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Epic Fail last night

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Had to go into the office yesterday. As i parked up noticed that the rear nearside tyre looked a bit flat.

Come out hours later and the tyre looks very flat. So drive to petrol station (less than a mile up the road). Try to put air in but the tyre refuses to inflate.


Air compressor was working as other people came and used it no problems. So decided id have to get the space saver out. Its about midnight at this point.

First obstacle was taking the damn wheel bolt covers off. After i managed to do that had to rearrange my boot (have a sub) to get the spacesaver out with the jack. Tried to undo the bolts but no matter how hard they refused to budge. Sprayed wd40 still nothing. So had to cave in, put my pride to one side and call the RAC. Lady asks what the problem is and i have to tell her i can't take the wheel bolts off :help:


Anyway 2 hours later the RAC man pitches up. Blatently giving my the look as though im an imbecile. HE takes out his breaker bar to undo the bolts but they wont budge. Had to use the breaker bar plus another pipe like contraption with me sitting with my foot on the brakes just to undo them.


And low and behold the reason why the tyre would not inflate :epicfail:


http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0475.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0476.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0477.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0478.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0479.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0480.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0481.jpg


This is how im rolling now :cuckoo:


http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0486.jpg

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/k ... G_0487.jpg

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The problem is have no idea how a tyre could have got so bad. RAC guy reckoned i must have gone over some bit of metal and its shredded the tyre :confused4:

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Your C looks so good on that spacesaver, the yellow strip really sets it off - thought of getting those all round ? !!!! :lol: :lol:


Seems to me you were very lucky with the damage you had to that tyre, quite unbelievable the damage there.

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impressive! I did that to a tyre at about 75 in the outside lane of the M40 once by getting too close to the edge of the surface and dropping off into the gravel by the central reservation :shock:


lucky you werent trying to get around on yours for long!

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Looks like most of the damage is the result of running it up to the petrol station to pump it up, although the initial failure point is pretty serious.


Just lucky it took a while to manifest and as Dukest said it wasn't on the motorway!


Was there much wear left in the tyre? It looks towards the end of its life judging by the photos and what I can see of the tred blocks.

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It wasn't a new Tyre but still had a little thread left (about 3mm).


Just glad it wasn't on a motorway or at speed.


Where do people buy tyres from? Anyone know of any special offers going?

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'It looked a bit flat'...... LOL :lol:


What age was the rubber? There are markings on it that say the year/month of manufacture and just cause it has a bit of tread left it doesn't mean to say the rubber isn't seriously perished.


Anyway, with a space saver you should notice wonderful fuel economy. I had one on my VR for a few weeks over Christmas / New Year a LONG LONG time ago and on the M5 trip to work at 50mph I was getting 50mpg+. Wonderful but so so tedious doing 50 max on an Mway.


Glad to hear it didn't let you down in a more serious situation.

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Yep - as above driving on it won't have done any favours - I wouldn't trust any tyre that had been driven below 20PSI, just not worth it especially with good tyres for these cars available at £50 a corner

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Yep - as above driving on it won't have done any favours - I wouldn't trust any tyre that had been driven below 20PSI, just not worth it especially with good tyres for these cars available at £50 a corner


Oh, £50 a corner, are you serious.


Michelin Exalto's, £100 a corner.


Ok, I know you can get cheaper tyres, but I am not sure i would want them on my car.


If you have the funds, in my book, you should shell out as much as possible - it is the only thing between you and the road.

Which is why I cannot get my head around that so many don't check their tyre pressures reguarly, or tread depths.

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