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Should I sell?

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Now, this isn't a "Im bored of my car" thread. I still adore my Corrado VR6. But i've found myself using the car less and less every month, mainly as it's in such mint condition I am trying to preserve it.


I guess it's just a feeling of guilt really. The car doesn't have the luxury of a garage and I feel like i'm not giving it the home it deserves, it gets the usual wash once a week and polish every fortnight but considering it's only used once a week (45 round trip) I feel it should be in a garage. Another thing is because of the reccession and increase in fuel costs i'm finding it hard to save for a house which I was planning to own by now and I can't afford a house with a garage in north Colchester, so £4k plus from selling the Corrado would help.


I've kind of grown attached to the Accord. I like the fact it's in not in the best of nick. So I feel much more laid back parking it, driving it, pretty much everything really. It's probably only got another 2-3 years before it's for the breakers. But it cost me £1000 so it's still bargain motoring while I set myself up for a house


I KNOW I would always regret selling my C though. Thats the annoying thing :(

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As above really, although I completely understand your reasons. I sold my mint 16v because I had to use it as a daily, when it just needed occasional use to keep it perfect. I got so anal about it, I stopped enjoying the car. You'll want another if you sell though- I guarantee it!

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That's the problem Neil. The feeling of running them into the ground by actually using them. I'm ashamed to admit that the VR isn't getting the love it deserves and is unfortunately just having to be my car - and to be honest because of the change of circumstances, etc I've sort of gotten over it. The paint really needs sorting, etc and it pains me every time I use it to be honest - but circumstances dictate that.. well, the car just has to come second and I won't beat myself up about it.


I guess if you're really at that point then.. you'll know. But I'd suggest only selling it if you are left, financially, with no choice. If you've got the option to get it on a trickle charger and stick it under a car cover and you only use it once every few weeks... then fine.

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Thats the situation with mine, not been driven for a couple months now. Just sat there with a solar trickle charger on the dash. Lost a bit of interest in doing anything with it until this past couple of weeks. Love is back and I see the car as a hobby rather than transport. Does not selling it, just mean you save for the house a little longer or does it stop you from getting the house?

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I know there are notable exceptions but I must reiterate that Corrados are a desirable car if kept,maintained and presented to a good standard and if not they become simply another ageing car past their prime, increasingly unsuitable for the rigours of every day use especially in the face of pricy and obsolete parts, fuel costs etc.

They are really now a weekend/hobby/summer/classic car to be cherished and enjoyed. If you have the time, money, space and love they truly are a joy to own, when that level of commitment is no longer sustainable or justifiable its time to move on

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I put the G60 up for sale when i bought my house but the sale fell through.

I sold everything else i owned and just about came up with the same money and kept the corrado.


Problem is, owning a house takes all your spare rado money!


I kept mine and did it up [very] gradually and hardly used it. I'm glad I still have it as the money would be long gone.


All depends what's really important to you though!

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umm a tough one!

option 1:- sell it,regret it, but your 3-4k{or however much its worth} richer!!

option 2:- keep it! its doing no harm where it is! and you wont have the hassel of finding another good one!

option 3:-Sell it and buy another corrado for half or less of its price! drive it and not care! just like everyone else.

personaly i like option 3 as you still get a corrado and some moneys :)

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the other option to consider is will the car actually sell...? at 4k plus in the market as it is i`d say you would be lucky.

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I'm going to go against the grain here a little. If you don't enjoy owning the car as much now, and more importantly if it is preventing you from buying something more important such as a house, then I would consider selling.


You will certainly regret it. But at some point in the future you will be back in a position where you can buy something like a Corrado again. When I moved house and had kids I had to sell my mk1 TT. I loved that car. It was the only car I ever bought new and I was very attached to it. But it had to go because I was between houses, wasn't using it, it was occasionally getting minor damage from idiots parking near it, and I needed the money for the next house. So I sold it. And for many years I didn't have the money to buy myself a car (we bought the 4 door 4Mo instead which is a lovely car but not 'mine' in the sense of it being the car I would choose if I didn't have a family).


But now, quite a few years later I have a Corrado and love it. So in the future you may not find another Corrado in the same condition but you would find another enthusiasts car that you would be happy with. The only fly in the ointment here is that if they rocket in value then you'd be kicking yourself. But life is a gamble and they could equally just hold their value or fade away over time.


Another option would, as has been suggested, be to sell the Corrado and buy a cheaper one. But if that were me I know I wouldn't be happy with a cheaper, worse condition, car. And the difference in money isn't likely to be huge especially as maintenance costs might be higher.


So I feel you need to sit down and really think hard as to whether having a Corrado in your life for the next few years is one of your strong desires for the next few years. If it isn't then you should consider selling.

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My Corrado is your Accord!


Well not quite. It's relatively tidy, but far from perfect. But the point is that I can go into car parks without worrying too much about dings (I still park to avoid them if possible, and ironically if I'm carrying our baby, the parent and child spaces are a safe bet!).


I use the car daily, and it benefits from it, keeps it moving, keeps it sharp. Okay, I'm putting about 150-200 miles a week on it, but who cares - it's done 219k now. I've spent a little bit of money getting the car mechanically sound, and I'm pretty confident that it's not going to let me down. It feels like a much newer car to drive.


I don't buy into the mentality of having a car you don't care about for daily duties, and a minter for the weekend. Why can't you drive a daily car that you care about and love? I can understand if you have a low mileage car and you're doing 500 miles a week, but even then you need to weigh up whether you can afford a weekend car, especially now we're all a lot poorer. As for parts being rarer and more expensive, most of the parts that will need replacing through regular use are service parts anyway.


