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WTF ?? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr - LEGAL ADVISE NEEDED

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Middle of the day, some kids playing around when suddenly one little boy is jumping on bonnet in my corrado, then on the roof, then from roof on the bonnet and he started kicking my windscreen. Windscreen is cracked, scratches on roof and bonnet, hi is around 7-8 years old. I've seen his father and he said that he will talk to his mother and will pay for the damage but to be honest I don't think it will be so easy as they don't have lots of money. I'm away to start may late shift at work now and don't really know what to do if he decide not to pay. I have an adult witness, my neighbor who seen everything and gave me a call and bunch of kids who seen everything.


All happened during a day, car was parked outside my flat and I was at home, really ****ed off.

Edited by emu

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Does the young fella, or family, have any pets?


yes, a dog, but what does it have to do with anything ??

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Unbelievable. I should imagine the dad will be in shock when he sees the repair quote.. good luck!

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yes, a dog, but what does it have to do with anything ??


... Have a little think ;)

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I think this is the norm with kids these days, my neighbours car was ran over by some 14 year old kid... twice. managed catch the little scum bag and police were called.... parents are paying for the damage but personally I would involve them so its logged and to teach the little begger a lesson.... doubtful the parents are going to do feck all if the father hasnt delt with him initially. bit of a cop out response to speak to his mum...

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Its gonna cost them a fortune, it could be worth reporting it to the police incase they dont end up paying the full amount. Its not fair on the parents but it would not be fair on yourself if you had to pay.


Sounds like the little kid won't be getting any christmas presents, or should i say the litle sh*t

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About 6 years ago I looked out of the window of my missus's old house to see a kid standing on my C's front bumper. He was about to run up the bonnet, so I dashed out there and pushed the f'cker off the car and shouted in his lug hole about respecting people's property etc etc. I was absolutely livid. Back then I actually cared about the car's paint and I'd spend that morning waxing it.


If that wasn't bad enough, I then noticed a couple of bikes propped up against the car on the other side. Sod's law isn't it. The only decent, looked after car in the street is the one the local scum choose to hang out around, and climb on!!


It's amazing how their parents don't give a schitt what their little rat litter are doing to other people's property until it comes to people shouting at them for it. Then they're out there like a shot.


Parents and pet owners, grrrr..... hate the f'kin lot of them.

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Despite having a friendly and approachable demeanour, perhaps it's the fact you're constantly shouting RAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHHH at the top of your voice [at young children] that puts people off :lol:

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Bummer , p;;;'d is not the word , i remember when this happend to nath who used to be on here . I would involve plod right now .Little sh@ts like that should have a slap , tell em you want his xbox n all ,make him stand there while you bust it an all his games , phone n whatever else he loves .Youth of today .......

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Sorry to hear about this. I had a similar thing a few years back with my 2 week old Audi A3. Some scrotes where throwing rocks over the estate behind us and one of them landed on my bonnet. It was only luck a family friend was on our driveway at the time and saw the stone fall onto it.


Que me driving down there and giving them some ***! There Mum offered to pay for the damage but when she saw the bill for £300 refused and gave a sob story about being on benefits, that she was on holiday from London (in Sudbury! lol) and how if I took her to court I would be lucky to get £5 a month. Without wishing to depress you, it sounds like you are dealing with similar pondlife.

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Sadly, in this day of age, your options are...


1. Go to the police, they'll do very little and you risk retaliation from the family/scum 'friends'. If they were old enough you'd at least have the satisfaction of getting them a criminal record.

2. Speak to the family calmly and see if they're decent enough to pay up. If they refuse, not a lot you can do except go to the police.

3. Go and see the family all guns blazing, chance that they'll pay up but bigger chance that they'll go defensive and start a feud.

4. Collar the kids when you see them and give them a piece of your mind, but you'll probably get arrested.

5. See if you can arrange for an 'accident' to happen to the kid's bike when they're not looking.

6. Pay for the repairs yourself.


Having been in a similar situation myself countless times over the last few years option 6 is the only one that really works.


The problem is that people don't understand the value of things when everything they have is given to them and don't have to earn it. Unfortunately these days that applies to adults as much as kids.

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Try and get the parents to sympathise with your predicament. What with Xmas etc you can't afford the repairs and they should accept responsibility of their child, or as said you'll be forced to go to the police and report vandalism and possibly go through your car insurance, but you'll suffer the increase in premium and will have to pay the xs.


Have they got home insurance/car insurance? You could potentially look to try and claim through their public liability, especially if you have legal expenses on your own insurance?


Or as said, retaliate on the little kids dog but I imagine that will get quite messy ;)

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Did this happen because the little toad was out of school due to strikes? If so send the bill to your local teacher's union rep...



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I did contact autoglass today but they wasn't able to give me a price straight away and asked me to call again in the morning. I will go there tomorrow with quote in my hands and will see what they are willing to do. If they refuse what I'm thinking to do is:


- Report them on police

- Fix it from my insurance but won't be better to solve it with insurance without involving police ?? I have to pay 50 quid only and can tell them it just cracked when was driving over the big pothole or whatever, windscreen had stone chip and small crack already but now has cracks across whole screen.


---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------


P.S I'm not going to do anything with a dog.

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Very sorry to read about this. I remember when I caught some little toerag hitting my old Scirocco's rear screen with a tennis racket. Luckily for me, they hadn't done any damage, but I don't know what I'd have done if they had. Difficult to believe that any good would have resulted from any action these days :( I really hope that you find a satisfactory resolution, but I'm unsure what it would be :( Good luck



P.S I'm not going to do anything with a dog.


Yay! :)

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I can't offer any advise but just wanted to say this is **** and typical of the youth today. I have two young kids myself and if either of them grew up to do this I'd be paying for the damage, then giving them an old skool clip around the ear and making them pay recompense in some way. These kids have obviously not be brought up right. Mine are taught to respect people and property. Hope you get it sorted.


When you get a price for a windscreen replacement would you mind dropping it on here as I have a few chips in mine and may think about replacing it. Thanks.

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Just been back from Autoglass and the price is .....






Hope you are sitting on very comfortable armchair









896.85 pounds including vat

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Bloody hell is all I can say. Emu I am gutted for you mate, I have just had to change the screen on my golf v gti and autoglass charged the insurers €325, the screen came with rain and light sensors granted but that price its just awful. Sadly many of us have been in your position, my beloved vr6 got keyed by some filth in benidorm, €500 bill. Try and keep your chin up....

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Cant you go through the ins ? or have i missed something a few pages back ?.


Yes I can but why should I pay an excess if somebody else is responsible for the damage. Probably I will end up paying for that anyway but will see. I will speak to them tomorrow.

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