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Elsecar Mega Meet + Rallye Golf Show 2013

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Indoor/Outdoor Event

Free Show & Shine (Limited Space with 1st Come 1st Served)

Please contact for Club Plots/Trade Stands/More info


Cheers Simon

Tel : 07941132681

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  nrc said:
Hoping the rain holds off this year!


Is that just for you and Jud ?? !!!! :D (Although havn't you broken one recently ?? !!:D )

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  KIPVW said:
CCGB Stand Simon please? 6 cars ok?




Stick me down for a spot please kippy

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I'm in, will join in for the pre show indian too. Hope not to break down this year!!

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Hi Mate, add yourself to the list over on the club site please. Ta!



Must come over and sort you some spondoolies soon ;)

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Looking forward to this next week & really hoping weather improves a bit. Just discovered some of it is inside ? Is the CCGB stand inside & how much is outside ?

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Ill be along to this but ill be parked in the normal car park , hope the weather sorts its self out , last year was terrible but the year before that was amazing weather it was boiling

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The Clubstand is outside but if you are entering the show & Shine and get there early enough you will get your car indoors but it will have to stay there till the show ends so not sure you'd want to do that with the journey you have back Daren.

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Does anyone know what time the show opens.


It says 10am on the Elsecar Heritage site, but have been told it opens at 9am.


Any one know?

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  KIPVW said:
The Clubstand is outside but if you are entering the show & Shine and get there early enough you will get your car indoors but it will have to stay there till the show ends so not sure you'd want to do that with the journey you have back Daren.


hI Paul, my lad has entered his Golf in the show and shine, he found out on Sunday night by seeing photo's of cars on facebook etc that cars were already inside at 9pm he had to rush his down there to get a place inside ,nearly missed out.

I'll pop down after work today, I'll come down in my raddo, let you have a look at it if you have time.

Cheers Ray.

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After a good social part of the weekend thanks to Paul and Judith´s excellent hospitality, fun and good food at the local Indian, few bevvies later, it was time on Monday morning to after having fed the troops trott over to the Elsecar Megameet.


Must be a sign of my on-going ageing process or whatever, but just couldn´t get interested in most of the attending cars other than our own Rados and Mk1 Golfs and the one and only Mk2 Rocco. The newer VAG stuff just does not appeal to me at all.


Trends? After UD Elsecar normally gives a direction at what to expect during the rest of the season: More stickers galore in windscreens, windows, bumpers, grill inserts; more airride, more flowery things hanging from the rear view mirror, use of allo wheels form all sorts of makes of ar attached to a Veedub, the most abused one being D90s (I say abused, because I would of course say this, the only car worthy of having D90s is the original D90-car, the 928 :lol:), more Porsche tombstone seats, and the new trend was rediculous upward pointy exhaust pipes, and I do mean pointing up at least half a metre (I know this is all the rage in Japan, crazy, but here in Blighty?)


Anyway, let the pics speak, well, the ones I´ve found interesting to take anyway :):




















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Nice shots Eric. Looks a bit parky but at least not far to the coffee shop! Love that Scirocco!

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It was absolutely baltic, Vorn! Couldn't wait to get back in the car and go home!! :)


Great weekend though and nice to see the usual faces and have an enjoyable curry - sorry for being the plague bearer and hope none of you lot get my lurgy!

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Good photos.


Can't believe the field wasnt open to park the rado....grrr!!!!


Got 37mpg on the way home to manchester in the rado as well, happy days!!!


Nice to meet a few new members

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