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At vw or tps parts price ? sorry its gsf for me !

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Not for the rado but for my transporter . I thought the pas pump was on its way out or one of the pipes as its loosing fluid and its a pig to drive . Phoned tps, they want [with discount] £243.34 for the pump , £244.48 for the hoses !. I then went down to see my mechanic who does the things i cant do , he said the good news is its not the pump or the hoses , the bad news is its the rack and thats even more expensive , back on the blower to tps and it came in at £610.00 !!.whats it made from platinum ? phoned gsf and they want £175.00 , sorry but being self employed and work being as it is atm i cannot spend that sort of dough on my van . That price is as long as they have the old rack , a reconditioned part will last me a fair amount of time i would have thought ?

Edited by robrado974

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I would have thought it would be fine. I know what you mean about pricing though, I always get prices from the Dealer, TPS, and GSF/ECP/CP4L, and if there isn't too much in it, I will get genuine. When it costs this much, and there is such a difference though, I'd not hesitate to use GSF. They are a big company at the end of the day, therefore will have the resources to re-supply (and pay for fitting) should it go within the warranty period that usually matches VWs own anyway.

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We use power racks direct and they are recon, we must have fitted about a thousand mondeo racks and never had one back that I know of.


Obviously a thousand is a massive exageration but you get the idea :)

Edited by lewvw

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GSF parts come with at least a year's warranty and I've found they're usually less than 40% of VW OEM. Often from the same manufacturers too!



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