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To Whoever thought they were being clever...,

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WE can't really start slagging someone off for damaging wheels when we haven;'t seen a photo of how bad the wheels are, i've had brake dust on my corrado wheels and wiped it off with a cloth and it didn't scratch the laquer. if the wheels are damaged as bad as that then i think we should all see how much damage writing on them can cause, pls post a pic :?:

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Suppose it all depends on what you use, doesn't it!!

And is it really any of our business how much damage there is? Is anyone on this list personally being accused here? If it IS, perhaps they'd better open their mouth now and talk to the guy with the damaged wheels and sort it out before this all gets out of hand..

Is my 2p. ;)

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Sorry to hear about your wheels Struan, fact is, it doesnt matter what the damage is, they are damaged and someones responsible.

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What has the brake dust on my wheels got to do with the previous owner? They are my wheels now :x and that has nothing to do with the current situation..., So how did the wheels get writing on them did a ghost do it, maybe the same one as the valve cap ghost :shock: ? Someone knows who did it and tbh if that's the sort of mentality that people who attend these meets have I think I am more than justified in feeling p***** off and not thinking a great deal of the people I considered as mates. As far as being "grasses" goes, it's nice to see that we look out for each other..., :roll: I'm sure if someone caused damage or similar to your car you would be hacked off too and would want to know who did it....,


Thanks for the kind (mostly) comments guys,




because brake dust if left for ages like you seem to leave it on for isnt exactly taking care of them....from what ive heard the previous owner of said wheels kept them religiously clean.............what i've been trying to put across is this how do you know this prank has caused the damage to your wheels?............i would assume that the damage corralates to whatever was written on them???.....as for yer valve caps as i said previously i DOUBT very much anyone at the meet would do that..... but blame whoever or whatever for that but dont even try blaming me for yer caps and wheels :mad: as i said to you i didnt know who did it ........as for my car of course i would be p***** off if someone deliberatly damaged it......but again thats the thing.....whoever did do this didnt do it to damage yer motor :!: if anything its been a prank gone wrong....but at the same time i cant see how yer wheels could be damaged by it :roll: ........as for ppl who attend these meets mentality i would say the ppl who are there are sound enough

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I really don't want to hold an opinion of your situation Struan, I'm sorry to hear about it and sympathise with you over the damage to your C (hell, my Golf got keyed within a week of being restored :mad: ) Your car looks like a real beut in your avitar :)


The bottom line is that it's a shame that this sort of thing can taint what I've always thought of as a friendly and close knit community of like minded people that have as much respect for your ride as they do for theirs. At the end of the day everybody who turns out for local meets is there because of their love and respect for their cars and for the scene... not because they want to damage other peoples pride and joy.


I think this is a case of joke gone wrong (as said earlier) and this thread is only making it harder for those who may be guilty to come forward.


I hope this doesn't cause you too much grief and you get things fixed as soon as possible... just remember most people you meet through the V dub scene have exactly the same interests as you.


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IMHO, if an alloy wheel is so badly protected that leaving brake dust on it for a week or two (hell, or even a couple of months) can permanently damage the surface, then frankly that's a bit crap and the company that didn't put enough laquer on your wheels in the first place should pay for it.

Back in the real world, where you have to remove the wheels from the car to clean the inner rims, we don't all have time to do that every 4 weeks...

Hell, sometimes I'm not even parked in my own street, so there's no way I'm carrying my bucket and sponge for miles just to protect the wheels I bought for a hundred quid.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that it's clever to drive around for months and months with a filthy car, but lets be practical here. Not everyone has the time and space to feed their obsession in this way.

My 2p.

