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Ice White Socks

Wheel bearing

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This isn't an big problem in the overall scheme of things but I was winding the car up on the A1 late last sun night to see what it could do (have videophone evidence but am a bit reluctant to post it :wink: ), came down off the power and it starting a high pitched drone; now around town its grinding quite badly.


It feels like a wheel bearing its just I have never known one to go from good to bad in less than a minute :? , anyone else had wheel bearings go so quickly or could it be something more serious :(



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Don't drive the car, the bearing has totally gone!! :cry:

It happened to me not more than 3 weeks ago, nothing and then the next day I drove it it sounded like someone dragging a fork across a blackboard. I thought it must have been something stuck in between the pads and disc so I jacked it up and took off the wheel and you could rock the disc back and forth or in any direction, the grinding noise was coming from the disc turning at an angle and grinding against the caliper housing. If you have the same problem then you'll find that the grinding stops when you apply the brakes, this is because they are striaghting up the disc.

Not such a big problem unless you keep winding it up! :) and your wheel falls off :(

Hope this was a help!

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That'll learn ya Mr Socks......no more high speed runs for you, chortle chortle..... :lol:


I think mine are hanging on by the skin of their teeth too......

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"I would have bought a VR but i'm too TIGHT!!"


LOL :)


I'm beginning to wish I hadn't bought a VR...


Too many "opportunities to spend money"... :(

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Yeah they are not the cheapest of cars to run. I really can't understand what's different about the Corrado though. There are reports of Golf and Passat VR6s going past 200K with no problems.....so why is the C the ugly duckling? What did those bodging gits at Karman do to make the C such a flakey old piece of ..... fine motor car?



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It's the way they get treated, I'm sure. Apart from the trim stuff, which just suffers from a lack of investment in the testing department..

Also the fact that the VR6 is so peaky in it's delivery on the Corrado - from what I've heard the Golf/Passat is tuned more for low down grunt, which means people are more likely to run it at lower revs and cooler..

Roll on the Schrick.. :)

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