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Well, I was going to do it today but I forgot :epicfail: The problem is it's now filthy as well thanks to the rain :(


Ordered £200's worth of parts today in odds and sods. General screws, clips, new open slat grille, new gearknob etc etc. Also popped to Kev's to adjust the coilovers up on the front a bit and found both top mounts were knackered :sad: So as Kev has done everything physically possible on his C I'm doing him a favour by letting him fettle the broken bits on mine!! :lol:


After the the Friday session in Kev's garage i'll clean it Saturday morning and start the members rides thread. I'm so bloody happy to be back in a Corrado its unbelievable :clap:

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Sounds like you've found a goodun be nice to see some pics!! :lol:

Can I ask how much the new open slat grille was please?

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Sounds like you've found a goodun be nice to see some pics!! :lol:

Can I ask how much the new open slat grille was please?


With a shiny new badge I think it was about 70 quid. Probably going to keep the closed one as a winter grille :)

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Good to see your enthusiasm is back mate :D The A6, and to a certain extent the R32, you seemed to treat as just transport, but you're very different around Corrados :D Good to have ya back!


It's definitely a good one from what I've seen so far. Good panel gaps and no obvious colour mismatches. Drives well too, apart from the tracking and those horrid Pirelli P6000s obviously!


Can you ask Continental why they don't do the sport contacts in 205/50? Feel free to add " ya bastards" if you think it would add some weight :D

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Yeah the tracking is a joke :lol: Can't believe the guy drove it around like that for nearly four months.


Still some adjustments to be made on the suspension front. Need to raise the Off side shocks up about 5 mil before they seize and then get those top mounts sorted. Then a wheel alignment :) Then when we get some drier weather the waxoiling will start :norty:


I can ask about the Conti's mate. I know what the answer will be :lol: Might get the other ones on order actually as they'll no doubt be back ordered by the time we actually need them.

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