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stel g60

power steering pump

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hi guys


my power5 steering pump has been whinning badly during the last week or two.ive just checked and the fluid is a bit low and its got bubbles in it (hasnt been changed for a while) does any1 know if a fluid change will sort out the whinning or is it new pump time? power steering still works! also, does any1 know how much a new pump is just in case? ive heard theyre about 200 quid. is this true? any help will be appreciated

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Had this item replaced last year(after 62k). Same noise as you describe.Thought it was the alternator at first so went to a dealer for some advice and as i reversed in to a space, the power steering pump (real culprit) gave way and left a trail of fluid. Very lucky that it broke while i was stationary on a dealers forecourt.Think it could,ve been more serious had it broken on the road.


Pump was £194 but make sure they flush out the whole system if you have this job done coz you may have some 'nastys' in there from the old one. Andrew

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Had this item replaced last year(after 62k). Same noise as you describe.Thought it was the alternator at first so went to a dealer for some advice and as i reversed in to a space, the power steering pump (real culprit) gave way and left a trail of fluid. Very lucky that it broke while i was stationary on a dealers forecourt.Think it could,ve been more serious had it broken on the road.


Pump was £194 but make sure they flush out the whole system if you have this job done coz you may have some 'nastys' in there from the old one. Andrew


Although there are different part no's for the pumps the 1.8 and 2.016v pumps are basically the same and only about 120 quid from GSF when I got mine, they only listed a 2.0 part so I took my old one in (it's on an exchange basis anyway) and double checked before taking the new one away. Worth checking your pump against one they have in stock.



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No if the pump starts whining....that's it, no amount of oil changing will silence it......it's dying!


My VR one sounds awful.....really LOUD high pitched Peugeot 106 type whine when cold for about 5 mins, and then gets quieter when warm but it's always audible.


I picked up a replacement ZF pump from my scrappy for £30. I stripped it, inspected it for wear, replaced the seal and put it back together again. Should do the job nicely! Don't always need a brand new one......



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the pumps the 1.8 and 2.016v pumps are basically the same and only about 120 quid from GSF when I got mine



Works out about £120 provided your 'whiny' one is serviceable! If not they'll charge you an extra £60 ish - been looking at doing mine :(

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sh!$e, cheers kev. looks like i know what im doing this weekend then!


The ZF ones (VR6) work differently to the 16V and G60 ones (dunno who make those) and come apart easily.......but I'm not sure if 16V/G60 ones are servicable or not....



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The ZF ones (VR6) work differently to the 16V and G60 ones (dunno who make those) and come apart easily.......but I'm not sure if 16V/G60 ones are servicable or not....



I'm bit more confused after looking at G&S website as ZF one is indicated for 16v!!


But there is a definite surcharge of £60 in addition to £120, which only gets refunded if the unit you provide them is serviceable, and gets restocked for the next punter :D


Bit of a risk i s'spose - might go down the scrappy route :roll:

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Has anyone ever had a "broken" one refused as being unserviceable?

I mean, they replace the bearings, the seals and the pump is "new" again... As long as you've not drop kicked it across the floor and bent the housing it's repairable.

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All that's inside the pump is a rotor with 15 to 20 thin metal plates that slide in and out of grooves in the rotor. It is the plates moving in and out that vary the power assistance, some kind of speed and inertia related voodoo trickery.... i.e. the slower the pump pulley is turning and more lock you have, the plates move out thereby pumping fluid at a greater rate......straighten the wheel and speed up, the plates move back in again reducing pumping rate.


I don't know if the rotor and plates are available as seperate service parts or not.


I can't figure out how these plates move in and out but the pump I stripped seemed mint inside.....so I'm just going to try it :lol:

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Weird, you'd expect more assistance at higher revs then, but clearly that can't be the case. (Or rather, that *shouldn't* be the case. Perhaps we need to understand how it works a little better..)

Might go some way to explaining the weird handling on my car, now I think about it.

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just got off the phone with gsf. they say on the 16v pump 1 of the oil feedscomes straight out and on g60s they face upwards and so he mentoined something bout warranty and the main dealer. can any1 shed any light or is it agsf novice?

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If you have a 16v then you could just haul one of a PAS passat ive got one sitting at home i nabbed from the scrappies and its identical to my one on my rad

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yeah but i need to use the car 2mrw night. going gatwick so i need to have it done asap. i hate spending money when its not for bhp

:x :x

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You should feel happy my engine mount went on the front and bounced the engine off a damn speed bump and bent up all the hoseing to the pump all the pump houseing and managed to somehow sieze the bottom pulley sheered 4 bolts out of the water pump and know i live on the streets coz i had to pay for it all at once and all i want to do is cry constantly :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

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