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Can't find 1 years insurance for under £1000, help!

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Due to loosing two years no claims bonus by an uninsured driver I am struggling to find insurance under for under £1000. Even via Admiral!


Any ideas on companies that give you the benefit of the doubt when you're hit by an uninsured driver? I now only have 1 years NCB.


Wouldn't mind if I was doing 15000 miles a year but only doing 8000 and i'm 25 years old, so hardly a young driver!!

Edited by Pat_McCrotch

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footman james for me 3000 miles a year on classic policy for 240

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Have you tried the usual recommendations on here? Chris Knott, Sky insurance, Adrian flux......they all seem to be decently priced (for me anyway). Also elephant seem to be decent at the moment.

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Thats an awful lot mate i use adrian flux for most of my cars and bikes really cheap

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Try Greenlight mate, seriously they were half the amount of other insurance companies. All others, which included HIC were double the price which i found strange.

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Just got a quick quote for one, I'm 23 with 3 years NCB and it was £1050 :( - I do have a ban under my belt though.

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+1 for classic. You can up the annual mileage once you get close to your limit too. The max "limit" is 6000, then after that it's unlimited but you'll pay a bit more on the top if you got quoted/start a quote on a limited milage policy.


My golf is getting close so i'm gonna call them up in a bit and get it put on unlimited.

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Footman James ok with modifications? Gonna need to swap my policies around soon and re-insure the VR6 and need it to go onto a classic policy ideally!

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FJ okay with small mods, but no engine swaps! Brentacre were useless for me.. crazy price.


Adrian Flux came up best at under half what brentacre wanted. Going trade again this year though.

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Definately try Peter D James, for a classic policy, my VR is with them for 3000 limited and agreed value for 10k for £260.


My Nugget is also on a classic policy with then as its over 20 years old the mileage is unlimited and agreed value for 4k for £155. :)


I am an old fart though :)


Strangely cant get below £298 for the 8v :/

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I know this thread started with...even Admiral. I think you're running 2 cars, the Accord and the VR6. Have you tried their multicar policy? I'm paying £490 for the my Touran 2.0TDI and C VR6. Admittedly I have full no claims, but that includes extras such as free hire car in case of accidents, legal etc. Even when I added the second car, they gave me full no claims on both, even without having established this separately to the first car. It's always worth talking to these people rather than just accepting their on-line quote, or renewal quote. Example. I got my buildings renewal from Aviva - £375. Because I had been on line the previous year on go compare or something, I got a quote from another company as they still had my details - £295.


Phone Aviva - will you match

- let me talk to manager

- on hold

- would you accept £275 plus £20 of High Street vouchers

- Oh go on then, i'll stay


Always worth a pop.



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Admiral did a smidge over £800 for me (unmodified VR6, 26yo male, zero NCB). Adrian Flux wouldn't touch me without no claims - I've only been a named driver for the last five years with Swiftcover, but they wouldn't quote because of the engine size. I thought that was pretty good - once I have one year's NCB I expect it'll come down a lot on the classic insurers though.



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