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What's the worst kind of bad driving?!

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Of the non fault accidents I have been in, it has always been Men who have hit me. !!


A comment was made earlier of women in small cars.

I wish they all were, some of the worst female drivers are in 4x4's, thinking they are safer and can drive with no respect for other road users.

Sadly I even have friends in the category.


I think what has changed, more women will be driving to and from schools, no longer does the school bus seem to exist in many areas.

Then the laddish behaviour of some women, meaning the aggression levels have risen which obvioulsy relates to the car driving as well.


I reguarly see Cars wandering all over the road, obvioulsy on the mobile !! This is both sexes equally to blame.


Then Cars stopped where ever they like on a carriageway, taking a phone call, this too is becoming a major hazard.

In France you are not allowed to stop on a Carriageway and if you do, they go really Nuts - a good law for here I think.


And again, back to a point I have raised several times, i would like the Driving Test to be re-sat every 10 years

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Just to get back on topic :)


The worst thing I have witnessed on several occasions is a vehicle in the outside hand lane of a 2 lane road at a roundabout who then does a left turn across the front of the car in the inside lane. Fortunately for them they always seem to pull away quick enough to avoid being t-boned but how stupid is that :censored: .

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When I was a motorcyclist commuting into London every day I VERY narrowly avoided a Merc that came onto a roundabout at speed with the driver using two hands to eat a pro biotic yoghurt. :nono: Fortunately I saw what was going to happen so I slowed down to allow the Merc to go in front of me (rather than over me). When I sounded my horn to make the driver aware that there were other people on the road, she (damn that slipped out) let out a stream of invective that proved she was no lady! :shock:

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perhaps slightly off topic but i've found that Micra drivers and 4wd drivers are a right pain. I usually give way to traffic joining from a t-junction but if i see a 4wd trying to come in - no way Jose. Same for Micras as i find they're older, less shall we say...responsive... drivers. And who tend to drive 4wds??????

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the driver using two hands to eat a pro biotic yoghurt. :nono:

At least it was probiotic, they had some regard for their own health, even if not for yours!

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the driver using two hands to eat a pro biotic yoghurt. :nono:

At least it was probiotic, they had some regard for their own health, even if not for yours!



Some more statistics - this time Male/Female ratios of offences where men are more than 50% ahead of women (from 2007 I believe)



Reckless driving 3.41

DUI 3.09

Seatbelt violations 3.08

Speeding 1.75

Failure to yield 1.54

Stop sign/signal violation 1.53


Not saying that committing some of these offences necessarily means you are a bad driver but some of them would certainly be ones you would associate with a definition of bad driving?

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Mini roundabouts (3 - way) on old T. junctions where normally the straight thru traffic had right of way.


some ppl just dont know who has the right of way at these roundabouts.. we have loads of them in Wales and they are always an accident hotspot!! You Yield or Give way to traffic on your right. dont matter if its a 5 way 4 way or 3 way..so many ppl dawdle at these so quite often inpatient drivers just bolt thru!! its getting that bad where i live that the councils have put monitoring pole cameras up which doesn't help......


I s'pose it gives the camera operators sommat to giggle at!!

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People that cant go around roundabouts in their lane and cut you up and cant understand why they are in the wrong Fcuk Wits

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I guess the problem occurs when cars merge in at different points -- if you get some merging early and some waiting till the last moment then its more chaotic, than say if they had 'Merge Here' signs., so everybody knew what was going on...


If everyone displayed manners and filtered in turn there would be no problems ....but some people are cvnts and it doesn't work like that. :(

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OK, talking of merging in turns here's another one on that theme.


People who think 'merge in turn' means when I leave a gap for one car ahead of me the second car filtering in think they can accelerate and muscle in behind the 'one'

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OK, talking of merging in turns here's another one on that theme.


People who think 'merge in turn' means when I leave a gap for one car ahead of me the second car filtering in think they can accelerate and muscle in behind the 'one'

I'll second that. In turn means in turn! On a similar theme, people who move into your lane (usually when its raining) and half the nice safe stopping distance you were allowing. Grrr :scratch:

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Speaking of accidents...


The pillock who went through a red light while on his phone and speeding and wrote off my limited edition focus!


Then had the nerve to lie about it and say I pulled out of a minor sideroad in front of him, even though the police and ambulance attended the scene!


What happened to him?


50/50 claim, lost my 2years ncb, and his mum who was the "main driver" lost a years ncb. None of the witnesses at the scene came forward. Now looking like I'm going to be unable to even obtain car insurance next year! Live in an a very bad rated postcode on crime stats (Murderer lived across the road, rapist down the street, a whole family of pot growers lived up the road) and I'll be a 20 year old male with an open claim (still!).


Doesn't look good for me.

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That 'giving you right of way when it's not yours' happened to me again last night.


Driving out of our home town, on a B road, going up hill, I indicated to turn right. A car coming down the hill flashed their headlights at me.

My honest, immediate thought was 'he' was telling me my headlights were on 'cause it wasn't dark yet (although it would be very soon). Anyway, he was using that well documented Highway code signal to say 'please do pull across the road into my path 'cause I promise I wont broadside you'. Or that might have been what he was saying 'cause of course I really don't know.... Could have been 'Keep out of my way, my brakes are crap, dont cut across in front of me!!!'


