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To Whoever thought they were being clever...,

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I attended a Club GTi meet this afternoon and went for a drive in a mate's G60. When I returned I found that someone had written in the brake dust on my front wheels scratching the lacquer on my Borbet B's. Also someone, the same person or different who knows, had taken my remaining three Borbet valve caps. Pity that we can't even trust fellow VW drivers these days...., :evil:


Just to let the person responsible know, if I find out who did it I will be having words :twisted:





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What did they write?



er....I mean, pond-scum! Thought you'd be able to trust people at a CGTI meet :x

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Thats shocking Struan :shock: , maybe you should start thinking about a lock up or something near by.

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TBH struan should'nt this be "sorted" out with whoever was responsible instead of accusing them of damaging yer rims on the net......and as for stealing yer caps.......doubt very much anybody at the meet would have stolen them...........more than likely been whipped off outside yer flat.........

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Have a word with the local host, or the person that was frontinh the meet, to see if they might have any ideas as to the people that were around the car, or they might know someone that saw something.


Not excuse for this type of behavior, obvious not an entusiast but just someone coming along to see what was going on and what was about........


Just a thought,



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Well Roddy,


I asked several of who I considered as "mates" there at the time on the day and they refused to tell me who it was, how am I supposed to sort it with the person if they won't own up or people won't tell me who it was. And as far as accusing people on the net of damaging my rims, that's what they did so I can and I have...., :mad: There were three valve caps left on the car when I drove to the meet as I checked it, so guessing unless they flew off on the drive to the meet they were taken at the meet..., :twisted: I would be quite happy to "sort it" with the person who did it if I could find out who it was and believe me I will find out,





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Thats really shitty mate, I would of thought that if anyone was gonna have respect for a car then it would at least of been an enthusiast!! I really hate people that steal and damage, they should be shot :twisted:

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sounds like they know who did it then.


No excuse for them nicking them, maybe the best answer would be to post your address on the forum(s) and get them to post them anon, and say that will be the end of it if they do?


my best advice i'm afraid, as clearly the person isn't gonna simply hand them back and not expect some grief, so maybe they will if they know they ain't gonna get caught?

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Some of the boys have a crazy sense of humor and its sucks that your rims got scratched but i really doubt it if they nicked yer caps man. Cant see it as far as i know them there a top bunch of boys and there isnt anyway whoever did write that stuff in your rims would have done it if they knew it would scratch the laquer.



MORAL OF THE STORY: Always keep your rims clean :?:

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Well Roddy,


I asked several of who I considered as "mates" there at the time on the day and they refused to tell me who it was, how am I supposed to sort it with the person if they won't own up or people won't tell me who it was. And as far as accusing people on the net of damaging my rims, that's what they did so I can and I have...., :mad: There were three valve caps left on the car when I drove to the meet as I checked it, so guessing unless they flew off on the drive to the meet they were taken at the meet...,






for one thing struan.......i doubt very much if whoever did this.......did more damage to your wheels than the damage you have caused to them by letting brake dust bake on them for what looks like more than just a few days........IMO it looks like a few weeks of brake dust had accumulated on them :shock: :shock: pretty sure the previous owner of the wheels wouldn't take too kindly to the state they were in........what you've also to got to remember too is that ppl aint grass's

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Well Roddy,


I asked several of who I considered as "mates" there at the time on the day and they refused to tell me who it was, how am I supposed to sort it with the person if they won't own up or people won't tell me who it was. And as far as accusing people on the net of damaging my rims, that's what they did so I can and I have...., :mad: There were three valve caps left on the car when I drove to the meet as I checked it, so guessing unless they flew off on the drive to the meet they were taken at the meet...,






for one thing struan.......i doubt very much if whoever did this.......did more damage to your wheels than the damage you have caused to them by letting brake dust bake on them for what looks like more than just a few days........IMO it looks like a few weeks of brake dust had accumulated on them :shock: :shock: pretty sure the previous owner of the wheels wouldn't take too kindly to the state they were in........what you've also to got to remember too is that ppl aint grass's



just because his wheels had brake dust on them doesnt give the right for someone to vandalise his wheels..i bet you wouldnt like someone writing something on your bonnet if it was dusty

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Indeed - you don't mess with someone elses property! Nothing justifies it, regardless of the condition or circumstances around it.


And a 'few weeks' of brake dust is hardly the end of the world - it only sounds like a lot, because so many of us on here wash our cars TOO often! :)

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wayhey - Quick fix... spray em matt black? Then no-one can tell if there's brake dust on them - problem solved :lol:

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Indeed - you don't mess with someone elses property! Nothing justifies it, regardless of the condition or circumstances around it.


And a 'few weeks' of brake dust is hardly the end of the world - it only sounds like a lot, because so many of us on here wash our cars TOO often! :)


which is fair enough but at the same time "you" dont go accusing ppl of damaging/stealing your property................when by the looks of it "you're" not exactly being too careful with it "yourself"............sorry if this sounds like i'm condoning it(which i'm not btw------it had feck all to do with me as i told struan)but at the same time i dont like ppl getting the blame for something that they more than likely didnt do

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well someone is to blame,they dont appear or go missing by themselves..and hes not accusing anyone in particular :? still not a nice thing to do even worse as it was a vw meet :|

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What has the brake dust on my wheels got to do with the previous owner? They are my wheels now :x and that has nothing to do with the current situation..., So how did the wheels get writing on them did a ghost do it, maybe the same one as the valve cap ghost :shock: ? Someone knows who did it and tbh if that's the sort of mentality that people who attend these meets have I think I am more than justified in feeling p***** off and not thinking a great deal of the people I considered as mates. As far as being "grasses" goes, it's nice to see that we look out for each other..., :roll: I'm sure if someone caused damage or similar to your car you would be hacked off too and would want to know who did it....,


Thanks for the kind (mostly) comments guys,



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I'm sure if someone caused damage or similar to your car you would be hacked off too and would want to know who did it....,




Yep mate, if I was in your situation I would be equally annoyed...

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i think its time for people to act their age :shock: :shock:


sounds like writing on the alloys was supposed to be a joke which has back fired it could have been funny if they were'nt damaged in the process!!

It's now up to the person who did it to be a man and have the balls to own up and he and struan can sort it out between them


the chat about not being a grass is totally schoolboy stuff

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Sorry to hear about the damage :shock:

Have you got any photos to show us what damage can be caused by this sort of tomfoolery :cry:

It could be a valuable lesson to us all.


P.s i have some spare valve caps that i nicked off my paperboys pushbike :wink:

(thats a joke just incase you guys think i would do such a thing)

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