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Linus Van Pelt

Power Steering...

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ETKA shows an exploded "steering column" and a single-piece "adjustable steering column". I suspect the latter is only available as a single assembly (and a mega-assembly it is too).

Maybe someone can call their friendly local VW place and find out what the status is on that? It's weird that ETKA doesn't list sub-parts for the adjustable column.

part number is 535 419 503 E = steering column for height-adjustable steering column

It's not clear from the diagram whether this might just be a column, or a whole assembly..

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...from the other stuff I've looked at on the poor mans ETKA (I can't seem to find the steering column on it though), although we're used to the C coming with certain specs, it's clear there were plenty of others (i.e. no power steering, airbag in the steering wheel etc.) so chances are the adjustable column was (for some markets at least) optional...


No sub parts list says all or nothing to me... whether that's the same £75_theft bit I found on ECP or not I don't know, they use different part numbers... :(

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For a giggle I just phoned Smith Knight Fay (VW dealer in Stockport)


That part (535 419 503E) is £537.49! :shock: :crazyeyes: :|

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**** that for a game of soldiers...




Edit "F" is for automatic cars... "E" for manual... not that it's going to make any difference to the price :lol: :roll:

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It will - the automatic version will have an interlock in it for the ignition barrel to lock the key in unless the gearbox is in park.

It won't make a *huge* difference to the price though, granted..

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Sorry, typo... it was an E I got a quote on 'cos that's what's highlighted on the screen grab... :oops:

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Send it to Kev, not me.. He put me onto that one, tho I'd been steadily coming to the same conclusion... :-\


Very odd that. Mine is set to the 2 notch down from the top (middle one?) and it has totally transformed the feel of the steering. The way the steering now loads up going into bends is amazing, how Cs *should* feel.


I'm enjoying it whilst it lasts because obviously moving the column is loading the bearing differently, so only a matter of time before we're back to this conversation again, LOL!!


Did I read that right (sorry, at work, have to browse quickly)? £550 for the column hinge assembly???



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I suppose it depends on what it has been set to for the majority of it's life. If it's badly worn in one position, it's not necessarily going to be as worn in another.

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Had the same kind of problem with the feel of my steering, very light and jumpy over bumps. There turned out to be alot of free play in the two universal joints at the bottom of the steering column as they were both full of rust/dust etc. Had them both cleaned up and the bolts tightened and the car is handling perfect again! (also got all the alignment checked at the same time).

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Good call - well worth checking out.

It's quite possible adjusting the column at the top simply moves the load that's applied to the joints at the bottom. Clearly VW didn't envisage anyone ever replacing the upper steering column parts, at £537.49 a pop..!


By the way, where did you go to find someone knowledgable enough to not just suggest replacing the whole damn car to fix this?


And how do you get access to those joints?

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Found this guy in Woking, Surrey who just seems to know shed loads about golfs and corrado's, he's a real good lad and just run's his business (if you want to call it a business seems more like a hobby) from home. He said he had to take the bottom half of the dash off above the drivers side footwell to get to the base of the steering column and he could access both joints from there! Whats more to do both joints, fit my new black diamond discs + pads, change break fluid and do a full allignment (toe in, camber Etc the full works), he charged me.......... £85.00 and the car is handling perfectly now. Think I've found a bit of a 'diamond' geezer here!!

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Hmm, it may be worth giving him a call..!

He might even have worked on my car too, so maybe he knows something about it!

What's the business go by the name of?

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The top of his invoice says Auto Sparks, but I just now him as Alan! I'm going to pay him a visit tomorrow to see if he's got any idea's on the old stalling problem us VR6's seem to be experiencing, and also ask him to explain how he seems to think he can adjust the idle on a VR6?! Mat are you local to Woking? cause I can always ask him how he's set for work at the moment and check he doesn't mind me bigging him up on the forum!

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Well I'm local enough to get there in under an hour, but I'd hardly say I'd be dropping in for lunch!

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Hi all


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere. Did we ever get the name of this guy in Woking ? I only ask because since moving my steering position (which made the steering feel superb), it has become "wooly" again. I now have it on the lowest setting which makes me feel like I'm in a kids (very rapid) peddle car - but feel is great again. If Mr Woking can solve this, I'm definitely up for a visit !!

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the problem for most people here is likely to be the steering rack, not the column or the UJs...

My rack has a tiny bit of play in it, and although tiliting the wheel slightly seemed to help, I think it was purely psychological, or at least just "different" enough that it takes a while to spot it again..

But - it'll be interesting to hear if there's another potential reason no question.

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I hear what you're saying. I at first thought was I just making it feel better coz I wanted it to - but there really is a significant difference in feel. I sort of hope there is - especially if it can be fixed easily.

Maybe I'll leave it for a few days, then move back to the old position - either it will feel crap again, or the general movement in the column may affect the other positions ?? Just a thought !

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The only thing I thought about was maybe the steering column movement (up/down) was shifting the forces on the lower UJs, and therefore taking up any play, but I honestly can't see how that can be, as the steering column totally isolates the lower UJs from the position of the wheel with a UJ of it's own, and another shaft with it's own set of bearings and stuff.

This shaft is bolted to the subframe at both ends of it's extent, so it's highly unlikely to be moving about at all.

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Hmmm - not sure what to try next then. All I know is, after spending much cash on new suspension, top mounts, bushes etc etc, an easy replacement of the steering made it feel so much nicer.

Incidentally, I have a Weitec system fitted by C&R which seems pretty good for the cost - but may uprate to Koni TAs and H&Rs at some point. Do you think I'll notice the difference??

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I'll be surprised if you don't to be honest. The Weitec system is a ham sandwich, it does the job but you'd rather have roast beef and horseradish sauce, which is what the Koni+HR combo is :lol:


RE the slop in the steering. Start with the rack, new ball joints, wheel bearings and track rods. They're the easiest and cheapest bits to do, and then lastly the column which is a shocking £500 odd. Also, some poly rack mount bushes will do wonders to the feel and turn-in with no additional vibration.

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