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Corrado Forum Funding (forum fund)

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Hi All


As you know Andi is the forum administrator and is paying and running the forum from his own web server.


Andi is presently out of pocket. So i am asking everyone that uses this forum to donate via paypal or what ever means they can.


Please speak to Andi for details on what he needs.


If like me you have (had) a paypal account with a few dollers/pounds/euros in there, please send some to the forum fund.


If you do not have a paypal account you can get one, and please say that it was Andi that referred you. (I think there is a bonus system in place)


Follow the Link below to paypal or use the following address to send funds too.


mailto:[email protected], or you can use this link


With nealy 300 members i'm sure you all could send about £5/€$7.50 every once in a while.


Another way you can support the forum is sell some advertising. Andi and the moderators will be happy to hear your ideas on this front.


Thanks to all.


https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business= ... =GBP&lc=GB[/url]

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Yep - agree with you Nigel.....


Being a donator to the Corrado forum, I think that people should (within their means) donate if/where they can.


Okay, so the biggest resource is Andi's time but that's still got to be worth people giving a little where they can.


Andi ;) how about that admin job? ;)

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i think all us scottish owners/users should be exempt from this "stealth" "C" tax :lol: LOL



nah seriously i'll easy donate a fiver!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have no problem sending some loot for the best C site i have found so far even if it's not even on this side of the pond. Just need an address to send it too cause i don't have paypal(little argument with them). :D

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Thank you Chris (endor71) :)

Donator's will have the pride of 5-star ranking on the site, so its definately worth it!


Tom: maybe when you are less drunk every evening... :lol:

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Sorted you out mate - will send a little more when get paid *;)


Keep up the good work!



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Tom: maybe when you are less drunk every evening... :lol:




hehe ;)

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Good to see Dubcharged, AKA SNS giving something back excellent guys nice example to set!!

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so i must be a donator know then!!!? worth every penny mate! cheers for your i.t help yesturday!!

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My pleasure! :D


Although I am already giving loads back to the G60 owners by helping them achieve a higher level of accelerating bliss :D :lol:

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To Everyone


Thanks, setting an example to all,


Keeping the Corrado Alive and the Forum allowing us to share our passion and knowledge, saving us big money time after time.

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Well worth a fiver every now and again! I think I may have just done it twice though (*&^%$ computers). :agrue: :lol:

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Only received once, m8 - so don't worry.

Thanks :D

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I think I'm already down as a donator for helping you out with your suspension andi but what the hell here's a fiver anyway for the best corrado forum this side of the universe :D

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Andi, So what do the donations total so far?


im sure some people have forgot to donate too! :shock: :D

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cha ching!!

(Hope that worked.)

Anyway, keep up the good work Andi!

:D :salute: :thumbleft:

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Just a quick mention for new members that may not of read this thread.


The forum is a free service but dones need funding to maintain its high standard of service


This can done to the forum using the links on the protal page or Post one of this thread. JUMP TO THIS POST HERE


Donators Get a 5 star rating for their efforts!!


An even better way to show your support is to buy some stickers for your Corrado Windows

You can do this here thanks to Tom aka VR6

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Made the donation to keep the best corrado site in action :lol:

keep up the hard works folks :D


Not got me 5 stars yet though :(

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