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Vr6 Advice

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Just had some work done on my 131,000 mile vr6....replacement chains, tensioner, cylinder head skimmed,valve seals replaced along with the headgasket.

Since having the car back I've only driven it three times and covered about 120 miles, when I start it I've noticed that there is a whine that increases in pitch with engine revs (clutch in or out). After a few miles it quietens down quite a lot but is still there.

When its warm on tickover there is also a definite ticking coming from the head.


Should I be concerned or would you expect it to settle down with a little more mileage?





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Tensioner is too tight would be my guess. I know its a chain so I can't talk from experience but when I did the belt on my Golf3, and over tightened the belt/tensioner, it sounded like a supercharger from the mad max films! Get your head under the bonnet to try and narrow it down slightly more where its coming from mate.

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Long screw driver to your ear and place it in different areas. That's what my mechanic does. May help you find the noise.


Have you checked oil level and gearbox fluid level/power steering bottle?


Also this whine, could It be the power steering as this can whine when cold etc till it warms up? Have you check tyre pressures recently?

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Thanks for the replies

Oil level is OK

Dont think its power steering as my golf used to do that so I know what that sounds like

Has anyone else whose changed tensioner and chains noticed the same?

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Timing chain & tensioner dont usually whine,I would be looking at alternator,water pump & power steering.An easy way determine if its one of those is to remove drive belt & run engine,if noise is gone then you know where to look.As for the ticking from head area could be a noisey hydraulic tappet,might settle down after a few more miles. Hope that helps

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I had a ticking noise on my VR when I first got it and it turned out to be a loose spark plug. I tightened it up and the ticking went.

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I had this on my VR after the chains had been off, the top chain tensioner bolt hadn't been bled down before fitting and was over tightening the chain. It wasn't so much a whine though, more of a scream. Sounds unlikely because there is no way you'd drive it making that noise, may be worth a check though.


PAS pumps can whine when cold if they are on the way out.

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Check the serpentine belt tensioner. Wind an M8 bolt into the threaded hole to release the spring tension, then undo 3 machine screws to take off the assembly (much easier if you take out the air box first). Give the pulley a spin and check for easy, slack-free running. The bearing is prone to failure, and that can be replaced.


If you had the work done for you, throw it back to the mechanic and say that the noises are new since the work was done. Chains don't whine like over-tight toothed belts. There is no adjustment on either of the chain tensioners; the lower one is spring loaded on a ratchet arrangement, the other (upper) is hydraulic with a helper spring to take up the slack before oil pressure builds up.


There may be a worn hydralic tappet making the ticking noise; were the tappets replaced when the head was off? Or the exhaust manifold gasket might be blowing on one or more ports; that can make a ticking noise as well.


Best wishes



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Try spraying some wd40 on the aux belt. If the noise goes away for a few mins them that's your culprit. If it is then it's very simple to replace. It was one of the first things i gaff to do on mine and it certainly whined.

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Hi and thanks to eveyone that s replied

I've been out and had another listen with my head under the bonnet-the whining only appears when the engine is revved, on tickover there's nothing but as soon as you rev it even slightly it can be heard- i tried the Wd40 on the belt but no difference so I think it will have to go back to the garage for them to rectify

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