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Best Primer?

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Just about to do some painting and was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the best primer to use?? Its a rust removal job so want to make sure the rust doesnt come back


Im gonna go at the metal with a heat gun too to try and dry it out a bit as ive heard moisture can still stick around which can cause rust to form underneath the new paint



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yeah, you need an etching primer to 'stick' to the metal and form a base for everything else to key to,

anything else straight onto metal will tend to crack and flake off

try to remove all signs of corrosion though and if needed use filler and/or a high build primer on top of the etch.

I'd also consider buying a tin of etch primer (e-bay sellers etc.) and using a airbrush (mine was 11 quid from Amazon) as rattle cans offer little control over the amount of paint and where it goes :)

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Cheers for the advise lads.


Yeah im trying to avoid the rattle cans because i've got a proper spray gun and a compressor.


The only problem is i can only get a hold of the rattle cans for the correct pain code (blackberry purple LK4Z)


Anyone know if i can get a tin of the correct paint mix from anywhere and if i get it mixed by a 3rd party do they usually have access to paint mixtures via my paint code??

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I'd hope so


I'll have to run a search and see what i can find


My only worry is if the paint is slightly out but if theyve got the paint code then I'm sure they'll have some sort of reference points for mixing Etc

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