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getting rid of sound deadening from under bonnet

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Saw a post about this a while back , done a search but cant find it .What is the best thing to get rid of the glue that holds it on ?. Second question , can you still get hold of new stuff or is it deleted as usual? Thanks Rob

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still available. part # is 535 898 123A


Thanks for that . Is that through vw or tps ? Rob

edit just seen the posts that come up when you start a thread , looks like a caramel wheel is the way to go to get rid of the glue .

Edited by robrado974

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Lots of white spirit, a stirdy ice scraper and some disolv-it (available from Tesco etc near the washing powders- smells of oranges). Just make sure you cover the whole engine bay with an old dust sheet- the stuff gets absolutely everywhere! Oh yeh, lots of patience needed too...

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, looks like a caramel wheel is the way to go to get rid of the glue .



What CazzaVR says and be partient doing it, at least two brew breaks ;) It falls off like in a horror movie if you give it time. Shave the foam off first to let you get at the glue with the white spirit. Big plastic decorator's sheet over the engine bay and front wings, ... its needed.



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i used nitromors it works really well. but it can take the paint off to but I wanted it off because it was red and my car is silver lol

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Ok, thanks both of you . Will cover engine bay , wings ,front end and windscreen . After havin a full respray i am not takin any chances !. Rob

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sounds like an idea for me... mine has gone all soft and crumbles when you touch it.


does anybody know if part no: 535 898 123A comes pre cut so you can just stick it straight on or do we have to cut it ourselves??

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All ready in cut shaped sections. Suggest when you come to do it... to do a dry run with the sticky back protection still in place so you know which piece goes where and what way up. The adhesive is very very tacky and once you commit, its vitually no return.



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I tried white spirit, and it did not remove anything. I tried various things, but same result. Finally I took a liter of 99 octane and a credit card as scraper, as suggested here. and brushed the gasoline on with a paint brush. A small area at a time. Worked perfectly, and did not remove or harm my paint in any way. Washed thoroghly after. I second that of the decorating plasticsheet. Abslolutely needed. Took about three hours in total incl. polishing and waxing afterwards. Looks very well now.

As others said, remove foam first, I could peel mine off with fingers.

Finally do it outside, and wear a mask and long secure gloves, as gasoline is extremely toxic, and contains many poisonous components that will end up either in your liver or in depots all over your body. Just a word about it as it is needed.

Job is easy to do and will make a great result. New foam can then be stuck on. I didn't yet, but will after painting next spring. To me there's a difference in sound, listening from standing next to the car, bonnet closed.




Edited by Redfox

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Can you just remove the foam and not replace?


Mine has am oil leak! But the foam keeps coming off and going in my fan! Grrr! So I get foam crap in the car all the time

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I used glue thinners on mine, came off real quick and easy. Doesn't harm the paint.


Rob, you have to remove all remnants of the old foam or the new stuff won't stick!

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Thanks for all the replys and advice ,all will be taken on board . £88.00 sobs !!!! .Think i will see what it looks like when ive got it all off and tried some polish first , lol. Kind Regards Rob

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Thanks for all the replys and advice ,all will be taken on board . £88.00 sobs !!!! .Think i will see what it looks like when ive got it all off and tried some polish first , lol. Kind Regards Rob


That's what I am thinking lol


Will the heat blister the paint on the bonnet??

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