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Swompy's DBP 24v. New daily

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IT did indeed take a while but I know it was because Graham wanted to do the best he could for it and it shows.


Im very pleased with it to say the least, just need to pull my finger out now and start sorting little bits out on it.


Going to give it a good clean tomorrow and get a couple of layers of wax to see it thought the winter.

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Today the old girl got a bit of a pampering ready for the winter weather.


She had a wash, quick polish and two coats of collinite 476 wax to help keep the salt off the body on my next day off I will give it another quick wash then one more coat of collinite was followed by some soft turtle wax to give it a nice shine :D


Any way enough talking here are the pics (excuse the wheels, they were put on whilst the car was getting the engine change, the BBS's will be back on soon)






The compulsory engine shots :cool:











Ans whilst taking it for a spin the car millage clicked over to this.




Cant wait for spring to come around again so I can give her a proper detail and going over with a machine polisher as there are so many scratches :(


Over and out

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Very nice, mate. Those wheels are growing on me... are the BBSs off being refurbed? Standard colour or something different?

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Haha no I had to take them off a while back because of a flat and I picked them up on the cheap so wacked them on when it went for the engine change so that I didnt have Chris's speed-lines on it

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Looks awesome dude, I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end!


You done anything with the brakes?

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Looks awesome dude, I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end!


You done anything with the brakes?


Thanks mate, No not yet thats one of the first things I'm going to do


Looking good mate.

Need to get the machine polisher out on mine once it's on the road. DBP need some sunlight on it really to show it off.




Thank you, ya the sun really does bring the colour out even more. :D

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Looking good! You know, those wheels aren't too bad! How long has it been in total since you've not had it?



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HAha they might be for sale soon ;)


Umm I would say a god 4 months give or take, but was worth the wait

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looking good:)


im just fitting a 4mo 24v in my dbp rado ,cant wait to get it in !!


have you had it mapped or anything?

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Thanks mate :D


HAha our cars can be twins :afro:


No it hasnt got a map or anything at the moment but will be looking at getting a "custom code stage 2" remap done at some time as that quotes the best performance gains.

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Just ordered the parts to replace the foliage seal as mine is leaking and the fan doesnt work. So going to have a good old week of getting dirty on the old girl as Im not working :D


The parts came to around £9 so even cheaper than the Wiki page says so there is no excuse not to do it now



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Replaced the foliage seal today after coming across a bit of a snag with the fan housing






Fitted the new seal and put it all back together with a working fan. But only works on number 4 so will be sorting that bit out later.


Going to take the bumper off later and give the front sub-frame a good clean up as its covered in rust. Will up date later :D

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Started to take the front end apart to get at the rusty cross member.


Now do I take it off complete or do it as is?


How easy is to to remove the cross member? As I needed to be able to put it all back together before the end of tomorrow due to work and possibly moving house soon.





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Also snapped one of the tabs on the grill as well:mad2::pale::onfire::brickwall::mad:

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Pretty easy really. Remove the lights and the slam panel first. Then its just a couple of bolts. Remember to undo the top of the engine mount and support the engine!

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Cheers Andy What do I do about the cooler pipe (PAS I think) that goes through it

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Took the front bumper off to clean the rad support up earlier this week and it has finally been put back together. Learned a lot doing it believe it or not and cant wait to get my hands dirty on other parts of the car. On the down side I will be moving out of this house soon (buying my own place :dance:) and the garage I'm going to is tiny so wont have the space I have now :( . Looks like all the work will be done in the summer when the weather is good :cool:


When I started to clean the rad support up I found it was had more rust than I thought so didn't go to town on it as there was no point. I gave it a clean up with a drill and wire brush attachment followed by a coat of hammerite paint. Unfortunately the only colour I had was silver and I wasn't going to buy another pot when this one is still full so just stuck with it. :afro:


Next year I'm going to get hold of some good condition rad support, front cross member and bumper Iron (bit that goes at the bottom of the bumper by the splitter) and get the powder coated along with a few other things :D


Any way enough talking time for pics and excuse the mess in the garage I need to get rid of a lot of parts


To start with







The worst bit



All painted up


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Like I said on edition, the front end looks good.


How are you finding the 24v?


I was just watching the vid of when you had it on he rollers with the 12v and it did sound bloody awesome huh!! The induction roar was something else!



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Cheers mate, the pic gives it more justice than it deserves ;)


The 24v is good loads of power down low, but just missing something at the top end. So when funds allow I will be getting a remap.


I so miss the 12v roar :( but getting a de-cat soon to hopefully make the most of the 24v exhaust sound

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