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Im tired now :( ....

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Someone just smashed in the back of me today :x on a dual carrigeway. This guy with an 1970 bmw which was doing about 110 on a dual carrigeway, traffic slowed down and all i see is a fast moving brick on my mirror locking up tires in smoke. I was doing about 5mph and as soon as i see that i try and boot it so he misses me but i couldnt get away fast, he ramed into my rear slam pannel and rear bumper luckuly my rear glass didnt brake from the impact, i have some knee and back injuries nothing major. My point is why someone would do such silly speeds at rush hour on a dual carrigeway with a 40mph limit. This means my car wont be ready for inters :cry: . If i didnt move forward i think the car would have been written off, i guess i was lucky in some way.



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Because he drives a BMW Migs.. they have a reputation to live up to!! :mad:


I'm really sorry to hear about that mate, but at least you know its totally his fault for this.. you could also pursue a medical claim depending on the severity of your injuries, and really take him to the cleaners.


Repairing a Corrado won't be cheap as it is!!

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Really sorry to hear that - I hope his car is completely f'ked! I say take him for everything he has - I'm getting more and more fed up with stupid f'kin drivers riskin not only their lives but everyone elses. (have just dealt with the A3 out of london in the rain in rush hour so am very pi$$ed off with bad drivers in general)

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Sorry to hear mate.


As Jims16V already said, go for a medical claim as well (I did following my being rear-ended with my Mk1 Rocco 1.5 years ago, couldn't play squash for a year, couldn't mess around with my cars etc. got £1200 out of the opponent's insurance).


Good luck, as it isn't easy dealing with insurances, especially as most of their so-called engineers (never even been to a university, how the heck can they call themselves engineers?) or assessors (idiots more like), don't see the special value of a Rado or Rocco for that matter :cry:



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migs mate..unlucky. go for everything you can...and hopefully you can keep the car in the long run then!

did you have your hazards on? :?

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Whats a TW*T

sorry to hear about it mate, if its any consolation mate, theres a 2.0 16 going on this forum with front end damage, same colour as urs.

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What a complete n0bhead going that fast, hope they throw the book at him. :x Sorry to hear bout your rado but it's good that you're ok but like others have said, it could have been a lot worse so make sure you get as much out of him as is possible, as there is also bound to have been plenty of witnesses to back you up. I did this four years ago when the police T-boned my rocco GTX, both myself and passenger claimed for our personal injuries getting over £1500 each (plus £1800 for the rocco) so it's well worth it. Good luck :wink:

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Migs hope you are ok


Tempest, £1200 isnt a lot for 1 year worh of your spare time, are you not able to go back to your solicitor to have that increased?

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£1200 isnt a lot for 1 year worh of your spare time, are you not able to go back to your solicitor to have that increased?


Erm, not really, as I already found it hard to get that amount. I also tried to claim back flight costs to Germany to get a rear panel, but they're not budging on that one. Besides, the solicitor is through my own car insurance, as I can't afford having to pay for one myself, or possibly realise that I won't be able to recover the cost form the opponent. Admittedly I'm still pretty new to dealing with UK insurances, as in Germany it's a lot easier. You're covered against solicitor costs, and hence you send in your solicitor guns ablazing and your own assessor to get as much out of the opponent as possible, whereas here, you seem to constantly have to fight your own insurance (who send in their assessor :( whose role is to drive down the estimated repair cost :x ), even though it's not your own fault :mad:


But I'm open to suggestions for the next unforunate event, on how to sting these bast***d insurance people ...



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speak to one of those injury claim specialists.....never dealt with one...but I am sure they will tell you if you have a case.


It was bad enough for me in my golf trying to convince the insurance that it was not a run of the mill golf....but at least parts are readilly available here.....the mk1 rocco must have been a nightmare.


whereas here, you seem to constantly have to fight your own insurance (who send in their assessor whose role is to drive down the estimated repair cost ),


Have never thought of it that way.....funny as hell.....but like LOADS of brittish systems....totally stupid :mad:

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Fair enough if you have an authentic injury, but for gods sake, don't just do it for the sake of it!!!


Who's pocket do you think it comes out of? :roll:

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Fair enough if you have an authentic injury, but for gods sake, don't just do it for the sake of it!!!


Who's pocket do you think it comes out of? :roll:


There are obviously many dishonest people out there but I'd like to think of members of this particular forum as pretty honest :wink:


Besides in personal injury claims you should have medical evidence supplied by an independant doctor to be able to verify and back up your claim and, depending on the severity of the injury(s), further treatment ie physiotherapy, as I had.


Yes we all pay the price unfortunately but if people drive like the t!t in the BMW did then the outcome could be a lot worse for someone on the receiving end, rather than just an increase in their insurance premium.


My 2p :wink:

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Thanks for the good words guys. First im happy that nothing serious happened to me or anybody else during the accident. The car will get fixed again better than it was but you know its the time and effort that iv spent on it which makes me really pissed. I wasnt stationary when he hit me, i must have been around 5mph than as soon as i see him coming fast and smoking the tires i booted the car to around 20mph, i had no time to flash the hazzards because i was already traveling slow and there was no cars behind me which i could see untill the last moment. My back feels better now but my knee is badly buised so is my knee cap. Will have to wait and see what the insurance says and see how i feel, now i cant bend or get down on my knees which stops me from doing any kind of work, i walk around with a limp now :lol: it aint funny but hey this is life.





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5hit mate! So sorry to here that. I know how it feels to have someone go straight up the back of your motor. Main thing is your ok. When it happen to me, the guy didn't have insurance!! Those few days after the accident were probably in my life's top 3 most stressful moments (surprised I didn't go grey!)! The fu(ker drove off cos he thought (and was right to think it) I was going to knock 10 bags of 5hite out of him. Lucky for me I found out who he was & made him take out a loan.


It's heart breaking to look at the car when it's like that. When you think how much time & money you put in to it, just for some 9rick to go & do that, it make you wonder why you bother!! Hope it all gets sorted out quickly.

Best of luck



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Really sorry to hear that, jeez mate hope you wacked him right in the tush..... BMW drivers tank wealding t**t's. ive had that befor and all you can do is hang on and watch the rear virw mirror as smoke bellows out and crash... t***er... in a 40mph in rush hour get him screwed :p

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Who's pocket do you think it comes out of?


Whilst you're right on that statement, it's not right if you've taken out special insurance with agreed valuation (which normal mortals with normal shopping trolley cars, i.e. 90% of the population, wouldn't do, but then again, they wouldn't need to) to cover your baby, to then have some pr*ck assessor come out and make statements like "The repair on the rear bumper is no different than on a Ford Mondeo", the bumper being a customised Rieger item, the rear panel no longer made!! Says a lot about these assessors :mad:


Do get a medical checkup, Migs, as far as your knee is concerned. What if you will get problems years down the line, as a result of this accident, and you haven't been to a doctor now, no insurance is going to pay then. That's why I immediately went to see all sorts of doctors following my rear-ender. Just a tip ...


It's an all-traumatising experience, and the opponent usually doesn't even realise it, "It's just a car, innit, mate?" :mad:



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MIGS!! That is so crap man!! You've already had your fair share of bad luck with the car, this sucks.


Hope you get your money back mate.

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