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Kevin Bacon

Today I am mostly liking Parrots

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Does anyone have any experience of this useful looking device? - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Parrot-RKI8400- ... pd_cp_ce_0


Good? Sheet, avoid at all costs? Or, cut me a slice of gammon please?


I'm not big into my SQ like I used to be (too expensive and stealable) but something like that to play my itunes and a handsfree kit seems great for the price?


Oh and what's a good 5.25" component set these days?

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Kev, i've no experience with that unit but i did have a pioneer bluetooth unit with ipod/usb connectivity etc and it was superb, sounded great for the money and the phonebook features worked well. You can get one for about £150 new.


As for components, do you have any deadening in your doors? Are the speakers going to be amped? If so i'd deaden the doorskin and the doorcard (upto you how far you go) and get some audioscapes and run 6.5's as the midbass will be superior.


If you just want a set of drop in 5.25" comps what is your budget? SPL D comps are well rated budget comps. As for anything closer to and above £100 it depends on your sound preferences, you know how many variables affect the sound!

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Alright mate


I've been there with the Audioscape pods etc already, but took it all out a few years ago as I wasn't keen on leaving the car unattended with a few K's worth of ICE in it. I just want some simple background music now :D


What I like about the Parrot is you pop the face off, connect the iPhone, throw it inside the unit, stick the face plate back on and off you go. Very neat and no clutter! Built hands-free etc also.


The doors are sound deadended already from the previous setup, but I'll do some other bits and peices to firm it all up. I want the standard interior look, so 5.25" it'll have to be :D

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I wouldn't touch it with a barge-pole, Kev. Parrot have supplied one of their bluetooth integrated devices for one of our projects and it's shockingly bad. One of my colleagues who worked on that project mentioned this particular Parrot product to me last year. They've had no end of issues with it. They in fact released it then withdrew it at least once.


Leave it well alone :)

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Not the best brand but i do remember 'mutant' doing a stereo you can connect an ipod to, flip down the face and chuck it in.


I've got a pioneer unit that hooks up to my iphone, handsfree is really good quality. The ipod lead comes out of the back of the stereo so it can be routed to the glove box or centre console cubby hole.

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At the moment I plug my phone into a headphones jack which goes to the line in on my head unit. This enables me to listen to any music on the phone, make hands free calls etc. I also run a satnav on the phone so it speaks over the music and any calls. Would the bluetooth bit do all that just without the wires or would it just transmit the music and calls?

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They in fact released it then withdrew it at least once.


Leave it well alone :)


Totally agree,I fitted one for a customer had all sorts of problems stay away :D

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In that case i'd go with a pioneer Kev, they sound great and are priced well. You can have the ipod leave going to the glovebox or the cubby hole under the ash tray if u like.


As far as comps, budget? Also, are they going to be amped at all? Im assuming this will be a sub-less install.

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i've got a parrot, 9200 (i think), good for what its made for ie handsfree calling, but the audio via the usb/ipod is really really bad.

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i've got a parrot, 9200 (i think), good for what its made for ie handsfree calling, but the audio via the usb/ipod is really really bad.


the problem with these are they use a small 20w amp in the parrot com box to pwer the speakers instead of using phono leads and use the aux in on stereo thus using the stereo amp, much better way :D

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Cheers guys, glad I asked now, lol!


I went on a journey yesterday and decided to run my creative labs PC speakers as a bit of background music, but they sounded so good I'm actually thinking of a way to fit them in permanently! One of them sat in the passenger shelf perfectly, so just need to figure out the driver's side!

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Lolz' that'll work. You can run an ipod straight to an amp and use that to power the set up.

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