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mr lobitos

buying off german e-bay

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been after a pair of black leather recaro to finish off interior for a while now , noticed a pair on german e-bay anybody have experience of buying off there or should i steer well clear, any feedback ,cheers

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I brought a pair of recaro's on German e-bay and had no problems, however they were from a business seller so I had a good degree of confidence. I'd advise that you make contact with the seller to ensure that they are happy to accept bids from the UK, are able to accept payment from you and can arrange shipping easily enough. You may need to get a German dictionary out though!

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Payment can be a pain because few german sellers seem to use paypal - they often want bank transfers which can be expensive. I've had a few things and never had a problem - just make sure they will ship to the UK and take paypal and you should be ok. Google translate can be helpful, although its not great with the technical stuff ;)

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any problems with german just drop me a pm, i am very fluent in german :) and have worked over there

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I buy stuff all the time of Ebay.de, I got my whole Recaro interior from a private seller, as said, first check with the seller to see if they are willing to post and what it will cost, bank transfer isn't to bad, less than £20 per transaction :thumbleft:

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You always take a risk buying from abroad just be prepared for it to go pear shaped

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No problems with German ebay - as above, bank transfer is the preferred method, but works well. Shipping is never an issue, no tax, and they are very hones and items are very well described. I'm fluent as well, having been born there, so can help out if anyone has some questions. BTW, most of the them have good spoken and written english too, just send them a mail.

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yup, used ebay.de a few times and I dont even speak German! Ended up google translating everything! I checked with the sellers before bidding as some may not want to have the hassle of shipping parts abroad.


As already mentioned, Paypal isnt so regular over there but alway made sure my dealings went through sellers that had it as I felt a little more secure. Not sure what back ups there are with bank transfers (depending on your bank the bank transfers to accounts abroad normally cost you to do)

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thanks for all the advice everybody


will send seller a mail to see what the score is selling to an english buyer

what would you roughly expect to pay for just a front pair plus does anybody know of any for sale in this country or what to swap theirs for my mint standard leather plus cash (sorry if thats a bit cheeky)



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International bank transfers aren't that hard to sort out - you need the IBAN number for their bank account, then you have to go into your local branch to set it up since I don't know any banks that will let you do it online. HSBC charge £20 per transfer, your mileage may vary :)

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