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ebay seller warning

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ok guys


I doing this post here and on as many forums possible to warm and future buyers who may trade with this guy.


Ok my story :-


As you all may know ive been working on my car specially the engine department and i started to hand polished my own inlet but kind of got bored tired of doing it so i spotted a few polished inlet on ebay so one day decided to bid for one, which i one.


As youll see the inlet was advertised as a "polished 16v golf/corrado manifold" and in the picture it looked good. Emailed the guy a few times and seem all good and it was also "assembled".


Anyway my cheque gone and about two week later i get the inlet in the post all happy and over the moon i start to unwrap it to find to my suprise the biggest pile of crap every.


As youll see its a half polished inlet and even the polished side has bad pitting, compound residue and looks like nothing described. It also has two very bad scratches on two inlet pipes whcih could have not been done from the postage as packaging was fine and there was a bracket over it so that would have been damaged. Also "fully assembled" just meant bolted together with no gasket and one bolt missing.


Anyway I emailed the guy in gerades to my disappointment and to ask him what he would offer in return for this and all he could offer was the postage of £13 which I found insulting and not what I was lookign for. I feel i paid way to much for this inlet and it was false advertised and at no point during our comunication did he ever mention the full condition of the inlet


I wouldnt have minded if this is what I had been told in the first place as I would know what im getting into but I couldnt believe anyone could do this. So at the moment I am taking if through the proper channels as "fraud/not complete/accurate description and false sale"


here are the links


the auction :-


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 2468117707


what the actualy inlet looks like in the "ebay joker" folder




If need be i will post his details (email address and name) as i have nothing to hide.


So guys if you have any trading with this person please be carefull


Best rgds

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sorry to hear it mate....


..I think he may have used flash photography/bright lighting to cover up the imperfections in the contrast...

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p.s this is not a post to discuse my situation with this person just a warning to others and someone seems to have got upset already that ive posted this on another forum. Thank you

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bluekev16vgolf - I've seen this name before, I think this guy has several ebay names and even makes tranactions between them to build up feedback then screws people over... look at his feedback and see who else he has sold to - some of these are no longer registered users because they (or him) have been banned.


I like eBay but its a shame these pr1cks have to ruin the experience for other genuine traders :mad:

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its a sign mate....get some throttle bodies :shock:


lol could do but i think my setup will sound better lol


Also supercharged ill have to look into that as i never noticed that

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I have heard a few similar stories about ebay. I bought a set of braces (chorme ones) for my Golf. When they arrived that were only painted silver and the work carrried out on them was shit. And too top it off, when I went too fit them they didnt go anywhere near my car. I mailed the guy back but never got a reply.


I just put it down too bad experience but your right, you paied a fair few quid for the manifold and you should chase thus guy up and get him banned from ebay or whatever. As for him haveing multiple names on ebay too bump up his auctions thats just nasty. Ebay should ban him for sure.


As for ebays customer care bull. From what I hear they dont really give a toss and are not very helpful.

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What a knob jockey,


Ebay I think is a very dangerous place, its so open wide and is possible the most corrupt sight around. Im sorry to here what has happened to you m8 I hope you get it sorted without to much hassle. You should get him banned from ebay :p .



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Not nice, its not right that people abuse your genuine trust, get him banned from e-bay and let everyone know his details, i was just looking at exactly the same thing on e-bay yesterday, im glad ive looked on the forum today, i will stay well clear, thanks for the warning

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