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Motorway hates..

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I hate it when your driving on a 3laned motorway thats totally clearso you can do 70mph+ in the inside lane without any worries then you come accroiss some1 sitting in the middle lane :twisted: not another car insite just them in the middle lane!!! you have to go all the way out and arround them and back in again... i get so annoyed!!


Also done in this neck of the woods you get tractors that drive at 10mph along country roads with loads of cars behind thenm but bthey are too ignorant to pull over and let yoyu pass.... Argh!! bloody straw suckers!!



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How I'd love to import a Dodge Ram, fit some kind of plough to the front of it and just ram the feckers out of the way!


Agreed with Andi... there's some kind of British 'attitude' around driving that no other country shares, other than perhaps America. I think people like to take ownership of their particular patch of tarmac and hate being overtaken...... just to competetive. Small dick syndrome.



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How I'd love to import a Dodge Ram, fit some kind of plough to the front of it and just ram the feckers out of the way!


Agreed with Andi... there's some kind of British 'attitude' around driving that no other country shares, other than perhaps America. I think people like to take ownership of their particular patch of tarmac and hate being overtaken...... just to competetive. Small dick syndrome.




First time I drove abroad I couldn't believe how the French pulled in again on the motorway AS SOON as they'd overtaken someone - complete culture shock!


Another thing that really bugs me why do the British love to Queue? You know how everyone's dying to get in a queue on the road and then doesn't like it when other people don't share their obsession for queueing... like on an Mway when there are roadworks and say the outside 2 lanes are closed - WHY OH WHY does everyone insist on getting in the inside lane miles before they can even see a cone? Any then refuse to let anyone else in? And of course the lorry drivers who stradlle two lanes as if it's their right to make everyone queue? What really is wrong with using all three lanes right up until the cones?


Like Kev says I think it's some weird British teritorial thing - it MY road !!!

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LOL....I hear where you're coming from. People are like Lemmings in this country. As soon as one person goes down the right hand lane of a roundabout queue instead of sitting there in the left lane moaning, they all do it. As they say, a 'person' is intelligent, pleasant, witty and funny.....but 'People' are dumb, miserable feckers with an inability to think for themselves. They just follow the leader.......


Here's an experiment to see just how observant and alert people really are on the roads.


Pick a lane, any lane......with someone behind you.....slowly drift to the limits of your lane boundary and I guarantee the person behind will follow your moves implicitly. This is because they're focused on your car, and not the bloody road ahead where they 'should' be looking. Then pull over and slam the brakes on...... they'll do the same assuming you've seen a copper....


People, eh? Can't live with em, can't kill em....



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What really gets on my nerves is usually middle aged women (i hate to say my mother included) sitting in the fast lane of a dual carrigeway doing seventy, when theres nothing in the left lane, then theres me behind them getting irate and i know exactly what they are thinking 'im not moving, im doing seventy miles an hour and thats the speed limit', why do they believe they are right!!!!!!!!


anyway, nothing we can do hey

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Had a bit of fun in the 'Kia Pride' aka 'Death Trap' running down the M1 yesterday night.

The thing is so light, slip-streaming works a treat. Sat behind a Merc Sprinter van and he was doing 90 most the way. Pulling me all the way down the M1. Used about 10 quid petrol for a 170 mile trip ;)


Got the old girl to the end of the clock too, 110. Hehe. She was shaking like a bitch! lol


Get the C back Thursday.... yay :)

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:D I dont have a problem with dawdlers at te mo as my astra only just about reaches 80mph it's soooo fecking slow. Get me back in the rado and there's always twats that carve you up by pulling into your safety gap or trying to overtake you just to make a point!


There was a big debate on this subject on radio 2 :? ( I know but I work with a load of old farts :D ) Anyway one bloke rang in to have a moan about someone he had come across a few months back and I couldn't believe he had the audacity to moan about it. He started off like this


' I was in the outside lane of the A40 sticking to the speed limit ( 70mph) I was quite happily pootling along when this moron travelling at a much faster speed came up behind me and started flashing his lights, I was doing the speed limit so I refused to pull over to let him by he sat there on my tail for a minute or so and then moved into the middle lane and started to undertake me I decided to speed up a little by this time and as he came next to me he stuck his fingers up at me ( wouldn't we all? arsehole) he then swerved back into the fast lane, but as he did that he caught my front bumper which caused me to hit the central reservation, he lost control of his car and hit an oncoming lorry in the middle lane killling him, his wife and his 2 children in the process' He then followed by saying ' I really cant understand the standard of driving today, although I feel sorry for what happened to him and his family, he shouldn't have been undertaking"


The radio presenter didn'y really know what to say at this point! I know I would have though! For one why was he in the fast lane doing 70mph when there was enough room in the middle lane?

why didn't he move over when a faster vehicle was behing? and why the hell did he speed up when the car started to undertake him? If you ask me he was the one in the wrong in the first place!

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hey, 'Nanaman, can you remember what time was that on Radio2? We record it at the moment (as it's one of our competitors! :roll: ) so I'll grab it, MP3 it and sling it on the web... 8)


Can't believe that an s$$hole like that didn't get jailed... yeah, the guy speeding was breaking a minor law, but the caller was driving dangerously by speeding up, and possibly could get done for causing death (x4!) by dangerous driving!!! What's the betting he didn't even stop for the accident?!? :mad:

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Found another Motorway hate this morning....Volvo drivers.


I hate to stereotype people but I'm sorry, they deserve all the flack they get and Stereotypical comments are born for a reason!



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It was on a couple of weeks ago now cant remember the day or time now sorry! he was a complete tosser though! old farts like him shouldn't be on the road in the first place. He had to stop cause he ended up smashed into the central reservation just what he deserved really hope his rover 75 was written off!

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I thought you could only get road rage from driving, but when i was reading about that muppet on the radio i started feeling the same way as i do when im stuck behind him on the motorway.

what an absolute T**T

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