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Cost of petrol/running your car

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Me, the only time I've ever got rid of an old car is when it rusted to pieces, I like to and have to get my money's worth from them :)


Too right :D The Corrado won't be going until I've got at least 300K out of it :lol:

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I think the nail was hit on the head with the amount of people with Interest only mortgages, which is of course where the countries problems really started anyway.


I have never been able to understand the new car culture, let alone the 3 year replacement - and - this is not all company car owners - as this has reduced drastically over the years.


Then the amount of people having meals out, take aways etc - where are they getting their money from ?

It only only be further credit. Apart from holidays I had two meals out last year and fish and chips about 3 times as I really cannot afford them.

And yet, every time you pass McDonalds and KFC they have queues. - how ?


Don't get me wrong - I do have good holidays, but am really tight with everything else, so i can have them.


My Oil tank is only 1000 litres and have calculated I should last till mid Feb, I filled up last July, extra jumpers for me and only heating on in rooms I am using.

I do have a Multi Fuel burning stove, which after about an hour of being light, means I can open the doors allowing the heat into other rooms.

I have even turned off the heating in the mornings, as the bricks warm up so much from the fire that the house is still warm through to the morning.

I also buy wood in Summer when its cheapest and go for walks to collect kindling - too tight to buy it or firelighters !! :lol:

Very sad I know, but I have even taken to putting a saucepan on the fire - it does have a flat top, to heat water for coffee/tea, well the heat is there so why waste more on using the electric for the kettle. Easy for me not so safe probably with a family.


I will make my heating oil last until prices reduce drastically and buy more thermal clothing if i have to.


Maybe we should buy a a big house where we can all live under one roof and reduce costs even further ?? !!

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I'm with you on the firelighters! We have a big stack of newspapers beside the couch for that :D Kindling is bloody expensive isn't it? And B&Q and petrol stations with their £6 a bag damp logs (all 5 or 6 of them), what's that all about?


We got sacks and sacks of free kindling this year, courtesy of a kind gentleman chopping up some old pallets for us. All he wanted in return was some Mars Bars!


Yeah our local BKs and KFCs are never short of customers. I don't like to sound like an old kill joy but people can eat better quality and healthier food for a lot less! Let's not also forget Britain's obesity problem! Speaking of which, I can't believe Britain's fattest man, who is local to me, is sueing the NHS for his weight gain! Nothing to do with him eating 20,000 calories a day then? :cuckoo:


I digress!


So yeah, big savings can be made easily. I think some people have just lost the art / inclination of being frugal and are hooked into this instant gratification culture besetting the country at the moment.


Not much we can do about petrol prices though :(

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Me, the only time I've ever got rid of an old car is when it rusted to pieces, I like to and have to get my money's worth from them :)

Too right :D The Corrado won't be going until I've got at least 300K out of it :lol:


Keeping your old car rather than buying a new one is, of course, the most environmentally friendly thing to do anyway. I was going to agree with your sentiment about getting 300k out of the car as well, but sometimes I wonder if putting 300k into it might be nearer the truth! doh!

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One word......Credit. The credit crunch has not come yet. Fixed rates, and borrowing still running on. Interest free only mortgages and idiots remortgaging. Only the other day a guy in the pub bought a new car (audi tt), i asked him if he'd got a pay rise. No he said, his house had increased in value so they remortgaged and took the money. He does not relate the fact that hes just borrowed another 30k for 25yrs and the car hes bought. He thinks hes got money for free! I scrimp and save everything from a pound a month on a utility bill to recycling water to save on the bill. My mates think i'm stupid but i just want to pay off my mortgage asap as the interest is stupid. The interest on my mortgage is the same as what i borrow over 25yrs, if i can pay that off sooner i can save upto 120k over 25yrs. You can buy a lot of stuff for that!!

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Already had this discussion. Dukest spent £85 filling his tank the other week, so in reality it's gonna be £100 a tank for us VR owners soon (and 15 Gall tank G60s). £70 almost sounds cheap!

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By April? It's £90 now for any Corrado owner with a 70Ltr tank...


Diesels not much better - I've spent £200 on fuel this year already... 13 days in!!!

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If it's any consolation, my friend used to spend £100 a week fuelling his Evo 9, which had a 12 gallon tank.....back when petrol was around £1 litre.


I'm amazed anyone with a car like that, or a Monaro VXR, M5 etc can still afford to run their cars at today's prices...

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Was going to say, it would be nice if i could fill my tank up for £70! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this country will soon be out of debt whilst the occupants will be in severe debt, once that happens will the people of UK see any benefit? more likely those high up in government will just sit smuggly on mountains of cash they can take in bonuses.

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