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Cost of petrol/running your car

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V-power is now approx £6.50 per gallon, that means its costing me £6.50 for fuel alone to do somewhere in the region of 25miles with mixed driving. It really is getting scary the cost of travel, watch out for dodgy characters with syphon pipes.

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Even diesel seems to be hitting my wallet hard - when I got it 5 years ago it cost me £50 to fill the tank (500 miles), it now costs me £70 so my monthly fuel bill had gone up from £100 to £150

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I've been p'd off at gas going up 10p in the last two months, but at least petrol has gone up inline.


£25 gets me 200miles.

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There is something wrong when each month I spend more on fuel than I do on food, clothes and drink! Is it the fuel price, or do i just drive too much (or not drink enough)?!

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Even if public transport WAS cheaper, I'd never consider it. For me to even do a short trip to work I'd have to walk a fairly significant distance once I got in the vicinity of work, and the busses are always RAMMED on a morning with students.. standing room only if you're lucky enough to get on one. I refuse to pay and not be guaranteed a seat - would rather just ride my bike or keep paying the petrol prices!


Just got 250 miles out of the last tank on my VR because of short trips and having all the lights / heater on. Ouch.

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90 euro gets me 250 miles but ive recently been using Maxol E5 which is 5% bio-thenol and im up to 320 miles per tank.

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£87.50 to fill up the car last night. That was Shell super at 134.9, had already passed a BP at 137.9 earlier and could hardly believe what I was seeing (would have been £89.45..). These were normal town centre stations, who knows what it is on the motorways.

VAT and duty rises was meant to be about 3.5p extra but I reckon it's gone up a good 10p in 2 months. Also, it's now at least 22p more than a year ago.

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With the 8v i get about 450 miles to a tank which is about £65ish. Dread to think of a VR6 :pale:


And public transport. From where i live to Stafford on the bus use to cost my brother 85p. Two years later it cost me £2.50. That was 5 years ago. If it continued like that, it would be £6.60 now :eek:

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I saw superunleaded at 144.9p at Sandbach on the M6 yesterday. That's £6.58/gallon.


Covered 500 miles yesterday back from Scotland. I don't want to even think what it cost me. The January increase has put something like £2 on a cost of every tankful. Apparently there's another 4p/litre increase due in April, which was announced by the last Government, but has still not been cancelled by the coalition.


I don't think it will be long before people start taking to the streets again on this issue. Just think the 2001 fuel protests happened when petrol broke through the 80p barrier.



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Do you need to have any sort of engine work done to the car to be able to run the bio fuel?

No its only 5%.

They also do E85 Which is 85% this you can run in new cars but not ild ones,.

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The only reason I use this is you can not get any petrol in Ireland any more higher than 95 octane no super unleaded is sold herre anymore and my g60 was running like crap so i tought i would try the e5 as i had tried every petrol station all crap.With the 5% bio in it its 99.2 octane the car runs sweet and smooth and feels better every week of using the stuff.

All petrol in Ireland comes from the same place same containers so its all 95 its what the petrol companies mix with it that makes the difference man i wish i lived in Japan 100+ is the norm.

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More reasons for me to emigrate!


Hong Kong has similar petrol prices for their super premium shell, but you pay less tax overall, roads are better, education is better, public transport is better...


And all this from a nice beige bloke in the 50's deciding tax should be 15% and business should be allowed to thrive. Our NHS is failing because there's no competition to force down prices and up standards of care, our rail system is failing because there's no competition to force down prices and offer higher standards... See the vicious circle? And all the while we're being told we need to pay more tax because the economy's in the shitter, all the roads are pegered and that there'll be no future if there's a single big company left out there.


Bollocks I say, companies become monopolies for a reason!


Sorry about the rant there, but I feel pretty strongly about being shafted.

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More reasons for me to emigrate!

Hong Kong has similar petrol prices for their super premium shell, but you pay less tax overall, roads are better, education is better, public transport is better...

Hong Kong also has over 1000mb broadband speeds :eek: Im currently running at 2mb!!!

England - Think ill download that film to watch next week

Hong Kong - Think ill download that film.....Play

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cant believe petrol prices :sad:


wouldnt be so bad if every country was paying out their arse, but most seem to have dirt cheap fuel, piss take

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Hmmmm running 2.7 v6 bi turbo as a daily prices are hitting my wallet very much, specially getting average 17 MPG


Time to think about diesel car :confused4: NO :)

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The only reason I use this is you can not get any petrol in Ireland any more higher than 95 octane no super unleaded is sold herre anymore and my g60 was running like crap so i tought i would try the e5 as i had tried every petrol station all crap.With the 5% bio in it its 99.2 octane the car runs sweet and smooth and feels better every week of using the stuff.

All petrol in Ireland comes from the same place same containers so its all 95 its what the petrol companies mix with it that makes the difference man i wish i lived in Japan 100+ is the norm.


Hey Philie - where do you get this '5% bio' stuff - and what the hell is it! like a fuel additive yoke? :shrug:

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cant believe petrol prices :sad:


wouldnt be so bad if every country was paying out their arse, but most seem to have dirt cheap fuel, piss take


Not entirely. Europe as a whole pays a fortune for it - trust me, drive over to France and Germany.. their fuel prices are usually higher than ours!


It's only the countries that produce it where it costs peanuts generally :|


This is tax and profiteering - look at the graph attached below. Look at what oil cost back in 2007 at it's peak.. we're miles away from that now so why the high prices? The dollar has continued to slip against the pound back to more acceptable levels, so that rules a strong dollar out.


I do think something is going to have to give soon as these prices are absolutely ridiculous.

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