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juust want to cry monday

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arrived at work as normal at 7:30am, parked the car up and thought nothing more off it, Loaded up my van(including my new wheels to be taken for wrapping in rubber and set of on my route at 9....... at about 9:45 I got a phonecall "fin, your cars on fire, can we smash the window" thinking it was a prank at first I just said yeah go on then. I phoned back to work straight away and spoke to one of the other lads and he confirmed what had happened. I then got a call from the boss "fin, best get yourself back here, it looks like an electrical fire, its a mess"


I set of back in Silence fearing the worst. i round the corner into the car park, there was my beloved rado with the bonnet in the air :( but......in one peice :o wtf....when he said mess I thought i was coming back to just a shell.








they had put the drivers window through and glass everywere, the leads have burnt right through to the copper and just melted plastic and pipes....apart from that everything seems good..........time for a rebuild me thinks :D

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That's crap. Everyone seems to be having bad news lately :( I think I'll get an extinguisher for the boot.

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That's crap mate! At least you work with some people that have initiative. At my place they would all just watch it burn!

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wow that's weird... looks like your HT leads went up. Very strange when your not in the car with the ignition on... :scratch:


regardless, at least the car itself is ok... and you weren't driving it at the time!

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the Ice is earthed and everything, as can be seen in the pic.

Ive just gone and bought a foam extinguisher lol.....goes in the boot afterwards

it was my boss who put the flames as nobody else seemed to know how to use the extinguishers at all.


thinking about which way I go with either rewiring the car.......or Ive got the chance of buying a nice shiney new.....g60 engine

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all the wiring is a mess on the battery side of the engine. couple of pipes have melted completely as well. gutted :(

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At least you are safe and you already sound hopeful to make it better. Still a ****ter though. Has the extra hot weather melted something that was touching metal / power from your drive to work?

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Unlucky but lucky if ya know what i mean?, from day one i brought a fire extinguiser for the car but i guess its no good if im not in the car at the time! i guess these things can happen anytime, just grateful iv never had to use mine, fingers crossed....

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well, lad at work turned round a bit later while I was on ebay and said...... wanna buy a g60 :0 :0 :0


just got to find a place to do the work......am I a glutten for punishment :o

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There appears to be something wrapped around the amp power lead in the pic, that fuse in the amp power lead should be closer to the battery to prevent this happening.

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thats just one of the burnt out wires, this is after having a poke round to see the extent of the damage so bits seriously arent were they are ment to be

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Make sure you wear gloves when touching burnt wiring, nasty stuff burnt insulation

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feel for you mate, at least it was spotted and not left to spread, anybody know what would have caused this? and how to prevent it?

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Eek, nasty! :(


Ive just gone and bought a foam extinguisher lol.....goes in the boot afterwards

Bit late, but if you're only going to carry one extinguisher you'd be better off with a decent powder one. The reason is, foam is good for liquid fires (petrol...) as it floats on top, but you need a lot of it to smother any fire where it's not just in a burning pool (engine bay). Powder gives you much better smothering for the weight, which is why all the vehicle extinguishers round my work are powder ones...


They aren't expensive, worth it for peace of mind though. I would see if you can get some extinguisher training booked in too - not reassuring if only your boss knows how to work them!



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Good your are okay, and the Corrado will be okay in time too. Many years ago my bronther had a buggy, and one afternoon while he drove on the expressway with a friend in his rebuilt VW 1300, it suddenly burst into flames. It took so short time, that they only managed to get out of the car. Totally fried in a few minutes.

So in this perspective, you were lucky after all, but of course stil a bad incidense.

Good luck on the rebuild.




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Well after a hectic week full of arguments, fires and just down right daftness I decided to strip down and remove the engine from my valver with looks at swapping it with a g60 lump that my mate new off. And a snip at £850. So plans were made, move into my new flat Friday, start early sat to get the bay ready for said mate bringing the lump down. Friday went without a hitch Saturday was full of swearing, rounded bolts and troublesome parts...... And when my mate showed up I didnt know if I should laugh or cry.... It wasn't just the lump.... It was a full c!! With a folder of work done. Up on the ramp and had one of the mot testers check it over.

Now I have a knackered valver and a g60.. Which only needs pads and disks all round a tyre and then to sort out an over fueling problem which I think is down to a boost valve that's been fitted.... And then I've got 175bhp on my right foot(got the rolling road data from a year back)


So that's 2 c's in less than 8months!! And bOth for under a grand

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Well, you never know if something bad is for the better, and even though you've had some grief over the matter, it seems to turn out all nice. Congrats on a better Corrado (and no more fires). Good friend you have there.

Let's see a pic of the new one then.




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since you asked so nicely








some goodies arrived :o

what could these be :o :o



:o :o wow






yes....thats an iphone

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