No other cars about, and certainly none following him. I was quite happy to wait the 5 seconds (MAX) it would have taken him to pass so I didn't pull across into his path.

He proceeded to slow down. Then stopped. Then we sat there like a pair of numptys. I'm mouthing 'You Have Right of Way'. He's waving his arms about like I'm the one at fault.


Eventually a car pulls up behind me and obviously doesn't appreciate what's going on.

I resolve the situation by NOT turning right but driving straight on (as there are a number of ways to get from where I was to the M1).


I was in the 8v of course but people do it too me all the time in the Storm too. But regardless of which car I'm in I hate it when people do that.

In that situation why can't people just drive on the roads using the rules that everyone is supposed to know and follow?

:bad-words: rant over... I'm still p!ssed off about it.

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That 'giving you right of way when it's not yours' happened to me again last night.


Driving out of our home town, on a B road, going up hill, I indicated to turn right. A car coming down the hill flashed their headlights at me.

My honest, immediate thought was 'he' was telling me my headlights were on 'cause it wasn't dark yet (although it would be very soon). Anyway, he was using that well documented Highway code signal to say 'please do pull across the road into my path 'cause I promise I wont broadside you'. Or that might have been what he was saying 'cause of course I really don't know.... Could have been 'Keep out of my way, my brakes are crap, dont cut across in front of me!!!'


No other cars about, and certainly none following him. I was quite happy to wait the 5 seconds (MAX) it would have taken him to pass so I didn't pull across into his path.

He proceeded to slow down. Then stopped. Then we sat there like a pair of numptys. I'm mouthing 'You Have Right of Way'. He's waving his arms about like I'm the one at fault.


Eventually a car pulls up behind me and obviously doesn't appreciate what's going on.

I resolve the situation by NOT turning right but driving straight on (as there are a number of ways to get from where I was to the M1).


I was in the 8v of course but people do it too me all the time in the Storm too. But regardless of which car I'm in I hate it when people do that.

In that situation why can't people just drive on the roads using the rules that everyone is supposed to know and follow?

:bad-words: rant over... I'm still p!ssed off about it.



haha, i feel your pain, although this angers me the other way round too sometimes, when i flash someone to let them through and they arent paying any attention, so then your in a postion where your not sure if they saw you or not, and you slow down to make sure they are not suddenly gonna pull out infront of you...


only normally flash someone if i'm doing a slowish speed, would never flash someone to go if i'm on a 50mph road or something.

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Butterfly - if im honest ive done this before. But only when there's a queue behind the car waiting to turn and there's some cars behind me. I know what its like to be sat turning right and not one tw@t lets you in, especially when you could be waiting a while for a gap. Whats even worse is when the road coming towards you allow on coming cars to see that you've been waiting and waiting....

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Are you guys ready for german bad driving?think UK is bad?


1) 95% of germans dont know how to use a roundabout(dont have many over here,but theyre building more!!scarey :cuckoo: )

2) Most use their indicater AFTER they turned!!! whats the point?

3) pulling out at a junction a last second as you doing 45 mph causing your raddo to lock up(my personal favourite hate beening extremely dangerous)

4) for UK guys over here,the wives are worst people for doing it.nearly every single one does it!In german highway code a unmarked junction you give way to the right.ive nearly been t-boned three times,ran into about seven purely because they dont know what theyre doing.they dont even know what theyre doing wrong themsevles!i got out of my car once cause it was sooo close and asked her what she was doing.She said 'im driving straight on SO IVE got Right of way'. showed her the code book(i always carry it in my car,geek i know! :dorky: ) then she bursts into tears crying.

5)Pulling out into fast lane on the autobahn without looking in rear view mirror seening your doing 90 mph and theyre doing 60-70 mph

6)Simple common sense lacking would be a understatement

7)90% are not confident at junctions and distances.waited 13 minutes once,then pulled out from behind him and got onto road the gap was that big without rushing it!


Now onto UK

1)TOP of the POPS- tailgating- i was back in the uk for two days and counted 14 people far too close to me when i was driving(as in i can see if you had a shave or not).Watch three of them light theyre tyres up when i gave tap to brakes they were that close.If people want a close up look of my paintwork on my car,im fine with that but not when im doing 70 mph down the motorway!!! why do people think that the closer you get to a car at high speed is going to get them to move or get you home faster? Its also the number one cause of motorway slowdowns.people brake,causes person behind to react quick braking harder,person behind him/her has to emergency brake,stopping the fast lane from moving.and downright dangerous.

2)had five people cut me up on roundabouts,one even looked at me as if i was in the wrong.going straight over the roundabout,doesnt mean go straight over the roundabout when people are on the the thing

3)middle lane hoggers,usually 4x4 drivers.annoying

4)people pull out at roundabouts,who dont have a clue of whos got right of way!

5)people who block roundabouts and turn it into gridlock.

6)people not paying attention to the road,mobile phones,ipods,makeup,satnavs,looking at the kids in the back.thats what the passenger is for!not got one,do it before you set off!!


Im not a perfect driver by any means,we all make little mistakes now and then,but there is a growing thrend with people just beening lazy and not giving 100% attention to the road;360 degrees not just in front.


heeeewwwhh.... thats a load off my chest

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