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Back in a corrado.......this time VR6

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Collected this little beauty on Friday night (Thanks to shaunVR6 off here and lilfuzzer for putting me in touch with him) and had a marathon session with the polish and wax on saturday,


This car is one of the best corrados i have ever seen, rust free shell, perfect motor, everything works and it drives like a new car so im totaly over the moon with her and the private plate he seller left on the car for me.


She is a 1993 VR6 so doing well to be this good!


I have the standard rear lights ready to go back on her once they have been lacqured as all of the dimples and marks have been rubbed down.


I will let the pics say the rest, no plans for changes till the winter when she will be off the road and into the garage to come out next summer as a concourse car.













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very nie, looks familiar, perhaps someone on the forum previously?


tt mini comps look great! I'm selling a set, might reconsider now...

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That looks very nice mate, love red raddo's :thumbleft:


Front splitter is missing though isn't it ?


Is it me or is your aerial very high and straight ?


Get the standard rears on ASAP :cool:

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lol danny yes you have found the two little niggles that i need to sort................


splitter will be ordered soon as will a new aerial base as its a base for a stupid bee sting..........


Rears are ready to fit just need to find the time to do it!


At work today but cant help looking out the window so not getting much done lol

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