You need to decide why you have the car and what role it plays, and I suspect you're not too sure.


Do you want to use it as a daily - no because you have the Accord

Do you want to keep it as a low mileage and mint investment/show car - no because it isn't garaged, and leaving it stood and exposed to the elements 6 days a week will do more damage corrosion-wise than driving it regularly

Do you want to use it as an occasional weekend car - can you afford to? Again, you really need to garage it if it's not being used.

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Ive got to agree with Tony, for me a car is meant to be driven. I dont have a problem with using the C as a daily, i couldnt wait all week to drive it at the weekend, id want to use it everyday. I try not to worry about putting wear on parts or dings (though again i try to avoid getting them). It doesnt bother me that somethings worn out or needs replacing as a result of using the car, rather that then something perishing when its not even been used.


I suppose the advantage of having 2 cars or using the C for a weekend car is, if it does let you down you know you can always jump into the other car, where as for me usign it as a daily then if it lets me down it can leave me with a bit of a problem.

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to be honest, from what I hear you're getting on a bit so I'd recommend selling and getting something like a ford fusion.


You don't want to pop a hip trying to get in and out of your car.

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Not wishing to upset anyone, but i find there are a few people with corrados who are way too anal about them and think they have a super car on there hands, i feel as if some people think one day their car will be a rare artifact and worth loads of money.


i've never owned a car and all the time while owning it been concerned about the next owner, my brother is like this, won't do anything to his car as at the back of his mind all the time is what will happen when he comes to sell.


i say enjoy what you own and use it, its only a 90's VW, they never won a race or trophy just got a few good comments in the odd magazine about 10yrs ago.


Sell it if you need £3-4k, but i can see you like corrados. Enjoy the corrado, no point trying to score online points amoungst other VW fans because your car is more shiney and has more "rare" OEM parts fitted then theirs.

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... its only a 90's VW, they never won a race or trophy just got a few good comments in the odd magazine about 10yrs ago...


your account on the Corrado forum is hereby cancelled,

...and we know your IP so don't even think about re-registering

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your account on the Corrado forum is hereby cancelled,

...and we know your IP so don't even think about re-registering


That has made my day!


And on the topic at hand, I went through the same thing with motorbikes - bought one, spent money on it, rode it a bit, rode it less often, flogged it, missed it, bought another one etc. Then I saw the light and was able to get rid of the last bike and my Golf 1.6 which was my mum's from new and a brilliant car, mad to sell it, worth more to me because I knew it from new . . . . and bought the Corrado. It does what I need to - it's reasonably reliable transport - and it is a bit different, fun and fast (within reason). Do I miss the motorbikes - absolutely! Can I justify getting another one? Not really. Might I get one in future? Never say never.


I say sell it on with good grace and remember it fondly. Get something similar in future when you can afford it. Do not keep it and resent it or beat yourself up for using it and spoiling it. I have less Corrado experience than many on here but buying a cheaper Corrado just leaves more scope to throw money at it. Money you probably will not have anyway.


If you love your Corrado, set it free.

Edited by 4eyes2wheels

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your account on the Corrado forum is hereby cancelled,

...and we know your IP so don't even think about re-registering




don't get me wrong i do love the corrado, sometimes the truth is helpful

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Not wishing to upset anyone, but i find there are a few people with corrados who are way too anal about them and think they have a super car on there hands, i feel as if some people think one day their car will be a rare artifact and worth loads of money.


i've never owned a car and all the time while owning it been concerned about the next owner, my brother is like this, won't do anything to his car as at the back of his mind all the time is what will happen when he comes to sell.


i say enjoy what you own and use it, its only a 90's VW, they never won a race or trophy just got a few good comments in the odd magazine about 10yrs ago.


Sell it if you need £3-4k, but i can see you like corrados. Enjoy the corrado, no point trying to score online points amoungst other VW fans because your car is more shiney and has more "rare" OEM parts fitted then theirs.


If I own an older car I choose to keep it in good order as I want to run an older car by choice not simply because I want a bargain basement banger. Theres no point scoring or one upmanship, just a sense of enjoyment from owning a car that gives me some pleasure, a hobby and one I can share with like minded enthusiasts. As it goes i'd probably rather run just a diesel turbo daily at the moment but just because my car isn't worth much in the scheme of things doesn't mean it needs to be neglected or run into the ground or sold for peanuts so it makes it more desirable to run it on a classic policy living a relatively pampered life

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If I own an older car I choose to keep it in good order as I want to run an older car by choice not simply because I want a bargain basement banger. Theres no point scoring or one upmanship, just a sense of enjoyment from owning a car that gives me some pleasure, a hobby and one I can share with like minded enthusiasts.


Completely agree with that.

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so do i, i really appreciate some of the examples on here, OSV's being one of the best by far.


i think alot of owners dream of owning one in that condition, they are the real gems.

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Got very greasy this evening removing the Neuspeed Anti Roll bar. Kev soaked it in so much copper slip its still like new. Took it for a quick spin and I just can't sell it :luvlove: My god does it need some braided hoses though! The Accord Type R brakes are a million times better than the stodgy Corrado ones.


My potential replacement for the VR6 and Accord would probably have been a Nissan 350z GT. But I realised I could spend less than £1000 and get the Corrado looking like new again rather than buying another car and going through the heartache of everything going wrong all over again. And having thought about it I would still rather own a C than a 350z :thumbleft:


Just had a 'moment' it seems. The Accord will go long before the Corrado does.

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