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G60 or VR6?

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Hi everyone im new here and seriously consdiering buying meself a corrado.

I've got between 3 and 4 grand to spend and was wondering what you people think? Should I go for a G60 or a VR6, i really dont know.

I know G60's will probably cost more to keep running, or is that a myth?

And ideally id love a VR6 but would like some of your opinions....


Anyway cheers,


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TomS, , welcome to the forum


The VR6 because its a newer model is slightly more refined. It has 190bhp as standard, will cost £250 to bring it up to the 200bhp mark. It will cost considerably more to increase the power over 210bhp.


The G60 has less power but it is also lighter therefore both cars power to weight ratio are quite similiar. Upgrading the G60 to 190bhp can be done for a few hundred quid. The last of the G60's had all the mod con's of the VR6 as well so they're very desireable and a bit more expensive to buy.


If you're after power & tweaking ability then go for the G60. If you want power and refinement then go for a VR6. The G60 production ended in 1992 where as the VR6 production ended in 1995 so there's more chance on getting a fresher VR6. However expect to pay more to buy a VR6 which is group 18, where the G60 is group 17 (I think).


Basicially it depends on what you want.



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I've been looking so far at G60's

A) because they're cheaper to insure (im 22)

B) because they are a bit cheaper


Ive seen a few 92 K's for about £3-3500 with about 80-100,000 miles on the clock.

I know you need a supercharger rebuild every 80K or so, so if buying one that age, is that the main thing to look for?


It looks as though i'll get a G60 cos of the above points, but if you have a VR6 can you convince me!!?


Thanks for your replies


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I made a checklist to tick off when you look at a G60. If you want a copy PM me.

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If you go for a G60, make sure it's already had a charger overhaul from a reputable garage (Jabbasport or PD etc). Make sure it has the certificate! If it hasn't been done, then budget for it (around £3-500, depending on what Stage rebuild you go for) and get it done asap.


Taking into account your age/budget I would go for a good G60. Insurance will be high, but for a VR6 it would be considerably more.


Happy hunting!

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Cheers andy,


One question though, when you get a rebulid of the 'charger, does it change your insurance, ie modifications etc if you have say, a stage 4?


Looks like ill be hunting down a post 92 G60 then! Thanks for the replies everyone

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I like my g60 they are easy enough to work on a bit cheaper than the vr to buy and quite a bit lighter and handle a bit better. You can easily hike the g60 to over 200bhp without having to spend fortunes. I would definately buy a g60 with the charger rebuild already done If I were you as They are expensive to replace ( as I found out :( )

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make sure you find out the specifics of the rebuild as andyg60 mentioned. the PO of my G60 told me that the charger had been rebuilt by the owner before him.. so looking at the history all I know is that it was rebuilt 3-5 years ago. so now i'm not certain when it will need to be done again...if i was buying the car over again i'd be incredibly specific about the rebuild, but back then i just didn't know!


make sure you find out as much as possible about past rebuilds and mods... i bought mine without realizing it already had the isv reroute and 65mm pulley :oops: ..it was a nice surprise when i figured it out... but you should find out as many of the specifics as you can before you buy.


i'd say that for your age (you're a year up on me) that the G60 is a better choice since it is cheaper (unless you get one that has gotten a bit loose from neglect), the insurance will be cheaper, and from a modification standpoint, you can tweak the G60 and do a lot of interesting stuff to it. it can be a reliable daily driver or strip it out and make it a beast.


i've planned enough mods for mine to last me the next few years i bet..its always a waiting game..waiting on the cash! :?


..also... save some of that cash for after you get the car and a few things break. there will at least be one or two if not more. i wouldn't go with a VR6 if i was you because they are more to buy and this won't leave you with much (or any) money to spend on maintenance right after the buy.


good luck.. hold out for a nice one!! :D

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I'm undecided on this one, although I have a VR6 myself generating a healthy 200 brake in standard trim, both cars have their merits. The G60 pulls hard from the off where as the VR needs stoking to get the most out of it. The VR to me just feels like a big capacity 16V, only smoother and quieter. The VR6 doesn't idle especially well and it's a pain to put right. You are also aware of that big lump at the front when cornering although to VW's credit, they have done a fantastic job of tempering understeer and you have to be really silly to get it wildly out of shape. A decent front engine mount improves matters still further.


Overall the VR6 is a good strong engine, it runs a bit hot but regular oil changes should keep it healthy. Check for evidence of timing chain replacement if you look at cars around the 100K mark as it's a BIG job.


The G60 is a fab engine and I've had the pleasure of sampling a highly modified 2.0 example. Awesome torque, awesome sound track. As for the infamous G-Lader weakness, I've never known any of my mates to have one blow on them but it would be wise to get it checked over as VW won't want to know if you've got a tired one. They'll gladly sell you a whole one though (if there's any left) for a huge sum.

The Jabba rebuilt ones are tougher than the factory items anyway and I believe the main weakness is the internal belt that snaps, causing the scroll to grenade itself through the casing. I think there are now twin-pulley mods out there to help reduce the chance of that happening.


My advice is to simply try one of each and buy the one you like best. As mentioned, the G60 has wider scope for power increases than the VR. In the real world, both are quick cars and reliable if looked after.

Later cars have more equipment and the later instruments/switch gear. Watch out for malfunctioning sunroofs and one-touch windows (if fitted). The rest of the car is pretty reliable, including the rear spoiler.





94 VR6

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Tom, insurance depends who you're with, with regard to any mods. Some insurance companies aren't too bothered by mods, but others are really strict. Shop around, get some quotes and play them off each other.


