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nice start to a monday

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Got to my bosses house this morning and he walks out and goes woaaaa whos done ya car !!

Never noticed when i got in as i was a bit tired but it seems some low life scumbag **** has keyed the full side of my car ! Rear quarter and door ! Words cannot explain how i feel right now and to make it worse yesterday was the first payment on the loan i took to get it


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Cant believe how mad i was im actually glad i didnt know who did it thinking back to this morning

Got to get a quote now to get the full side of what was a perfect side of the car resprayed !! Still not a happy chappy

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It's weird - seems to have been a lot of this suddenly in the last few weeks, judging on the comments made on a few other car forums I frequent! Scumbags - hope you manage to get it sorted with the minimal amount of financial outlay!

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It always amazes me why people feel the need to do this sort of crud, hopefully it won't look too bad after an attack with a bit of polish.

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I'm amazed car manufacturers haven't come up with vandal proof materials and paints by now. I'm sure most people would pay a little extra for such things. No, wait, the insurance companies would lose out, meaning less money goes to the government, meaning less big wiggs get back handers, meaning less money going back to the car makers. Tut, silly me.

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Yep im away all week aswell with work so wont get to look properly at it till friday ! Im hoping to cover it up for a bit until i can afford to save for it to be done properly !! Looks like i wont be getting my new wheels now iv already stopped looking ! Im sure they could design some kind of clear resin that could be sprayed and set solid enough not to be scratched that easy ! Or people could keep their ****ty hands off that would be even eisier lol

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