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dragon green

Potential ban on car modifying NOW WITH PETITION

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Just another civil liberty going down the pan, they'll tell us all who to vote for next........

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This wont happen, in this economic climate why would the government wipe out a multimillion form of revenue.


This story all ways does the rounds each year with a different variation to it.

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Fight the power!



I think we should just burn the government and let the weak fail, survival of the fittest and all that :)

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This wont happen, in this economic climate why would the government wipe out a multimillion form of revenue.


This story all ways does the rounds each year with a different variation to it.


Well it would boost the new car industry. It would cause thousands of cars to be scrapped and people would need to buy something to replace it.


However I don't think this will happen overnight. Assuming there is some accuracy to the story then I think that there will be no major change at first. But over time it would allow regulations to be tightened one year at a time until we're all stuffed.

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I dont see how they can in force it! As long as the parts used meet the EU/BS standard what should it matter?

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Quote from that site: "what they are proposing is not the 'banning' of modified vehicles, but the inspection of them to prove they are of satisfactory standard."


Seems fair enough to me. We'll just get an IVA test done, job done. I don't think any of us who've fitted different engines have anything to worry about. It's the people fitting massively over-sized wheels, stupidly loud exhausts, dangerous geometry, silly low suspension etc that should rightly be policed.

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Brussels want to bring us in line with other European Countries !

If made law,our Goverment wont have any say in the matter.

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I'd like to see them try! Cars are in our blood. 95% of F1 and Rallying tech comes from Britain. Even the Nissan GTR was largely developed by Brit expertise, as was the Veyron. For those Brussels chunts to tell us Brits we're not allowed to modify our cars anymore is like telling Spain they can't have their Siestas any more, or tomato fights, or Bull fighting etc etc.... to "bring them in line with the rest of Europe". What a bunch of narrow minded, beauracratic toss pots.

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I'd like to see them try! Cars are in our blood. 95% of F1 and Rallying tech comes from Britain. Even the Nissan GTR was largely developed by Brit expertise, as was the Veyron. For those Brussels chunts to tell us Brits we're not allowed to modify our cars anymore is like telling Spain they can't have their Siestas any more, or tomato fights, or Bull fighting etc etc.... to "bring them in line with the rest of Europe". What a bunch of narrow minded, beauracratic toss pots.


brilliantly put dear fellow!

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If As mentioned on ph, applying this retrospectively would be impossible. Banning modding on cars made after the new law would be easier but would still ruin most tuning and motorsport companies. I do hope it's not as bad as some are making out or I'm in trouble :-o

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/\ Indeed.


I suspect the worse that will happen is they will introduce a new 'catch all' CO2 tax band and clamp down on dubious looking chassis modifications.


I personally won't mind paying more tax for my R32's high CO2/km if it means I can legally use it on the road still.


But as said, the cost [to tax payers] of policing this and implementing the changes will be horrific.


IMO it's just more scare mongery. First we need to see data proving that modified vehicles represent a large enough percentage to worry about and proof that they are harming the environment, or causing accidents, or what ever the reason the Brussels cardigan wearers think they should be outlawed for.


Plus there is the human rights aspect. Cars are a hobby to most enthusiasts. Sure we use them on public highways, but people fly model airplanes in public air spaces etc. Are they to be banned as well? All that CO2 killing the planet....jeez....

Edited by Kevin Bacon

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Some people may be ok with paying for the inspection but don't they cost something like £300 to £400 a time? Why should we have to pay that extra "tax" on motoring? I appreciate this may not be as bad as it sounds and it's not likely to affect me. But I'm not standing for it and if there is a demonstration (unlikely of course) then I would definitely be there.


EDIT: Actually... will any of us with coilovers need to get an inspection? That's Corrado owners stuffed then as I doubt we can find original parts.

Edited by Portent

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Ok, first of all this thread obviously needs more forum input if I'm understanding the article correctly. So can someone change the title please? I've not read this thread before, despite seeing it a few times as I thought it only affected Brussels!


Secondly, is this really true? Surely our government gets to have a say? If so, what have they said?

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I really think Brussels should be gently nuked..... y'know, so we don't get any of the fall-out here across the channel. :)

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not fully read it yet, but an interesting post from a local NI forum member, hope he doesn't mind me pasting it.


I occasionally buy old accessories or parts items from Europe.


I've noticed an emphasis lately by sellers (particularly German ones) on whether or not the piece being sold comes with it's original TUV approval papers. These papers were originally supplied to show an item passed safety tests so I'm guessing they're gearing up for this legislation.


In fact you'll even find sellers offering the papers alone for older parts, presumably to buyers wanting to replace lost or missing proof they're items were once approved.


These TUV tests have been required for decades and paperwork was always supplied to prove compliance, it's only lately that formally proving this has become an issue.


My understanding is legislators aren't trying to prevent future cars being modified or past cars taken off the road, just ensuring the parts currently being sold or previously used meet or met with safety testing requirements. If you can produce proof to show a given part was approved at some point you'll be OK.


Established and reputable makers of after-market accessories or parts in Germany already recognise older cars will have non-standard items fitted for which this proof is missing and are now listing downloadable TUV documents for long since deleted items they've manufactured or sold to assist owners pass future tests. I can only see this trend continuing or even being made compulsory.


If he's correct then its emminently sensible, no more chopped springs and 3" wheel spacers etc etc and more importantly, no reduction in tax revenue from reputable suppliers to the governement, no loss of jobs accross a large industry and continued extension of older vehicles life which is sustainable approach.

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Ok, first of all this thread obviously needs more forum input if I'm understanding the article correctly. So can someone change the title please? I've not read this thread before, despite seeing it a few times as I thought it only affected Brussels!


Secondly, is this really true? Surely our government gets to have a say? If so, what have they said?




News of this is spreading round ALL car communities like wild fire. We won't go down without a fight :D

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