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Forza Horizon

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My pre-order copy arrived today and just spent a couple of hours playing around.


The Corrado is not only present but really quite prominent - it's the first car you see arriving at the festival ... and is the car the game gives you to get started and do your first race.


Not only that, but the spoiler lifts when you're doing over 40 :D

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Iv been debating weather to get this or nit whats it like ?? Are the maps very vast ?? Heard the handling is different but dont know weather thats in a good way or not

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From the time I've spent with the demo and a couple of hours this evening with the full thing, it's very good. My housemate was "working" from home today and is further through the game than me, and the game really looks like it opens up once it gets past the races where it's teaching you stuff. I haven't had any problems with the handling in it, I play with all the assists and stuff turned off and it's as drivable as regular Forza.

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It has multiplayer stuff although I haven't tried it yet. So far the closest I've got is racing against my housemate's time in the Rivals thing :)

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I got this on Saturday. I was really impressed with the Corrado being the first car you own!


Has anyone started a "the corrado forum" club" on it yet?


If not I may start one tonight.


I did notice the VR6 doesn't sound so much like a VR6 as it does in Forza 4. Is this just me?

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I got this on Saturday. I was really impressed with the Corrado being the first car you own!


Has anyone started a "the corrado forum" club" on it yet?


If not I may start one tonight.


I did notice the VR6 doesn't sound so much like a VR6 as it does in Forza 4. Is this just me?


Yeah I did, look for 'CFor'

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Yep bought it and been playing it, the rado sounds very VR6-ish in the cutscenes but not on the road, the one you get at first is supercharged but doesn't sound any different after a turbo swap. It is a shame you can't make them 4wd anymore or stick the R32 engine in them, seems like forza went a bit backwards there.


Also yan, I have a new router!!! so hopefully no more messing about if we have another corrado league, just need to buy xbox live now!

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Whats your live name matt? Yea I have that with a mate of mine, but with speed camera speed lol.

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Yeah I did, look for 'CFor'


Requested to join :) For the moment my name is ChifonKnave and some random number because I'm not allowed to change it for 30 days.

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Heh, I thoughy the 32 messages about my times being beaten was more than just random chance!


I will get logged on tonight and sort the club application.


I did get a little too excited the first time the instrument cluster light up at night although they still have not fixed the damn clock!


It is a good fun game with plenty of variety and a lot less constrained than FM 3/4 although I am not sure we need a league given the speed camera and rivals hi-jinx!


I must confess to tweaking my Quattro up to get some decent speed camera times in as well.....

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I don't know - For me Forza just doesn't have the intensity of Gran Tourismo. Just sayin... !


Gran Tourismo is undoubtably an excellent game, and over the years have been a huge fan of it, however I have not once found myself wishing I bought a PS3 instead of an Xbox 360.


A few friends have GT5, to me it just seems to lack something when compared to Forza 4. Horizon is a bit different to not fair to compare the two.


I own GT2, GT3 & GT4. I really enjoyed GT3, but found GT4 a bit dull.

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Gran Tourismo is undoubtably an excellent game, and over the years have been a huge fan of it, however I have not once found myself wishing I bought a PS3 instead of an Xbox 360.


A few friends have GT5, to me it just seems to lack something when compared to Forza 4. Horizon is a bit different to not fair to compare the two.


I own GT2, GT3 & GT4. I really enjoyed GT3, but found GT4 a bit dull.


Actually I agree with you.


When ever I compare a racing game to Gran Tourismo I'm actually comparing it against GT3 A-Spec. I don't have a PS3 just 360 but have played the new GT4 on my buds PS - I got bored quite quickly actually too. This might have been because I was playing it about a mile away from the TV with the sound down in a f*cking go-kart!


Forza 4 can play a little 'slow' and twitchy IMO so have always preferred GT3.

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The handling on GT4 just didn't offer the same level of enjoyment as GT3.


I got to just under 100% completion on GT3, but could never find anything further to do, to get me to 100%


My favourite games of recent years in no particular order are GT3, Forza 3/4/Horizon and Red Dead Redemption.

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I never quite done GT3 100% - I think i needed to come first in one more 24hr endurance race or something crazy like that! I know I had formula 1 cars at some point which were insane.


Best game(s) for me over the years was the Mass Effect Trilogy for def

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Likewise for the Mass Effect series, although the end was a bit pump but it was always going to be very difficult to follow the highs and lows of the 2nd game.


Friend of mine was a die hard GT fan and I showed him FM 3 when it came out - xbox purchased quickly and despite his PS fanboy status he quickly acknowledges that FM 3 is better and 4 is another step in the right direction.

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It's all very quiet in here!


Yandards, do you use a wheel or the control pad? I have had a go at beating you on some of the events, but I am struggling with the one with the Ferrari F40 and the bi-plane. I can pull ahead for the first 1/4 of it, but then you seem to get a load of speed from somewhere and disappear into the distance.


Anyone tried putting a rear number plate on the Corrado? Because the number plate holder is black plastic it does not allow you to put it on there :(

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Phil, pad right now.


Prior to a mad dash down south for family reasons I was working towards getting myself up the leaderboards, in the overall top 500 now for the festival events and my best time is in the top 100 which I am pretty chuffed with.


The F40 is very good through corners and can hold onto huge amounts speed hence my pull away, I tend not to use the brakes on the tunnel run event.


As for the festival events the bloody vibration puts me off when the planes etc come over your head.


Swiftkid was in the process of kicking my arse on the speed cameras though!

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Oh and can someone please buy the only thing on my storefront as that is the last unlock I need to complete all the achievements!

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Phil, pad right now.


Prior to a mad dash down south for family reasons I was working towards getting myself up the leaderboards, in the overall top 500 now for the festival events and my best time is in the top 100 which I am pretty chuffed with.


The F40 is very good through corners and can hold onto huge amounts speed hence my pull away, I tend not to use the brakes on the tunnel run event.


As for the festival events the bloody vibration puts me off when the planes etc come over your head.


Swiftkid was in the process of kicking my arse on the speed cameras though!


I can get past you before the first tunnel on the F40 event, but then it all goes wrong at the tunnel! Trying to follow you is impossible. Your F40 goes round corners like it's on rails, whilst mine just under-steers, and then over-steers and spins off LOL.


The bi-plane is annoying, but I suppose it fits in this slightly more arcade style of Forza.


I've not seen your store front, but will take a look.

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