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Well thanks for your opinion vr6storm....,


there is a difference between leaving brake dust on wheels for a while (if we don't have time to clean them on a daily basis) and writing things on a polished metal surface using dust with abrasive properties i.e physically scratching the surface..., however it's nothing some elbow grease and Solvol Autosol couldn't sort out as I have found even if it was a bit of a hassle and I shouldn't have had to do it at all in the first place :roll: I don't htink how the previous owner liked to keep his wheels or how you think I should keep my wheels should have any bearing on what happened at the meet :roll:


Blame you? Did I actually mention any names or blame any person in particular, no, all I said and I stand by is that no-one came forward even when asked to tell me who had written on the wheels / taken valve caps and that what happened happend at the Club GTi meet which it did. Maybe it was a "prank" gone wrong but even so it shouldn't have happened...,I hope that nothing like this ever happens again :x


So lets just leave it at that,



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I read this thread yesterday, and have been thinking about it, and all the different views people have...


the way i see it, you are TOTALLY entitled to be vexxed the way in which you are!


i would be exactly the same. No matter what, they are your wheels, your possesion, and whether they were dirty, clean, and regardless of the extent of the damage, it is bang out of order that someone comes along and writes on them, or touches them or does anything, other than look at them. how can anyone think that its ok to touch someone elses car like that!


anyway... i hope that the damage is not unrepairable, and you DO find out who it was, and you DO have strong words with them... Afterall... if you dont, they are going to think that its ok to do what they have done and might do it to someone elses car.


What has happened to you, is enough to put people off showing off their pride and joy to other like minded and appreciative enthusiasts.

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What has the brake dust on my wheels got to do with the previous owner? They are my wheels now :x and that has nothing to do with the current situation..., So how did the wheels get writing on them did a ghost do it, maybe the same one as the valve cap ghost :shock: ? Someone knows who did it and tbh if that's the sort of mentality that people who attend these meets have I think I am more than justified in feeling p***** off and not thinking a great deal of the people I considered as mates. As far as being "grasses" goes, it's nice to see that we look out for each other..., :roll: I'm sure if someone caused damage or similar to your car you would be hacked off too and would want to know who did it....,


Thanks for the kind (mostly) comments guys,




because brake dust if left for ages like you seem to leave it on for isnt exactly taking care of them....from what ive heard the previous owner of said wheels kept them religiously clean.............what i've been trying to put across is this how do you know this prank has caused the damage to your wheels?............i would assume that the damage corralates to whatever was written on them???.....as for yer valve caps as i said previously i DOUBT very much anyone at the meet would do that..... but blame whoever or whatever for that but dont even try blaming me for yer caps and wheels :mad: as i said to you i didnt know who did it ........as for my car of course i would be p***** off if someone deliberatly damaged it......but again thats the thing.....whoever did do this didnt do it to damage yer motor :!: if anything its been a prank gone wrong....but at the same time i cant see how yer wheels could be damaged by it :roll: ........as for ppl who attend these meets mentality i would say the ppl who are there are sound enough



Are you pair going to the RR day at Star P this weekend?? It would be interesting to get you two in a room together :shock: :shock: :shock:





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Must be something in the water in Aberdeen :)


Seems like half the corrado board are from Scotland - mostly Aberdeen too.

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LoL some of you seem to be sterile fanatics. One can choose to keep his car how he wants to that be fuilthy or clean, that dont mean you can damage it :roll: . but on the other side valve caps get stolen all the time, it aint a big deal but if someone you know would do that id be screwin. :)

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I wouldn't wanna see dubster82, vr6storm AND BigEastsideVWG60 in a room together :D


The first rule of fight club is.. you do not talk about fight club!

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Struan - if you know that one of these other people that you've spoken to definitely knows the perpetrator, lean on them a bit. Somebody will "cough" & tell you who did it.


Works for me. :wink:

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Your a funny man..., :mad:

Delete this photo please as there was no need...,


Yes they were clean yesterday as I spent an hour cleaning them after the meet and repolishing them with Solvol Autosol, thanks for the concern, just have to get them re-lacquered now....,




Yeah well you'd think so but spoke to 4 or 5 people who were there at the time and none of them will tell me who :roll:



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Why won't whoever did it just say now?????


There is no point in saying it's not a big deal when you are not prepared to admit to doing it surely?


I despair :roll:

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what wankers, to write on that lovley section of the wheel! i hope the brake dust permanently stains their finger tips.

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