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Photo Opinions Please!

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Im hoping you lovely people can help settle an argument between Me & Mrs Meth.


All I need you to do, is take a look at the attached photo, and give your honest opinions :) Ie: Is it a cheeky little photo from a very different angle than the normal shots, or does it simply look like its been crashed into a wall & abandoned?


1) Quirky yet Cool!




2) Ditched




Thankyou for your time!



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Looks ditched to me..cant be good for the paint work if the branches start to sway in the wind.

Edited by VWVW

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Ditched. Totally ditched. I don't get what's quirky and cool about parking a car in a hedge.

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If the tree branches haven't fallen in heavy winds etc then I'd say it looks dumped. The wheels are straight even though the car is at an angle so I'm going say its been ditched. Have you reported it to the police to see if its been reported stolen?

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