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Gah - speedo reading 6mph too fast

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My vr's speedo is reading fast by 6mph (as checked on satnav). The spoiler raises at an indicated 62mph, but at an actual speed of 56mph (satnav) so it seems the speedo 'guts' are working fine but the needle is in the wrong place.


I did have the dials apart to change some of the display - is it possible to remount the needle incorrectly? There are no locating cutouts on the speed needle thing unlike the temp and fuel ones. I can't see how it's possible to move the needle around because of the stop.


Any pointers/clues?



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Hi ya just a thought .. No biggi but just putting it out there ... Old stlye Speedos are notoriously in accurate by 5 to 8% .. Not sure if I'd worry too much but obviously it's your call .. 😞




---------- Post added at 6:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 6:14 PM ----------


Also I'm not aware that speedo needles are moveable.

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Yeah, my 96 VR spoiler raises at an indicated 59-61mph. It definitely does not show 56. I have always assumed that my speedo is slightly optimistic on all cars I have owned. I suppose that's why the Rozzers give you the extra calculation on top of your speed before dishing out the tickets

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  Portent said:
Correct wheel and tyre size?


Standard Speedies on 205 50 15s


I'm sure the spoiler used to raise at a speedo indicated 56-58mph. :scratch:

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  Vw.bones said:
Last time I herd it was 8% the old bill had as fat in their calculations


a copper once told me it was 10%+2, so 35, 46, 57 and 79, doubt the cameras are that lenient tho.

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Sounds normal to me.


Had a speedo that wasn't working once so I downloaded a digital speedo app on my iPhone and just propped my phone up in front of original speedo for a few days. Worked a treat! I did notice though that 30MPH felt marginally faster than usual (could have just been in my head though eh)

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It's mandated in EU law that a car manufacturer cannot sell a car with a speedo that *under* reads, so they ALL overread by at least 5%. This is their margin for error (e.g. flat tyres, individual speedo calibrations). It's completely normal and provides you with a psychological buffer zone between you and your next speeding ticket ..

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Curious. The spoiler on my VR definitely activates at nearly enough exactly 56MPH on the Speedo... so does sound like something is amiss. Could you pick up a cheap set of clocks and try them out as the first option?

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  dr_mat said:
It's mandated in EU law that a car manufacturer cannot sell a car with a speedo that *under* reads, so they ALL overread by at least 5%. This is their margin for error (e.g. flat tyres, individual speedo calibrations). It's completely normal and provides you with a psychological buffer zone between you and your next speeding ticket ..


:thumbleft: Spot on

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The needle can be taken off and repositioned !

Pull the needle over the stop,mark where the needle sits. Use a fork to gently prise the needle off.reposition needle. Simples

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  dragon green said:
The needle can be taken off and repositioned !

Pull the needle over the stop,mark where the needle sits. Use a fork to gently prise the needle off.reposition needle. Simples

Cool - did this and it's much better - many thanks :)

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My VR has always shown a higher speed than actual. Have not checked every speed, but on average it is about 10% over. So 33 at 30, 44 at 40 etc. Considering it is an electronic sensor, it is not very good really.


Even an original AutoCar review showed the VR to have the most inaccurate speedo out of all the test cars.


Car manufacturers can get in trouble if the speedo shows less than actual speed, so as they cannot get it perfect, they err on the side of caution and have the speedo show higher than actual. Having said that, our 2004 Discovery is pretty accurate in comparison to my VR.

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