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B*gger - possibly caught by mobile speed camera

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Well on the way to my first day at a new job. Was following some old giff who was going really slow. Got to a roundabout we both turned right onto the dual carriageway, the old giff went into the fast lane which was doing about 30 in the NOW 40mph. I went up the inside, got upto about 48. I then saw the mobile speedcamera further up the road. So slowed down to about 43mph.


Im kind of hoping he had the camera on the car in the outside lane, allowing me to drop my speed.


Will put my hands up if i have been caught, but really could do without 3 points and a fine right now. Any chance of being offered a speed awareness course, rather then the points, or is this only offered to you if you actually get pulled?

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Are you sure it was a speed camera ?

The tall looking vans are number plate recognition cameras !

Fingers crossed you could be all right.

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i did something similar, again some old gimmer was driving very slow in a 30 zone so i "carefully" ovetook him as ipoulled in a bimmer pulled out from a side road and shot off infront of me. at the top of the road/hill i noticed a van at the side of the road and put thebrakes on, then the bmw noticed after me and his brakes came on. i thought i got caught for sure but i think the bmw got clocked instead of me.


so you never know the other guy might of been his first concern and then you so you may not have been caught!


but you can do speed awearness course if your caught by camera's ie not being pulled over. my stepmum got caught on newyears day once whilst taking my girlfriend to work as i wasnt in a fit state to drive! she got offered to do the course. so didnt get any points

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If its your first offence they may well offer you the course, depends how 'severe' they deem your speeding.


I wish that was the case for me, first offence and got 3 points and £60 fine from a mobile van :(


Only had the VR 2 weeks as well Doh :bonk:

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Well its my first offence in a fair few years ie 6 :lol: does that count?


Dragon green - it wasnt one of those high roof vans it was a normal cop vans.


I was doing about 47-48 in a 40 whilst i got passed the old giff, then noticed the van and dropped my speed to about 43-44. Really i should have just slammed the brakes on :lol:


Is it around 2 weeks it wi

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odds are on you will get away with it.


your speedo will over read, and the distance at which the cameras operate is very close to the van.


you can do the course once every 3 years, its now speed limit + 10% + 9mph, i believe so you would be able to do this if needs be.


prob take less than 2 weeks to come through from a mobile van.

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....you can do the course once every 3 years, its now speed limit + 10% + 9mph, i believe so you would be able to do this if needs be.


prob take less than 2 weeks to come through from a mobile van.


I thought it was 10% + 1mph I got caught doing 61 in a 50 ( 2 lanes duel carrage way, unfamiliar road as well, didnt see the signs :( )


Will take 1-2 weeks to arrive

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nah was always +10% + a figure. 10% is the standard tolerance for both your speedo and there equipment.


it was revised this april by something like 81 out of 93 forces.

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was +6mph i believe, and the remaining few still are. but now majority are +9

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Speed awareness course was offered by S Yorks police to my sister when she was caught, and to one of my mates as well.


It may not mean anything but my VR speedo was pretty much cock-on on standard wheels. The Golfs always over-read by about 7-10% but they were cable driven speedos.

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I've been on the course twice! caught 2 times in 5 years :lol: so Thames Valley Police are always willing to send you on the course if you qualify.

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If thats the case West Mercia police screwed me :(


10% +6 of the 50mph would have been 61 which is what I was caught doing,




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possibly but its not as black and white as that, other factors are considdered such as time of day etc. sp50 isnt the end of the world though

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i had to go on a driver aware course when i bumped someone up the arris , it did turn out to be a female old bill on her way to work though lol, she made a right meal out of it . it was a one and a half day course and it cost me bein self employed . if it was anybody else it would have gone through the ins and that would have been that .

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I was caught doing 39 in a 30 and got offered the course. Apparently if I was doing 40 it would have been points straight away and that would have been bye bye corrado. Phew! But it was an extra £30 (£90 in total) and I have never seen a better buffet! :) 2 hour course followed by 2 hours of driving round in a Golf TDI. Not bad really.

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