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CHN code (Corrado VR6) gearbox ratios?

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Corrado VR6, CHN gearbox, correct? I always thought it had a 3.6 final drive, but I can't find it listed anywhere, and I've been told it's a 3.3:1, same as a CCM golf VR6 box, but that can't be right, I know they feel different.



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From the http://www.corradoclub.co.uk:


5-Speed 3.78, 2.12, 1.46, 1.03, 0.84:1


Reverse 3.39:1


Final Drive 3.67:1


And from a post on here: ( http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... hlight=chn)


No Final drive info though...



ATA====3.778 =2.105 =1.345=0.971=0.795=3.684==Corrado G60


AYL====3.778=2.118=1.429=1.029=0.837=3.684==Corrado G60


CAW====3.77=2.118=1.458=1.034=0.838=3.647==Corrado G60


CDM====3.300=1.944=1.308=1.034=0.838=3.647==Corrado VR6


AGC====3.778 =2.105=1.345=0.971=0.795=3.944= Passat 16V


AYK====3.778=2.118=1.429=1.029=0.837=3.684= Passat 16v


CES====3.778=2.118=1.429=1.029=0.837=3.684== Passat?


CHA====3.778=2.118=1.360=0.917=0.717=3.944==VR6 Canada


CGY====3.778=2.118=1.458=1.029=0.837=3.684== Passat?


CNL====3.778=2.118=1.458=1.029=0.837=3.684==VR6 Passat?


CCM====3.300=1.944=1.308=1.034=0.838=3.389==VR6 Passat, Jetta, Golf


CTN====3.778=2.118=1.360=1.029=0.755=3.157==Jetta/Golf TDI


DQY====3.778=2.118=1.360=1.029=0.755=3.389==Jetta/Golf TDI


ASD====3.300=1.944==1.308==1.09==0.717==3.16==TDI I've heard of a few being bought in the USA but I believe its a euro MK3 TDI tranny


CHN==== Golf


CHU==== Passat


CRU==== Passat


O2C trannys (SYNCRO):


CBC,CHD=3.778=2.118=1.360=0.967=0.769=3.938== Passat Syncro CDN


AYR ====3.778=2.118=1.345=0.971=0.756=3.944== Passat Syncro


CDH====3.778=2.118=1.360=0.967=0.769=3.938== Passat Syncro

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ETKA's got a list of ratios and final drives....


Want me to ask Vince as I'm about to talk to him about my box? 8)

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According to ETKA CHN ratios are


33/10 = 3.30

35/18 = 1.94

34/26 = 1.31

30/29 = 1.03

31/37 = 0.84


Final 61/18 = 3.39


Doesn't look like CHN is a VR6 'box ?

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it is. my 2.9 engine came with one. and I got antother one that was in a corrado too.


so what gearbox code should the corrado vr6 have?

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looking at the gearbox from the top as you stand in front of the car. find the join betwen the bellhousing and the gearbox casing. on the top face of the gearbox, near the front of the car immediately to the right of this join (to the left of the shifter tower) is a flat machined area, with a 3 digit code stamped on it and some numbers. the 3 letter digits is the gearbox code.


can all other corrado VR6 owners have a look too please?

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Yep - you're right it is CHN - it's on the sticker in the boot :-)


So, if ETKA's to be believed the ratios are as above then... i.e. 3.39 final drive???

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So just to prevent me going nuts, how do you get from the above ratio and final drive figures to an approximate mph/1000rpm figure..

Rolling circumference of a standard VR6 wheel is about 76cm..


1000 rpm at engine, divide by 0.868:1 ratio gives 1152 revs of output shaft, divide by 3.39:1 final drive gives 339 revs/min at exit from g/b, which is 20,390 revs/hr, which is 15.496km/hr ...


Nope, that doesn't sound right...


Is there another gearing I'm not taking into account here? The diff? I'd estimate that's out by about 2.8:1 somewhere, but I don't know where...


If we knew the X-factor then we'd be able to tell the final drive just by knowing the mph at say 2000rpm in 5th..

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Mine's CHN too.


Done a bit more research and it looks like the American and Canadian SLCs got a 3.65 FD, but all I can find on UK ones is 3.39. Looks like Vince is right.



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Rolling circumference of a standard VR6 wheel is about 76cm..



15 inch wheel alone is 38.1 cm which has a circum of 120cm, wheel and tyre must be at least 152cm ... :? :?: ( I'm guessing twice your 76cm -- Pi x d, not Pi x r ???)


Which at 50mph or 22.22 m/s gives a wheel rpm of 877, which x 3.39 x 0.84 would give approx. 2500 engine rpm in fifth

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On the journey home from work - 2000rpm is approx. 50mph, 2500 rpm is approx 100kmh in 5th


Wheel rolling circumference measured at approx. 1.76m, gives a wheel rpm of 756 at 50mph, x 3.39 x 0.84 is 2157 engine rpm (should have had the gps on to measure true speed, speedo could be reading slightly over......

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Well thats a right boot in the balls, was reluctant to go for a 3.9 when I got my diff done but if id known standard was a 3.3 I would definately have changed it for a 3.6 :mad:

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so it's a 3.3 then. that's a load of sh1t! I've been going on about the benefits of corrado vr6 gearboxes for years, I've even sold 2, on an exchange basis to a very good freind of mine. if it's a 3.3 I'll have to give him his money back.




whereabouts on the corrado club site did you find the 3.6 info?

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Mailed Vince at Stealth on this a month ago and he told me the C box has the same final drive as the golf vr and told me to get a g60 box in.

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Phat - should mention that its still very good advice you give about the gearbox ratios if the C and golf are the same as they are long.


One thing, I cant understand why the C is that much quicker than the golf however as standard with the same ratios and only 15 brake more. A 200bhp golf should keep up with a Stnd C vr no problem in that case although I never raced one :!:

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Maybe the extra torque of the 2.9 makes better use of the long ratios?


No wonder Phat noticed such a huge difference when he went to 3.94.....from 3.39! 3.6 to 3.9 perhaps wouldn't have given such a big difference?

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An interesting read!


I have been after a corrado vr box for my golf vr to give it a bit more life, looks like i'll leave it :cry:

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From the http://www.corradoclub.co.uk:


5-Speed 3.78, 2.12, 1.46, 1.03, 0.84:1


Reverse 3.39:1


Final Drive 3.67:1


so where is this info from?


I want more proof of this. I've always heard that the corrado VR box is a 3.6, for years. it's only Vince who's told me it's a 3.3, and that's only going off a cutting from a magazine article, I know because he showed me it on sunday, and that;s why my head's been in bits all week,


mind you, if ETKA says CHN is 3.3 then I guess that's the official line....balls


still, my 3.94 is f*cking mint, I love it to bits, no wonder my old mk2 VR was so quick!! :D

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IMHO, though I can see that shortening the ratios will make the car slightly quicker, I think if I was going as far as 3.9 from 3.3 I'd *really* want a sixth gear..

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