 or 2 turbos excepted).

2 years ago The Phirm told me about a guy that walked in saying he had budget of £40k to build a mint 600bhp 4wd corrado. They talked him down to about £20k if i recall but I'm pretty sure he chose them by reading PVW rather than pootling around on any forums.

Not sure if that entirely helps but just thought it was worth saying. Jay Renshaw suggested something similar (ie repeating his old car) last year, and while people thought it sounded nice, no-one gave the impression of having the money or inclination to take him up on it.

If you wanted to do it out of self satisfaction and be happy with loosely breaking even then I'm sure it would sell but just not make you money. A compromise idea perhaps would be to offer the bits for sale and offer to install them for the buyer for a price to be discussed between you depending how much you and they did of the work.

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Here's another option. How about a mk5 type chassis with a Corrado shell plonked on the top? Half leather, working climatronic and modern half leather trim and a respray?

if i'm honest I'm not sure that advertising on here is really the best audience for what you're offering. no offence to any secret millionaires on here but in 5 years of being on here I've never seen anyone suggesting they have a budget much above 8k for a project (1 or 2 turbos excepted).

2 years ago The Phirm told me about a guy that walked in saying he had budget of £40k to build a mint 600bhp 4wd corrado. They talked him down to about £20k if i recall but I'm pretty sure he chose them by reading PVW rather than pootling around on any forums.

Not sure if that entirely helps but just thought it was worth saying. Jay Renshaw suggested something similar (ie repeating his old car) last year, and while people thought it sounded nice, no-one gave the impression of having the money or inclination to take him up on it.

If you wanted to do it out of self satisfaction and be happy with loosely breaking even then I'm sure it would sell but just not make you money. A compromise idea perhaps would be to offer the bits for sale and offer to install them for the buyer for a price to be discussed between you depending how much you and they did of the work.


Just out of interest following the above post, i've got my VR to the point that i'm happy with the finish and upgrades etc, and my next move will be more power or similar!

If i decided to go down the route suggested above and delivered my car to you for you to convert it to R32 4x4, how long do you see the turn around on it being?

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Jay Renshaw suggested something similar (ie repeating his old car) last year, and while people thought it sounded nice, no-one gave the impression of having the money or inclination to take him up on it.


Take him up on what though? All I saw was some vague pie in the sky idea. If he had just said "I want £5K and 1 month to convert your VR6 to 24V", he would have got some firm commitments from people.


As you pointed out, this is the difference between a business and a forum suggestion.


Besides which, I don't think Paul is wanting to setup a 4x4 Corrado production line here....

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