From memory, I had to pay about £150 extra because of my chip/pulley, but it could possibly be a lot more for you considering your age :?


If the quotes are high for chips etc, try and get yourself a standard G60 which has had a Stage 2 overhaul, which doesn't include the chip/pulley. Have a look at jabbasport.co.uk for all the different options for an overhaul.

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if you've got between £3-£4k to spend then i suggest going for the g-60.........as you can get a good one for under the £2.5k mark spend the remaining £1.5k on g-lader rebuild and whatever fetlling is needed....who knows maybe even a chip and pulley(which would of course give vr6 beating performance)


if you go for a vr6 then you'll be lucky to get a good one for under £3k and then if you have any problems with it they are quite bit more to fix and most of the engine parts are a lot dearer....and it costs quite a bit to get more power from too




but don't just believe me.....ask munkay on this forum as he bought a good condition 91J g-60 for £2.3k spent approx £1.8k on stage4 rebuild,chip,pulley and general fettling and now he has a vr6 beater

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with regards to insurance adrian flux gave me the best quote for my vr6. Around te £800 mark TPFT. I think they are relatively good with mods too.

I am also 22 by the way, driving since 17 with 2yrs no claims and one SP30 on my license (girlfriend is also named with an accident on her record).

Don't think i will modify mine thought because as you can tell it takes a lot to do a little with the Vr6.

If you do go for the G60 then Flux may also be a good bet if mods are on your mind



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I was in same situation:


I reckon for money you have..like roddy said, you will get a maybe good or probably dodgy vr6. Owners of C's will know what they are and sell according.


if you have 4 grand to spend then buy a good G60 or a very very well checked over high mileage vr6


small things add up so be wary, You could buy a vr6 for 3.5k and spend well over a grand on mounts/brakes/cv's/suspension/bushes which are par for course on old car. and the rest

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i am seriously considering buying a '91 G60 but a friend advised me against it, saying the G60 engine is prone to breaking down and just isnt as good as the VR6. what is your take on this?

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oh reaaaaalllly :lol: we hear this all the time !! but have yet to of seen this so called unreliable G60 ....

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oh reaaaaalllly :lol: we hear this all the time !! but have yet to of seen this so called unreliable G60 ....


Then you arent getting out enough *;) LOL


Seriously for £3k you arent going to get alot of VR6... you could probably pick up a high miler that needs work but thats just it - that work is expensive to do.... once you go past 100k miles - you are looking at possible timing chain, water pumps, clutch, brakes, suspension, etc - although have known some VR's going over 150k with no probs on that front - but one thing that will make a difference is insurance and petrol - insurance... well at your age I'd be surprised if you could get a VR6 insured for less than £1000 fully comp.... I still get daft quotes of £2k at 26yrs old! *:) lol.... also the VR tends to drink petrol round town and now and again I get fed up with putting juice in it - so bear that in mind! - the G60 should be better on petrol round town as smaller capacity engine and two less cylinders to feed *:)


A decent G60 can be had for £3k..... or a tatty VR6 with high miles.... choice is yours *:)


But ALWAYS ALWAYS leave at least £500 from your budget to sort and problems that may need doing - as I guarntee you will find a couple after purchasing.... and the cost adds up *:)... mine needed a new ignition switch two days after I bought it - cost me nearly £100 fitted (couldnt be bothered to do it myself - LOL).. I then spent another £100 on cleaning products as it needed it :roll:



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considering buying a '91 G60 but a friend advised me against it, saying the G60 engine is prone to breaking down and just isnt as good as the VR6.


i worked at the stealership for a half a year.. when i talked corrados with the mechanics that have been there since they were first released (and back a good ways into the rocco years).. the were all very pro-G60 and semi-anti-VR6 saying that the 8v engine in G60s is bulletproof (tired chargers are another story..although they never saw a completely blown one) and that VR6s are problematic, they see them coming into the shop pissing oil all over the ground frequently, and are much more money to put right when the engine goes blah. they call them pigs.


as with anything.. you have to maintain it.. you get what you pay for.. etc.. etc.. there are examples of extremes for both engines.


i'm not trying to slam you VR6 guys, i'm a big fan of the VR6 (perhaps a bigger fan of the G60 though :p ).. i'm basing this on the comments of mechanics that have seen tens of corrados over the years (wouldn't be surprised if more than a hundred)... and hundreds and hundreds of VR6s and even more 8 valves (non-supercharged).


..also.. its worth mentioning that i'm in north america, and we only have the 2.8L VR6 here.. the 2.9L may have different characteristics. i have no experience or knowledge of the 2.9L other than that it is quicker and better than the 2.8L :p


..listen to scott, save £500 for after the purchase. :shock: :D

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You also have to bear in mind we dont rate VW mechanics over here much - I know I wouldnt trust them to clean my ashtray *:)

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this is true, and i agree. no corrado owners over here rate them for shit either. i know first-hand (not my car.. but hundreds of customers).. do not leave your car at a stealership for service!! especially if its old and more rare. ie corrado.


however, the guys i'm talking about have proven time and time again to be knowledgable and the one really good guy in particular (the only person i would take/have taken my C to) is a scirocco fanatic. really good knowledgable guy. he's always been able to sort any problem i have come across.. not fix it himself.. but tell me how to fix it.. and he's always been right first time.


on the other hand.. i watched one of the rookie guys at that shop rev a cabrio's engine to the point where it lost all its oil on the ground and completely destroyed the engine. the girl who owned it was a poor college kid..only in for a tune-up. :(

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