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Laser Blinder Systems?

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Yup, but in practice if you get pulled and have one in the car, they will find a way to annoy you, even if it's not plugged in.

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Radar jammers ARE illegal to own and use as they are broadcasting on a restricted frequency which you need a licence for... there's big fines involved in illegal broadcasting...


I'm not sure if you can make laser jammers illegal... They don't broadcast on any restricted frequencies so I'm not sure how they would be illegal to use... :? Anyone know? as this may scupper my plans for an anti-digital speed camera device... :|

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It's open to debate, Henny, but as the law currently stands they would charge you with impeding the course of justice, or preventing an officer from carrying out his duty.

They attempted to make use of the post office act that makes it illegal to intercept a communication where you are not the intended recipient. They claimed that by blocking or jamming the "signal" you were in breach of this law, but that was challenged in court on the basis that it's not an actual "signal" as such, because it doesn't carry any information. The mere presence of a wave form does not form a signal.

Hence the current confusion and reliance on the more freely defined "impeding the course..".

But on the whole I'd say it's not worth carrying a jammer. A detector, fine, they are in no way illegal, but jammers are dodgy ground.

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Cool, Cheers Dr_mat, that's pretty much how I thought the law stood at the moment... Thanks... 8)


Means that my little device is probably still dodgy, but on the legal side of dodgy then.... ;)

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It has a visual and sound warning in the cockpit as well as on off switch.


The idea being, as soon as it goes off, one slams the anchors on and switches it off once one is at the correct speed.


Plod will then get a reading at the legal speed.


Laser's are normally setup on long straight stretches of road anyway, so one would have ample warning to slow down and with being so distant, they'll assume a false reading (hopefully)


Apparently the Blinder does not cause laser guns to indicate they've been jammed. (see the review link)


Interesting area of debate though.


Basicaly, if you drive with a jammer on constantly you're gonna get scooped.


The light spectrum is excempt from licensing for broadcasting over its wavelengths (otherwise Laurence Llwelyn Bowen would be arrested for his dress sense) :lol:

So you can't be prosecuted for unlicensed broadcasting.


The signal from a laser gun doesn't contain any information.

So you can't be prosecuted for intercepting or interferring with the signal.


If pulled over, do the Police have a legal right to search your car, check under the bonnet etc??



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Apparently the Blinder does not cause laser guns to indicate they've been jammed. (see the review link)


If pulled over, do the Police have a legal right to search your car, check under the bonnet etc??


Interesting about the first point - but still, if it's a hand-held laser gun, the guy operating it will have a pretty fair idea how fast you're *really* going, and if they have any suspicions they'll pull you anyway.


Not sure if they can "search" the car - probably not, but lets face it, a display on the dash, any display on the dash is going to attract attention, and it doesn't require a search warrant to look through your window, does it?


IMHO I feel it's not worth the risk of annoying some guy who can take your license away, regardless of the legality or otherwise of jammers. If I covered significant mileage on roads I don't know, I'd be investing in a GPS based warning system, possibly with a radar/laser detector aswell, but I'd definitely be steering clear of jammers, no matter how sophisticated.


My 10p. :)

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jammers baby....i'd go for it. they'd be good to have as backup on top of a gps system.

If your doing 37 ina 30 zone and they catch you...then thats 3points...they aint gonna know if your doing 37...that doesn't look fast in a 30 anyway.

so go for it. why have it on the dash?? can you not have it hidden in the bumper or glove box?

If i had the money i'd rebuild it into something less conspicuous. :lol:

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...........If i had the money i'd rebuild it into something less conspicuous. :lol:


What, like a banana? I mean, who's gonna suspect a banana? :?:

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if it dances like the one in your sig, I'd say it was a pretty suspect dodgy banana! ;) :lol:

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but lets face it, a display on the dash, any display on the dash is going to attract attention



The "blinder" itself goes in behind the grille.

It's control unit goes anywhere you want. (probably under the bonnet or in the boot)


There's a little LED, much like an alarm's one, which can be placed anywhere around the inside of the car and the buzzer can be hidden anywhere too. The on/off switch can go under the steering column or somewhere equally inconspicuous.


In otherwords, without looking under the bonnet, Plod won't see sh%t. :wink:

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IF you've got electric doors on your garage you could set them to open with the jammer legal reason to have it installed on your car.

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