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Car prices in the USA!

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I don't know if its just the crazy exchange rate or something, but I can't believe what I have just been reading on some American forums.. the price difference for some of the cars we regard as 'well above average' is actually quite shocking.


A bunch of them were talking about the new 350Z or the Impreza WRX cars costing them around $24,000 - and I am not talking about bottom of the range models with steel wheels or anything - I mean good, well specced examples.


In contrast, my neighbour paid about £26,000 for his 350Z - that works out as $46,000!!! So as it is, cars are basically costing Americans half the price we pay for a new car.


What do you say to that! What is going on that makes a car cost double the amount in this country than it does in the USA?!

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its because we dont like you people....






im just playing with you...it may be because a lot of the cars are manufactured here/canada/mexico... it might be the shipping overseas thing or something. really i dont know. i would not listen to me...heh. but you guys get the better models than we do over here. so i think it works out. we lose 50-100hp and you pay double for it.

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We're all too greedy in the UK......want, want, want......more, more, more........ :p


of course it's just my opinion.

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Hm.. i'd love to know what you base that opinion on.


I've never really considered us to be a greedy country as a whole - my original post about car prices I suppose is that i'm just fed up of getting ripped off in this country, and stuff like that just continues to prove it.

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We're all too greedy in the UK......want, want, want......more, more, more........ :p


of course it's just my opinion.


I think that's just man kind in general, not just the uk.


But our Taxes do stink! especially on fuel!!

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Jim, don't really want to get in to a debate over this, If someone has the opportunity to rip you off then that's exactley what they will do, I just seem to see it alot and it's not just the government. Someone mentioned the other day they had paid £1.20 for a cup of bog standard coffee, so I starts thinking what the ingredients cost etc, came to probably less than 20p......what a mark-up that is!!!


Or am I being tight? :?

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I'm not looking for a debate Dave - in fact I totally agree with you. I just wanted to clear up what you meant :)


I feel the same about this kind of thing when you, for example, go to car shows - as the caterers there know that they are the only people who can supply cans of pop or bacon batches, you have no choice but pay their insane prices. Malvern show people wanted £2.60 for a bacon batch!! I can get an eight item fry up with two pieces of toast and a cup of tea for that where I work!! :)


Definately not being tight. Unless i'm just tight as well :D

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For a minute Jim, I thought we only had the Corrado in common :)


Glad you agree :)


Cheers mate.

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lets face it though - the US is better for petrol heads. They get cheeper cars prices, cheeper fuel, long open roads and can start driving younger than us... hell I'd go if it wasn't for all the red necks :lol:

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lets face it though - the US is better for petrol heads. They get cheeper cars prices, cheeper fuel, long open roads and can start driving younger than us... hell I'd go if it wasn't for all the red necks


but the yanks have a speed limit of 50-60 mph on their main highways!!!! i drove a ford F350 over there last year....this truck was enormous and wanted to rip my arm off......but i had to stick to 60mph cause there are cops everywhere. :mad:


i wouldnt live there if you paid me!

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but the yanks have a speed limit of 50-60 mph




Germany anyone? No speed limits on the motorways, drove there last Xmas, loooovely !!!

But then again: rising unemployment rates, Siemens kicking out 3000-4000 employees, rising prices (including fuel :mad: ), car theft on the rise, all going to former Eastern European countries, harsh MOT-rules, stupid tax system (well, for non-catted Rados :) ), ... then again, most things are still cheaper over there, cups of tea, petrol ...



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But the funny thing is, Americans seem to think we have it better for motoring over here because we can get crazy spec imported Japanese cars and stuff which their emissions laws don't permit them to do.


Its all well and good, but after insurance and the petrol prices, no-one can afford to drive em here!!


Oh, and i'll defend Germany.. its a very nice place to live! And I was born there (Berlin in fact!) so :p :) :)

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I'm not looking for a debate Dave - in fact I totally agree with you. I just wanted to clear up what you meant :)


I feel the same about this kind of thing when you, for example, go to car shows - as the caterers there know that they are the only people who can supply cans of pop or bacon batches, you have no choice but pay their insane prices. Malvern show people wanted £2.60 for a bacon batch!! I can get an eight item fry up with two pieces of toast and a cup of tea for that where I work!! :)


Definately not being tight. Unless i'm just tight as well :D



well to be honest jim.......most places actually charge the caterers for their pitch so they bump up their price to try and offset this.......ok they still make quite a huge profit but at the same time they still have to fork out quite an unreasonable sum to make it

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Oh, and i'll defend Germany.. its a very nice place to live! And I was born there (Berlin in fact!) so


Ja, lasst mir bloss den Jim in Ruhe, sonst gibt's einen auf die Rübe :lol: . Oops, sorry, wrong forum or language. Anyway, Jim, translation, please :D


Other than that, I think it's once again a typical case of "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence", there is no perfect country on this planet. Anyone tried some other planets yet? :lol:



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it might be the shipping overseas thing or something


I live a mile away from the Cowley Works where they make the new mini, you can buy them cheaper anywhere else except Oxford, really doesn't make sense

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Eric - babelfish's translation of what you just said in German is pretty funny, in a 'that makes NO sense' kind of way :)

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lets face it though - the US is better for petrol heads. They get cheeper cars prices, cheeper fuel, long open roads and can start driving younger than us... hell I'd go if it wasn't for all the red necks


ok, come on now... the high red neck population is mostly in the center and southern states. california...now this place has awesome roads, as for the high emissions for california, there are plenty of ways to get past it. i have to find a shop to "pass" my car as soon as its running. $300 and its done. i dont even have to bring my car in to do it. get yourself a radar detector and you are almost unstopable. =] gas prices here are a bit higher than normal, its up to $2.25 a gallon here as of today. anyways, sorry you guys get the shaft on so much stuff. any of you are wlecome to come stay with me for a few days to come try out the US. =]

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Yeah, its actually about $5.90 a gallon here... based out as my Corrado has a 15 gallon tank and it costs about £50 to fill it up.



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