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Rebuild or R32?

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He he, don't thank me :D Thank those geniuses Cosworth design for designing the 24V head ;) It really is a work of art. I wish I'd taken more pictures of it now.

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good synopsis on the fuelling issue ;) I'll still go ahead with OBD2 on mine plus the 264 cams but still keep an eye out for a nice 3.2 setup to swop over to in 10 years time when i get to 100,000miles! Then again if i get bored beforehand maybe that project might kick in somewhat sooner...

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Ive certainly been persuaded enough to do it now. Just need to find a decent one with all the ancillaries and wiring etc!

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Thank those geniuses Cosworth design for designing the 24V head ;) It really is a work of art.


That's interesting.

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